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14-12-2016, 09:19 PM

Re: Could the eu implode ?

Originally Posted by Flicker ->
So was the referendum in 1973.

Now instead of scattering ridiculous posts full of ranting sound and fury but signifying absolutely nothing except rants and make-believe, how about actually addressing my posts?
You keep quoting a 1973 referendum. There wasn't one - the UK was taken into the `Common Market` in 1973 by the Heath government whether we liked it or not.

Labour's 1974 manifesto promise of a referendum on whether to leave or remain was instrumental in Labour assuming power. (Cameron did the same to get elected but it blew up in his face when the referendum returned an out vote.) Wilson kept his word on the referendum which took place in 1975 and the whole sordid episode based on lies began.
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14-12-2016, 10:34 PM

Re: Could the eu implode ?

Originally Posted by mei ->
Sadly Meg

The far right neo nazis parties have been on the rise in many E.U countries for many years .
Every country has its far right movement , I do hope that you don't judge a whole country for the actions ( speeches) of a few.

I certainly would not judge all the Brits after the actions of some nasty people who perpetrated racists assaults in the U.K right after the Brexit referendum, or in the U.S.A right after Trump's elections.
Sadly Mei, The rise of Far Right parties are only a symptom of something more serious.
And I believe that the, 'something more serious' is the growing protest by the residents of a country whose governments either don't seem to be doing anything, or are not taking any notice of the wishes of the people.

Two events have highlighted this neglect, one was the outcome of the referendum which took Cameron by complete surprise and cost him his job.
The other was the election of Trump against all odds.

I believe this is only the tip of the iceberg and 2017 will produce some more surprises.
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14-12-2016, 11:50 PM

Re: Could the eu implode ?

The rise of the right is in answer to the loony left that has over past decades got us into this position ..... governments for years have ignored the real issues and judgement day is approaching ... as too what happens next ???
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15-12-2016, 12:05 AM

Re: Could the eu implode ?

Originally Posted by marmaduke ->
The rise of the right is in answer to the loony left that has over past decades got us into this position ..... governments for years have ignored the real issues and judgement day is approaching ... as too what happens next ???
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15-12-2016, 01:16 AM

Re: Could the eu implode ?

Junkers army won't be very big looking at the numbers ,Sweden would be out numbered if they have a street fight with Man Utd

Sweden warns it is 'preparing for war

The size of the Swedish armed forces has been in decline since the Cold War in line with shrinking military budgets.
The Swedish army currently has only 20,000 men in comparison to as many as 180,000 men in the 1980s.
This is also reflected in the defence budget as spending on defence has reduced from 3.1 per cent in 1981 to 1.1 per cent in 2016.
Earlier this year it was revealed that Sweden's voluntary service had only attracted 2,500 recruits.
This means that is likely by 2018, that conscription will return in Sweden to plug the widening gap.

So as I mentioned in an earlier post , one imagines conscription on the cards for many nations for Junkers heros

I imagine Sweden is planning for a little war sometime after lunch so long as the other side promises it will be over before dark as they need to be home to walk the dog /babysit
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15-12-2016, 01:25 AM

Re: Could the eu implode ?

Originally Posted by marmaduke ->
Junkers army won't be very big looking at the numbers ,Sweden would be out numbered if they have a street fight with Man Utd

Sweden warns it is 'preparing for war

The size of the Swedish armed forces has been in decline since the Cold War in line with shrinking military budgets.
The Swedish army currently has only 20,000 men in comparison to as many as 180,000 men in the 1980s.
This is also reflected in the defence budget as spending on defence has reduced from 3.1 per cent in 1981 to 1.1 per cent in 2016.
Earlier this year it was revealed that Sweden's voluntary service had only attracted 2,500 recruits.
This means that is likely by 2018, that conscription will return in Sweden to plug the widening gap.

So as I mentioned in an earlier post , one imagines conscription on the cards for many nations for Junkers heros

I imagine Sweden is planning for a little war sometime after lunch so long as the other side promises it will be over before dark as they need to be home to walk the dog /babysit
20,000 men! And I thought our forces were small.

If the rest of the EU nations' forces are similarly tiny, I'd like to see their 'EU Army'!

It sounds like the EU countries are relying on America to fight their battles for them. Bad luck, Junker & Co., America have already issued warnings to other NATO countries who don't provide sufficient armed forces.

It wouldn't surprise me if NATO contracts before long and ends up consisting of only the US and the UK.
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15-12-2016, 01:35 AM

Re: Could the eu implode ?

Originally Posted by OldGreyFox ->
Sadly Mei, The rise of Far Right parties are only a symptom of something more serious.
And I believe that the, 'something more serious' is the growing protest by the residents of a country whose governments either don't seem to be doing anything, or are not taking any notice of the wishes of the people.

Two events have highlighted this neglect, one was the outcome of the referendum which took Cameron by complete surprise and cost him his job.
The other was the election of Trump against all odds.

I believe this is only the tip of the iceberg and 2017 will produce some more surprises.

Yes Oldgreyfox I am sure that you are right

The wars in middle East have exacerbated an already difficult situation in the E.U, but as I said, hopefully, neo nazis and racist groups in the E.U ( including the U.K) are not representative of the entire population, thanks God for that!

I was just saying that I hope that some people were not judging the French ( who , for the majority, abhor far right extremism acts and speeches) by the actions of some, same as we also should not judge the Brexiters by the actions of a few extremists who committed horrid physical racists assaults on migrants post Brexit vote as that would be totally unfair too.

Just adding my two pennies worth. I don't believe in tarring a whole country with the same brush for the actions of a few.
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15-12-2016, 01:50 AM

Re: Could the eu implode ?

Originally Posted by JBR ->
Further to that, there is the situation where some EU countries stick together and look after each other. Unfortunately, Britain doesn't have any 'friends': just look at that annual 'political survey', the Eurovision Song Contest, and see who likes whom!

I don't think it's a matter of any of them actually hating us; they just laugh at us and see us as a joke, a soft touch, and not without reason.

I agree JBR
Neither the E.U nor the French hate the U.K a single iota imo, which sadly seem to be the other way round reading all the hateful and contemptuous posts about France and the E.U .when browsing this site, I must say that I am quite taken aback, but well you live and learn ...
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15-12-2016, 01:57 AM

Re: Could the eu implode ?

Originally Posted by mei ->
I agree JBR
Neither the E.U nor the French hate the U.K a single iota imo, which sadly seem to be the other way round reading all the hateful and contemptuous posts about France and the E.U .when browsing this site, I must say that I am quite taken aback, but well you live and learn ...
Unfortunately you are pretty right with that observation.
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15-12-2016, 06:41 AM

Re: Could the eu implode ?

I can't be bothered trawling through the different thread titles but I'm certain the resident doom n gloomer was moaning about us ( the uk) no longer being the choice of universities or some such rubbish

Surge in EU students to beat Brexit fees hike

Students from poorer EU countries clamoured to get a subsidised university place in the UK this year, ahead of the Leave vote, statistics show.
Ucas, the university admissions body, said 8,900 youngsters from the least wealthy European nations began studies at British universities in September.
The figure is three and a half times higher than in 2006 – and some countries saw an increase of nearly 50 per cent on last year.
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