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16-06-2020, 03:10 PM

Re: EU Confirm End of Transition End if December 2020

Originally Posted by Percy Vere ->
An excellent piece of work Bread
I could definitely NOT say better myself Bread???
Im really looking forward to the rest of this year!!!
Pity about the 4wasted years though??

Donkeyman! 👍😁😁👍
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16-06-2020, 03:16 PM

Re: EU Confirm End of Transition End if December 2020

Originally Posted by Solasch ->
Of course your statement scared the stront out of me, so I looked on the net for information. The only article I could find was this:

Record number of companies wants to go to the Netherlands due to Brexit

Never before have so many companies decided to settle in the Netherlands as last year. In 2019, 397 international companies chose the Netherlands. Of these, 78 companies did so because of Brexit. That is also a record, reports the Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency (NFIA).

So it must be as 7779311 stated elsewhere, you have secret sources of information.

Your story about von der leyen I leave for what it is, your hatefull opinion of a woman outside your league.

Lots of companies have been threatening to leave the UK but only a few have. Look at the companies that have made decisions to move (to name a few), Unilever (UK), Nissan (UK), Chanel (UK), BMW Mini (UK), Bloomberg (UK) plus the threats of the banks such as Deutsche Bank, who ended up apologising for their remarks about them leaving the UK and 10's of thousands of jobs being lost here.

It's all crap ... even when there was the scaremongering about banks leaving, they never did. Only a handful relocated staff into the EU 27 to meet passporting requirements. They establish small offices and Frankfurt, the new centre for finance (the new promised land for finance) has been left empty with hardly anyone there. Don't forget, passports works both ways so your banks are doing the same, moving a handful of people over here if they don't have a presence here already (which is only a few). Passporting works all over the world in case you didn't know.

At one point in 2018 the UK was seeing the highest level of foreign investment in the world - higher even than China, India and all the EU added together. Our unemployment figures were so good just before the COVID-19 crisis we could claim for the first time in about 70 years full employment in the UK. Look at unemployment in the EU, particularly in the Eurozone its been at around 15% in some countries like Spain.

Project fear is dead in the water - it has been for a long time, it's just that EU fanatics can never see the reality of what is actually happening. Instead they keep burying their heads in the sand, clinging on to rhetorical nonesense by people that haven't got a clue how the world works.

As for Ursula von der Leyen, she already a dead man (woman) walking. She was the most unpopular minister in Germany and now the most unpopular in the EU. I'll give her 6 months before Merkel takes her crown and then you see the completion of the EU Project with Germany ruling the 27 in every area that they can. It's almost there now and in the meantime, the UK claims back its sovereignty, its laws, its rules, its money and its borders, leaving behind 26 puppets with all of them having their strings pulled by unelected people nobody has ever heard of, kissing the ass of your German rulers.

Von der Leyen got her job by the skin of her teeth. She only got a 52% majority and looking at her ideas for her new "Green Deal" she is set to destroy farming in France (and Italy). As each day goes on, the businesses, farmers, tax payers in the 27 are becoming more and more eurosceptic by the day. It's hardly surprising, Brexit is exposing the elite for what they really are.

Thats why we left.
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16-06-2020, 03:16 PM

Re: EU Confirm End of Transition End if December 2020

Originally Posted by Donkeyman ->
I could definitely NOT say better myself Bread???
Im really looking forward to the rest of this year!!!
Pity about the 4wasted years though??

Donkeyman! 👍😁😁👍
Thanks DM !
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16-06-2020, 03:24 PM

Re: EU Confirm End of Transition End if December 2020

Originally Posted by Bread ->
Lots of companies have been threatening to leave the UK but only a few have. Look at the companies that have made decisions to move (to name a few), Unilever (UK), Nissan (UK), Chanel (UK), BMW Mini (UK), Bloomberg (UK) plus the threats of the banks such as Deutsche Bank, who ended up apologising for their remarks about them leaving the UK and 10's of thousands of jobs being lost here.

It's all crap ... even when there was the scaremongering about banks leaving, they never did. Only a handful relocated staff into the EU 27 to meet passporting requirements. They establish small offices and Frankfurt, the new centre for finance (the new promised land for finance) has been left empty with hardly anyone there. Don't forget, passports works both ways so your banks are doing the same, moving a handful of people over here if they don't have a presence here already (which is only a few). Passporting works all over the world in case you didn't know.

