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24-05-2020, 04:35 PM

Re: Young girl shot dead

Originally Posted by reg ->
5 charged with murder.

Yes I know.

I will repeat the Law on this.

They can charge with Murder but then accept a plea bargain for manslaughter.
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24-05-2020, 09:55 PM

Re: Young girl shot dead

Originally Posted by Muddy ->
A 19 year old girl was shot dead in a drive by shooting in Lancashire .
She was just in the wrong place at the wrong time .

However why did I suspect that the shooters would NOT have the names Tom Dick or Harry ?

Sure enough they have been found and arrested .

Their names have been given out .

Why ?

I hate to say this but the poor girl was a Muslim .

If not I wonder if the police would have been so quick preferring to use the ‘Asian’ euphemism ?

What has the country come too with drive by shootings and ‘ revenge ‘ attacks ?

Where do these criminals get their guns ?

Drive by shootings are common in Pakistan and as Blackburn is practically an outpost of rural Pakistan it seems to follow all its traditional niceties .

This is what happens when we bend over backwards to pander to immigrants form brutal reactionary countries .
It doesn't surprise me.

When the authorities and the police are afraid of addressing the problem through fear of accusation of 'racism', it is only to be expected.

I'm sure this goes on in their own enclaves far more than we are aware of.

The real worry is when it expands to take over our own areas.
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24-05-2020, 09:59 PM

Re: Young girl shot dead

Originally Posted by Twink55 ->
It is a disgrace Muddy and, if they are found guilty, more money will be spent keeping them in Prison. Perhaps we should exile criminals like this & make them live in countries that accept that kind of behaviour.

Mind you, I still think the best way to get rid of people who kill others, is the death penalty!
Yes, for three reasons.
- The deterrent effect, although do-gooders claim that hanging doesn't deter anyone. It would surely deter me!
- Our expense in looking after them for ten years, or whatever the lenient sentence is these days.
- It is exactly what they deserve.
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25-05-2020, 12:38 AM

Re: Young girl shot dead

Originally Posted by JBR ->
Yes, for three reasons.
- The deterrent effect, although do-gooders claim that hanging doesn't deter anyone. It would surely deter me!
- Our expense in looking after them for ten years, or whatever the lenient sentence is these days.
- It is exactly what they deserve.
Yes JBR but you are (presumably ) a law abiding citizen who gives a damn about the feelings, lives and property of your fellow human beings. I am not surprised that the thought of a long prison sentence or execution scares you to..well..death. So it does moi. We have never had to fear those things or get used to the notion that they are not far away. Habitual criminals are more used to the thought they they can and probably eventually will be caught and punished. Even if they don't admit it to each other. It's a risk they take. Muslim radicals and other fanatics don't even fear death. It's what they want. Why make death dealing as easy as they do? Death is something that comes to all of us. It should come naturally. Not be imposed on us - by anybody. JMO
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25-05-2020, 01:06 AM

Re: Young girl shot dead

How do you measure deterrence ?
It’s certainly deters from reoffending ,
In the time of capital punishment burglars would often self police as carrying a gun could lead to to a death sentence .
Death is something that comes to us all but fortunately not all of us are doomed to deaths of terror and pain as are the innocent victims of murderers .
The effects on the families of the victims are also devastating.
It is they who have the life sentence without any form of closure - there is no closure - but what there can be is judicial retribution .
When there is proven heinous crime ie serial killers , child murderers such as Ian Brady where there is no possible doubt of guilt there should be CP .
Fanatics and terrorists should of course be eliminated preferably at source only the truly brainwashed want to die and take innocent people with them . They can never be released .
These murderers are a terrible risk to innocent members of society . It is madness to keep them alive for the rest of their lives .
And whom the Gods would destroy they first make mad .
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25-05-2020, 08:57 AM

Re: Young girl shot dead

There's a lot to be said for something like the American Supermax prisons. Caged like animals but maybe with the means to kill themselves - after a few years. Got to show some humanity I guess.
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25-05-2020, 09:05 AM

Re: Young girl shot dead

We don’t want to go down the road of America really .
Although low grade criminals would be better off picking litter in a sort of modified version of the chain gang or is this classed as community service ?
Murderers are of no value to society at all .
Perhaps we could pay to have them incarcerated in some ghastly African prison . It would get rid of them put the fear of god into most criminals and give some jobs to needy Africans .
Yes its passing the buck but it’s an alternative solution .
It will of course be utterly inhumane with shades of Devils Island .
Proven murderers have taken life from the innocent .
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25-05-2020, 10:45 AM

Re: Young girl shot dead

Originally Posted by keezoy ->
Muslim radicals and other fanatics don't even fear death. It's what they want.
Then there should be no objections from the hand-wringing do-gooders if they are hanged for murder.

Bring it back. It's the only way to reverse the crime culture which has now taken over the country.
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25-05-2020, 11:20 AM

Re: Young girl shot dead

I can never support capital punishment. Many reasons, but one is it's too damn quick, another is that knowing it's a possible sentence makes perps more likely to go to extreme lengths to avoid arrest. There are other reasons that I opposed to capital punishment but those are the biggies for me.

Is it a deterent? I'm not convinced. As for mohhamadans, not in the least. Actually the complete opposite. To be killed fighting for allah's cause is a ticket direct to paradise. And the SOB's actually believe it.
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25-05-2020, 11:23 AM

Re: Young girl shot dead

Originally Posted by JBR ->
Then there should be no objections from the hand-wringing do-gooders if they are hanged for murder.

Bring it back. It's the only way to reverse the crime culture which has now taken over the country.
I disagree. Corporal punishment absolutely, and in various forms right from a very early age (7?) - with no upper age limit.
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