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16-06-2017, 01:43 PM

Re: Labour Lost Despite Buying Young Vote

Originally Posted by M.P.R. Ashford ->
Whilst I agree wholeheartedly I did not agree on one point.
I don't want to see JC replaced until after the next election. If he is replaced before they MIGHT be able to find someone more sensible. Personally I'd prefer the Labour party to be replaced by a sensible LD if at all possible.
I'll go along with that.
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16-06-2017, 02:09 PM

Re: Labour Lost Despite Buying Young Vote

Originally Posted by M.P.R. Ashford ->
Whilst I agree wholeheartedly I did not agree on one point.
I don't want to see JC replaced until after the next election. If he is replaced before they MIGHT be able to find someone more sensible. Personally I'd prefer the Labour party to be replaced by a sensible LD if at all possible.
JC as you call him, also known in other circles as the son of god, has caused this very enlightening thread.

If I was anti JC.....I would want him gone as soon as possible, because I can see him sweeping up votes with his consistency and sincerity.

Ironic really the winning leader can't be removed because it would show a lack of confidence in somebody who called an election to gain confidence.

And the opposition leader can't be removed because he has a huge public following thats growing
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16-06-2017, 02:13 PM

Re: Labour Lost Despite Buying Young Vote

If I get chance to talk to Jeremy next month at Tolpuddle (I owe him a pint anyway, so the bugger will probably find me) I will point him in the direction of this forum so that he can convert the heathens that abide here!
M.P.R. Ashford
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16-06-2017, 03:49 PM

Re: Labour Lost Despite Buying Young Vote

Originally Posted by Bruv ->
JC as you call him, also known in other circles as the son of god, has caused this very enlightening thread.

If I was anti JC.....I would want him gone as soon as possible, because I can see him sweeping up votes with his consistency and sincerity.

Ironic really the winning leader can't be removed because it would show a lack of confidence in somebody who called an election to gain confidence.

And the opposition leader can't be removed because he has a huge public following thats growing
Yes truly ironic.
My view is that the PM called the election because she can't trust her own back benchers and certainly not the remainers on her own back benches. Labour would have it otherwise but I would contend they are wrong as usual.
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16-06-2017, 04:22 PM

Re: Labour Lost Despite Buying Young Vote

[QUOTE=Bruv;1175369]JC as you call him, also known in other circles as the son of god, has caused this very enlightening thread.

If I was anti JC.....I would want him gone as soon as possible, because I can see him sweeping up votes with his consistency and sincerity.

My view is that Conservative back benchers will bring down this Government in due course; probably by September/October this year.
In the meantime the Conservatives have time to plug away on 2 fronts.
1. Brexit, which is immediate. The negotiations should hold out the threat that we WILL walkaway; with the firm intentions of doing so if required, for instance if they insist on payment of £100bn or even £50bn.
2. They have to explain the facts to the electorate i.e. that we are still bankrupt from Gordon Browns last effort to the tune of £1.8 Trillion and that the 'cuts' had to be made and still need to continue in order to get the Budget Deficit in balance and actually save the £.
If labour got 'in' and took control of the Brexit negotiations the £ would sink so fast it would probably come to parity with the Euro and effectively be destroyed. Labour would then back off and 'reconsider' Brexit and probably call another referendum with the recommendation that we stay in the EU. The possible 'knock on' from that would be the EU insisting on a new application which would include giving up the £ in favour of the Euro.
M.P.R. Ashford
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16-06-2017, 04:34 PM

Re: Labour Lost Despite Buying Young Vote

Originally Posted by Purwell ->
If I get chance to talk to Jeremy next month at Tolpuddle (I owe him a pint anyway, so the bugger will probably find me) I will point him in the direction of this forum so that he can convert the heathens that abide here!
You won't find it easy to convert the socialists to something more sensible even if you feed them the truth. People who are stupid enough to vote socialist in spite of multiple bankruptcies over the course of the last 100 years are probably too thick to recognise the truth when they see it.
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16-06-2017, 04:35 PM

Re: Labour Lost Despite Buying Young Vote

Originally Posted by Bruv ->
I can see him sweeping up votes with his consistency and sincerity.
Sincerity ?! just laughable

Corbyn told Andrew Neil: ‘I didn’t support the IRA."