At one point in 2018 the UK was seeing the highest level of foreign investment in the world - higher even than China, India and all the EU added together. Our unemployment figures were so good just before the COVID-19 crisis we could claim for the first time in about 70 years full employment in the UK. Look at unemployment in the EU, particularly in the Eurozone its been at around 15% in some countries like Spain.

Project fear is dead in the water - it has been for a long time, it's just that EU fanatics can never see the reality of what is actually happening. Instead they keep burying their heads in the sand, clinging on to rhetorical nonesense by people that haven't got a clue how the world works.

As for Ursula von der Leyen, she already a dead man (woman) walking. She was the most unpopular minister in Germany and now the most unpopular in the EU. I'll give her 6 months before Merkel takes her crown and then you see the completion of the EU Project with Germany ruling the 27 in every area that they can. It's almost there now and in the meantime, the UK claims back its sovereignty, its laws, its rules, its money and its borders, leaving behind 26 puppets with all of them having their strings pulled by unelected people nobody has ever heard of, kissing the ass of your German rulers.

Von der Leyen got her job by the skin of her teeth. She only got a 52% majority and looking at her ideas for her new "Green Deal" she is set to destroy farming in France (and Italy). As each day goes on, the businesses, farmers, tax payers in the 27 are becoming more and more eurosceptic by the day. It's hardly surprising, Brexit is exposing the elite for what they really are.

Thats why we left.
That seems a real problem for you. Still explaining and defending why you left. Wake up bread! The rest of the world has moved on.
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16-06-2020, 03:50 PM

Re: EU Confirm End of Transition End if December 2020

Originally Posted by Solasch ->
That seems a real problem for you. Still explaining and defending why you left. Wake up bread! The rest of the world has moved on.
That's the problem, your the one who keeps attacking every post on here about Brexit. You keep issuing threats on behalf of 27 countries (like a self appointed member of the elite) because of the decision we made.

You still don't get it. It's because your not allowed to accept it. It goes against your principles of socialism and federalism and even though you know damn well, the UK is out performing the 27 since Brexit you will do everything you can to convince yourself it isn't true. Your principles mean more to you than the truth.

You need the UK to be punished to justify the power of the elite behind the EU project and for the EU to be validated as a success in all areas of economics, politics, defence, security and law. Day after day, it fails and fails again as the UK goes from strength to strength from the beginnings of Brexit in 2014, the referendum result in 2016 (where we were told our currency would collapse, the economy would collapse, people would be out of work etc etc) to where we are now. Don't be fooled by the COVID-19 crisis - this had nothing to do with Brexit, in fact how economies bounce back will show just how effective they are inside the EU and outside of it. A crisis always needs quick decisions, agile ways of working, efficient trade mechanisms made possible by sovereign majority governments (unlike the sea of coalitions in the 27) to recover quickly. It was evident from the 2008 crisis that the EU would be the last place on earth still trying to get off the floor, bailing its self out over and over in an perpetual cycle of quantitive easing.

Not so for the USA though, or China, or Australia, or Canada, or indeed the UK... The EU has been left way behind in the last 10 years and never moved on from bankrupt nations, high unemployent, wage stagnation, negative interest rates, junk bonds and rescue package after rescue package.

The EU has been exposed all over the world for the failure it has become.
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16-06-2020, 04:07 PM

Re: EU Confirm End of Transition End if December 2020

Originally Posted by Bread ->
That's the problem, your the one who keeps attacking every post on here about Brexit. You keep issuing threats on behalf of 27 countries (like a self appointed member of the elite) because of the decision we made.

You still don't get it. It's because your not allowed to accept it. It goes against your principles of socialism and federalism and even though you know damn well, the UK is out performing the 27 since Brexit you will do everything you can to convince yourself it isn't true. Your principles mean more to you than the truth.

You need the UK to be punished to justify the power of the elite behind the EU project and for the EU to be validated as a success in all areas of economics, politics, defence, security and law. Day after day, it fails and fails again as the UK goes from strength to strength from the beginnings of Brexit in 2014, the referendum result in 2016 (where we were told our currency would collapse, the economy would collapse, people would be out of work etc etc) to where we are now. Don't be fooled by the COVID-19 crisis - this had nothing to do with Brexit, in fact how economies bounce back will show just how effective they are inside the EU and outside of it. A crisis always needs quick decisions, agile ways of working, efficient trade mechanisms made possible by sovereign majority governments (unlike the sea of coalitions in the 27) to recover quickly. It was evident from the 2008 crisis that the EU would be the last place on earth still trying to get off the floor, bailing its self out over and over in an perpetual cycle of quantitive easing.

