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08-09-2011, 09:15 AM

Re: Who Do You Think You Are?

Good last night, wasn't it?
I don't know Emilia Fox (though I know her illustrious theatre family, of course) but I thought her ancestors, particularly Samson, were fascinating.

ETA - Weren't Mary and Pam fab? And how sad that Pam passed away after the filming, so poor Mary (Mare) will be on her own at 100+. She was splendid, sharp as a tack, and passing acid comments on her errant Pa - "Stupid Bugger".
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08-09-2011, 01:14 PM

Re: Who Do You Think You Are?

I quite enjoyed the Emilia Fox once, but I then went onto the iplayer and watched the Larry Lamb episode from the previous week which I'd missed.

I have to say, it was my favourite so far. Not only did Larry come across as a thoroughly likeable bloke, I found the whole history with the fairground and everything just fascinating and then to find his mum's half brother, alive and well and living in L.A. and like Larry's mum, in complete ignorance that he had a sibling. I must admit when Larry got choked up at the end ... so did !!

Back to Emilia - I too loved the old aunties, especially the eldest one who kept coming in with her chippy comments.

Great series!
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08-09-2011, 04:13 PM

Re: Who Do You Think You Are?

It was good DM , I have always liked Emilia's Mother the actress Joanna David and was amazed to see how young she looks still although she is older than me .

It was a very interesting episode .
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08-09-2011, 05:02 PM

Re: Who Do You Think You Are?

Originally Posted by Jenilou ->
Not only did Larry come across as a thoroughly likeable bloke, I found the whole history with the fairground and everything just fascinating and then to find his mum's half brother, alive and well and living in L.A. and like Larry's mum, in complete ignorance that he had a sibling. I must admit when Larry got choked up at the end ... so did !!
I have missed them all this time round, truth is I saw some of the subjects listed like the odious Seb Coe and Richard Madeley and thought, nah.

I remember Larry from his early days in 'Fox' and 'Triangle' and always liked the bloke even if he was from North London

Have to see if I can catch some of these up.
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08-09-2011, 09:29 PM

Re: Who Do You Think You Are?

I think we should get you on there Hammer, instead of all them other posers. You never know, could be a connection with royalty, mmmm.....
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08-09-2011, 10:37 PM

Re: Who Do You Think You Are?

Originally Posted by John ->
I think we should get you on there Hammer, instead of all them other posers. You never know, could be a connection with royalty, mmmm.....
John, my only connection with that shower would be the Boleyn and look what happened to Anne

I once did look back and found a relative who did a bit of bird in 1827 for half hitching 3lbs of lamb worth all of 2 shillings and six pence.
He was sentenced at the Bailey, probably went for the long drop.
Sort of says it all really.
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09-09-2011, 09:54 AM

Re: Who Do You Think You Are?

About four/five years ago I really got into researching my family tree. It was absolutely fascinating. I got back as far as 1760 (doesn't seem long I know but when you think BMD never started until 1837 it's not bad). I found out loads of things my mum knew nothing about, lots of sadness, tragedies and mysteries.

In keeping with the vast majority of us - my lot were mainly poor, farm labourers etc. (as most were back then) although I did have a Sea Captain, a few tenant farmers and a couple of war heroes. But still it was such a fascinating time, I travelled, I met relations I never knew I had, and I also met some remarkable people who helped me no end including two wonderful local clergymen who opened up their churches and their records to me (and helped me discover some real sadnesses) and a wonderful woman, who by sheer luck ran a historical society in a tiny village in Wales where my lot had lived and worked for a significant period. The stuff she was able to tell me and give me, including photographs and a guided tour of the village and key locations around it that were relevant to my family, was just incredible.

I would really love to set myself up as a genealogist, helping other people to research their family trees, as I enjoy the process so much. It's something I've thought about a lot - maybe one day.
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17-09-2011, 10:45 PM

Re: Who Do You Think You Are?

Robin Gibb is on it next week, that will be interesting I'm looking forward to that.

(Eamon Holmes said on "This Morning" a few weeks ago that he was asked to do it so he gave over all his family details to the programme but never heard any more about it. He reckons they thought his outcome on his family was probably very boring to show. )
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18-09-2011, 01:43 PM

Re: Who Do You Think You Are?

Originally Posted by anniemuldoon ->
There was a childrens programme called Larry the Lamb years ago.
Anni darlin' - not a programme per se, but a character - I think the programme was entitled 'Toy town' and 'Larry's voice was provided by Shani Wallis.
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