An outright lie imo. Corbyn opposed the Anglo-Irish agreement. He reportedly lobbied the government on behalf of IRA prisoners. A socialist magazine whose editorial board he headed gloated over the Brighton bombing and threatened Margaret Thatcher with further violence.

According to The Times:

"Jeremy Corbyn was arrested in 1986 taking part in a protest by IRA sympathisers to “show solidarity” with accused terrorists including the Brighton bomber"

"Corbyn joined a picket outside the Old Bailey to oppose the “show trial” of a group including Patrick Magee, who was subsequently convicted of murdering five people at the 1984 Tory party conference"


Then of course there is the well documented incident where Corbyn sat on the floor of a train which had plenty of free seats, in order to make a video about the privatisation of railways, essentially lying to further his agenda and duping the public.

Corbyn denied that he’d said article 50 should be immediately invoked after the referendum. But he did say it and on the BBC too ! Silly billy !

Sincerity ? Errrr nope not the appropriate word to describe a man who really doesn't like Britain, who supported the IRA when it was killing British police officers, who didn't want our police to have a "shoot to kill" policy and who will happily construct fake videos to further his agendas.

Consistent? Sure. Consistently a terrible candidate to run the UK, consistently a terrible threat to the county's security, consistently an extremist who the Labour party should have ousted long ago.

Originally Posted by Bruv ->
the opposition leader can't be removed because he has a huge public following thats growing
Errrr no, actually he doesn't. Remember he could only achieve 261 seats in the election and that was with string help from a load of Remainers voting purely to keep the Tories from getting a majority. Take BrExit out of the equation, those votes disappear in a puff of smoke.

Corbyn really is not popular
Corbyn is not liked even within his own party
Corbyn artificially boosted his rating by buying the young vote.

But by all means persist with the delusion because as sure as eggs is eggs, if the Labour party don't make changes, we'll be having another Tory win at the next election.
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16-06-2017, 05:22 PM

Re: Labour Lost Despite Buying Young Vote

Originally Posted by M.P.R. Ashford ->
My view is that Conservative back benchers will bring down this Government in due course; probably by September/October this year.
In the meantime the Conservatives have time to plug away on 2 fronts.
1. Brexit, which is immediate. The negotiations should hold out the threat that we WILL walkaway; with the firm intentions of doing so if required, for instance if they insist on payment of £100bn or even £50bn.
2. They have to explain the facts to the electorate i.e. that we are still bankrupt from Gordon Browns last effort to the tune of £1.8 Trillion and that the 'cuts' had to be made and still need to continue in order to get the Budget Deficit in balance and actually save the £.
If labour got 'in' and took control of the Brexit negotiations the £ would sink so fast it would probably come to parity with the Euro and effectively be destroyed. Labour would then back off and 'reconsider' Brexit and probably call another referendum with the recommendation that we stay in the EU. The possible 'knock on' from that would be the EU insisting on a new application which would include giving up the £ in favour of the Euro.
A distinct possibility and something that concerns me. Such an outcome would be disastrous for this country.
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16-06-2017, 05:26 PM

Re: Labour Lost Despite Buying Young Vote

Originally Posted by M.P.R. Ashford ->
You won't find it easy to convert the socialists to something more sensible even if you feed them the truth. People who are stupid enough to vote socialist in spite of multiple bankruptcies over the course of the last 100 years are probably too thick to recognise the truth when they see it.
That's me then.
You are qualified to call me stupid are you?
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16-06-2017, 05:40 PM

Re: Labour Lost Despite Buying Young Vote

Originally Posted by M.P.R. Ashford ->
My view is...........

My view is different.
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