Not so for the USA though, or China, or Australia, or Canada, or indeed the UK... The EU has been left way behind in the last 10 years and never moved on from bankrupt nations, high unemployent, wage stagnation, negative interest rates, junk bonds and rescue package after rescue package.

The EU has been exposed all over the world for the failure it has become.

Feeling better now? Okay, then move on with the rest of the world.
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16-06-2020, 06:22 PM

Re: EU Confirm End of Transition End if December 2020

Can't say it any plainer than this...
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16-06-2020, 06:54 PM

Re: EU Confirm End of Transition End if December 2020

Originally Posted by Judd ->
Can't say it any plainer than this...
You are right, that is very plain and leaves no room for misinterpretation.
I think the videos title "... Gove warns Brussels..." is not entirely correct, or at least I did not hear a warning. But that is not important.

It is perfectly valid for the UK to say "we cannot accept x or y". Those are their red lines.

Vice versa the EU can say the same and both negotiating parties have to accept that. So eventually this is a dilemma from which in my opinion there is only one reasonable way out.

That way would be to stand up, shake hands, confirm that there are no bad feelings and make clear that an agreement is not possible. If those are red lines then they must not be crossed. So both parties have to honor their mandate and the electorate.

Wouldn't that be a fair and respectful solution?
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16-06-2020, 07:24 PM

Re: EU Confirm End of Transition End if December 2020

Originally Posted by 7779311 ->
You are right, that is very plain and leaves no room for misinterpretation.
I think the videos title "... Gove warns Brussels..." is not entirely correct, or at least I did not hear a warning. But that is not important.

It is perfectly valid for the UK to say "we cannot accept x or y". Those are their red lines.

Vice versa the EU can say the same and both negotiating parties have to accept that. So eventually this is a dilemma from which in my opinion there is only one reasonable way out.

That way would be to stand up, shake hands, confirm that there are no bad feelings and make clear that an agreement is not possible. If those are red lines then they must not be crossed. So both parties have to honor their mandate and the electorate.

Wouldn't that be a fair and respectful solution?
Yes, it would, but apparrently that time has not yet come and we
have to wait till october now as MB moved HIS deadline 3mnths
down the line from next week!!
However we are content to wait now after 4yrs of eu bullying and
3yrs of uk shilly shallying whats another 6 months??

Donkeyman! 😁😁😁
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16-06-2020, 07:25 PM

Re: EU Confirm End of Transition End if December 2020

Originally Posted by 7779311 ->
You are right, that is very plain and leaves no room for misinterpretation.
I think the videos title "... Gove warns Brussels..." is not entirely correct, or at least I did not hear a warning. But that is not important.

It is perfectly valid for the UK to say "we cannot accept x or y". Those are their red lines.

Vice versa the EU can say the same and both negotiating parties have to accept that. So eventually this is a dilemma from which in my opinion there is only one reasonable way out.

That way would be to stand up, shake hands, confirm that there are no bad feelings and make clear that an agreement is not possible. If those are red lines then they must not be crossed. So both parties have to honor their mandate and the electorate.

Wouldn't that be a fair and respectful solution?

The EU mandate is purely political. Its objective was to keep us in the EU and hasn't changed since we left in January.

Our trading legal texts are published on-line for everyone to read. Its a free trade deal with no quotas, with support in defence and intelligence, security etc. 99% of businesses in the EU and the UK would jump at the chance of a deal like that.

However, the EU trade deal is being negotiated by glorified unelected civil servants who don't give a toss about their business or money, all they care about is ideological punishments for countries who dare to leave their "project".

This (to me) is no longer a deal to be made between the EU and the UK, its more of a new mandate that first needs to be given to the EU by EU businesses to stop them falling off a cliff edge. This is damage limitation now for the EU and the only solution available is the one thats been staring them in the face for over a month. The deal from the UK thats on offer but to them,accepting it means its giving in to the UK, the one means defeat for the EU elite and the one that makes the EU elite look weak.

There are thousands if successful businesses in the 27 member states scratching their heads and rubbing their eyes in complete disbelief at whats on offer and whats being ignored by their unelected masters.
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