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17-03-2012, 08:10 AM

Same old Labour

Once again we see the stupidity of Labour
They will pay companies to employ people, where will they get the money, oh! I forgot, they borrow money that the country can not afford.

I know they say it will be funded by a banks bonus tax but do they really think the banks will just sit there and let them

The banks will stop paying bonuses and find another way to give incentives to their employees that will not be taxed.

Miliband you and Labour are so money superstupid.
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17-03-2012, 09:39 AM

Re: Same old Labour

It would seem that you didn't read the whole of the article Bob since you would have seen that your Tory cronies are doing the same thing, therefore your criticism of Milliband, (don't get me wrong I'm no apologist for Milliband or the Labour Party either) can be equally levelled at the Tory Government.

Meanwhile the coalition's £1bn Youth Contract, launched by Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg, will provide £2,275 to employers to take on a total of 160,000 18- to 24-year-olds for six months.
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18-03-2012, 08:25 AM

Re: Same old Labour

The coalitions offer of £2275, which I dont think the country can afford, is half of what Labour are offering £4000.

Labour are full of ideas of granduer anything that will get their name mentioned, even when they know it is impossible to offer things which are not sustainable.
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18-03-2012, 09:39 AM

Re: Same old Labour

Labour are full of ideas of granduer anything that will get their name mentioned, even when they know it is impossible to offer things which are not sustainable.

And aren't Cameron and Clegg doing exactly the same thing with their own scheme??? - Isn't their scheme just as unsustainable and incompetent and because of that the unemployed are being used as a political football???
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18-03-2012, 10:28 AM

Re: Same old Labour

Politicians are always looking for the headline grabbing statements because they know the masses are incapable of thinking beyond the sound bite.

The fact is that employers are reluctant to take on school leavers because of their attitude, they have spent 18 years being molicodled, parents indulging their every wish, school teachers who daren't even raise their voices in class, a judicial system which is manned by people who know that their decisions will not effect them so just pass out wrist slapping sentances. Then bang, they are faced with an employer who actually wants them to WORK, to get their hands dirty, to go out in the RAIN, and who can stand getting read the riot act when they foul up.

So, when a big company like Pret a Manger is recruiting they take on youngsters from Europe some of their establishments have 100% 'foreign' workers, just ask yourself, no matter how much the government pays them (Out of tax payers cash) do you think they are going to take on a British 18 to 24 year old who has been out of work for a year, no matter what the subsidy the 'damage' to a companies reputation from just one British teenager with 'attitude' is far more than a paltry few thousand from either the Coilition or New Labour.

I'm sorry fellas, but you can't have thirty years of ever declining standards in the home, in the schools, in the media, and expect it to be put right with a 'bribe' of a few thousand pounds to employers.

In some parts of Europe school kids still have to walk two or three miles to school, with snow up to their waist, leave home at 6am and when they get to school discipline is strict and when they get home they still have to do the household chores, help feed the chickens, walk a mile or two to the shops, clean and wash up while Mum and Dad are working, this is what creates character and makes them so wanted by employers.

Of course there are still 18 year olds with talent, education, and determination out there, but they are so rare they get snapped up by employers straight away, the rest go on the dole and get so pampered they never need to look for a job again.
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08-04-2012, 11:17 PM

Re: Same old Labour

I was a labour voter, but still a current trade union member. but the decision to give agency workers the same rights as full time employee's is a really bad move! now agency workers at the warehouse where I work are paid off after 12 weeks emplyment. DHL promptly terminated the agency employment of workers who had been with us for 2years to save have having to give them employment rights of full time workers. not a good move for anyone......Labour or conservative I don't which is the working mans party anymore - Do you!
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09-04-2012, 08:01 AM

Re: Same old Labour

Yes Terry matey, The Communist Party, George Galloway's 'Respect' Party, Arthur Scargill's Socialist Labour Party, OR the 'GREEN' Party. Take your pick.
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09-04-2012, 12:22 PM

Re: Same old Labour


For cry sake take your blinkers off and have a look at the real world!!!

As for recommending the Green Party What a load of frauds they are!
I do not doubt that the earth may be getting slightly warmer but the amount of blame that the greens are putting on human pollution is absolutely ridiculous. If all the machinery, in all the world, was running at full pace all at one time, the pollution results would be infinitesimal compared to just one mediocre volcanic eruption. Global warming and cooling has been happening naturally for billions of years and for man to think that he is causing it is stupid in the extreme.
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09-04-2012, 02:37 PM

Re: Same old Labour

Bear Baiting Again Boys?........sigh

Losos..I totally agree, most of todays Young ones are a real pain and think everyone should pander to them. I'm was and still am a great beliver in proper discipline. I got it, my kids got it and I despair at todays lack of it.
One of my Sisters was a Teacher in a School in Dundee, she hated it, some of the kids were out of Control and so rude....because they could be. Joyce left and changed her job...from Physics to general Primary, she felt annoyed, sad, and a Failure. But I know she's a darn good Teacher, she went to Aucherdarder School and loved it, the Kids there are totally different.
Uncle Joe
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09-04-2012, 04:49 PM

Re: Same old Labour

Originally Posted by derek davies ->

For cry sake take your blinkers off and have a look at the real world!!!

As for recommending the Green Party What a load of frauds they are!
I do not doubt that the earth may be getting slightly warmer but the amount of blame that the greens are putting on human pollution is absolutely ridiculous. If all the machinery, in all the world, was running at full pace all at one time, the pollution results would be infinitesimal compared to just one mediocre volcanic eruption. Global warming and cooling has been happening naturally for billions of years and for man to think that he is causing it is stupid in the extreme.
Derek matey, as it happens I live in the constituency of the only (as yet) 'Green' Party MP - Dr Caroline Lucas who I happen to know personally and whose policies I have a lot in common with and agree, notwithstanding I used to be a card carrying member of the Communist Party.
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