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Uncle Joe
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29-05-2018, 02:29 PM

Didn't he do welll!!!

I never used to like Richard Madeley, but I'm beginning to warm to him after he cut a Cabinet Minister's interview short for failing to answer a straight question!!!
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29-05-2018, 03:31 PM

Re: Didn't he do welll!!!

A step forward.

So the likes of leftie scum interviewed on tele like Abbout and Corbyn and others lefties like you will hopefuly receive the same treatmemt

Sorry spell checker not working aagain
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29-05-2018, 04:27 PM

Re: Didn't he do welll!!!

Makes you wonder how long 'Two Jags' Prescott would have lasted. He never answered a question in the whole of his political career.
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29-05-2018, 04:36 PM

Re: Didn't he do welll!!!


Let's take a look at Piers Morgan interviewing the hapless Looney Labour Diane Abbott about immigration and the windrush scandal. He has one very simple question to ask her.

What will Labour do with the 1m or so immigrants who are here illegally, keep them or send them home.

It's a really simple question.

Watch how the useless Abbott continually and embarrassingly evades as best she can. This IS Looney Labour wishy-washy incompetence in full flow
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29-05-2018, 04:43 PM

Re: Didn't he do welll!!!

Originally Posted by Realist ->

Let's take a look at Piers Morgan interviewing the hapless Looney Labour Diane Abbott about immigration and the windrush scandal. He has one very simple question to ask her.

What will Labour do with the 1m or so immigrants who are here illegally, keep them or send them home.

It's a really simple question.

Watch how the useless Abbott continually and embarrassingly evades as best she can. This IS Looney Labour wishy-washy incompetence in full flow
Sorry Realist. I can't watch the video as I have just eaten.

.................................................. ............

Richard (the man with a boy's haircut) Madeley is standing in for old whatshisname so a bit of planned controversy might pull in some veiwers (well the gullible ones at least).
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29-05-2018, 04:56 PM

Re: Didn't he do welll!!!

Originally Posted by Realist ->

Let's take a look at Piers Morgan interviewing the hapless Looney Labour Diane Abbott about immigration and the windrush scandal. He has one very simple question to ask her.

What will Labour do with the 1m or so immigrants who are here illegally, keep them or send them home.

It's a really simple question.

Watch how the useless Abbott continually and embarrassingly evades as best she can. This IS Looney Labour wishy-washy incompetence in full flow
This one is even better with a Leftie not able to answer a basic question.

Think UJ would crawl back by saying "That's not Fair"
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29-05-2018, 05:05 PM

Re: Didn't he do welll!!!

Originally Posted by galty ->
This one is even better with a Leftie not able to answer a basic question.

Think UJ would crawl back by saying "That's not Fair"
Michael Portillo's silence through the majority of that interview says it all. It said more than all of Abbotts's ramblings put together.

What a racist fool she is.

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