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02-07-2018, 10:53 AM

Why are we suffering such apparently perverted MPs ?

I read, today, in a Liberal Democratic Website (I hasten to add that I'm not a member !), the following article. Dated 15 June 2018, so I'm unsure of the outcome of this matter in Parliament. It just struck me as rather disturbing, that such people are still allowed to practice as MPs, when it is obvious where their true sympathies lie. You can draw your own conclusions concerning this person's 'leanings'.

QUOTE [ Lib Dem MP Wera Hobhouse has been fighting to make 'upskirting' (taking photographs up a woman's skirt without their consent) a specific criminal offence.

This morning it looked likely that this vile practice would be outlawed after it received backing from the Ministry of Justice, Number 10 and numerous MPs across the house.

However, today in Parliament, the Tory MP Sir Christopher Chope used an antiquated piece of Commons procedure to block the Bill from proceeding, amid cries of "shame" from outraged MPs. His actions meant that the Bill could not even be debated.

I'm disappointed, and angry on behalf of all the women for whom this meant so much...but completely unsurprised this happened.

Arch-Brexiteer Chope has repeatedly been on the wrong side of history. He has voted for the minimum wage to be abolished, against same-sex marriage, and in favour of fox hunting. This is not the first private members bill he has blocked - in 2014 he blocked a Lib Dem Bill which would have banned revenge evictions by private landlords, and in 2015 he blocked a Bill to restrict hospital parking charges imposed on carers.

The Upskirting Bill will come back to Parliament in June, but there would be nothing to prevent Chope or other out of touch Tory MPs from pulling the same stunt again. QUOTE]

To me, it is disgusting that somebody who seems to have a leaning towards a perversion, should be allowed to continue to play a representing the people roll like this person - Sir Christopher Chope has.

Does anybody know what the outcome of this Bill was, or is it still ongoing in Parliament ?
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02-07-2018, 11:42 AM

Re: Why are we suffering such apparently perverted MPs ?

Why are we suffering such apparently perverted MPs?

Because of 'the Old Boys' club'.
At the end of the day, and whatever the situation, they always stick together and protect each other. Look at Tony B Liar, for example. Why is he still not in jail?

Now if we had a system of legally enforceable referenda, as they do in Switzerland, Parliament would be far more accountable to the people in general.

That's what I'd call true democracy.

Of course, our politicians would never permit it.
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02-07-2018, 11:43 AM

Re: Why are we suffering such apparently perverted MPs ?

The blame must lie with the electorate of Christchurch, who continually vote him back in.

The govt has decided to re-introduce it as a Govt bill, which can't be stopped that way. But it will take a while and will be the autumn before it can become law
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02-07-2018, 11:59 AM

Re: Why are we suffering such apparently perverted MPs ?

Originally Posted by GillyT ->
I read, today, in a Liberal Democratic Website (I hasten to add that I'm not a member !), the following article. Dated 15 June 2018, so I'm unsure of the outcome of this matter in Parliament. It just struck me as rather disturbing, that such people are still allowed to practice as MPs, when it is obvious where their true sympathies lie. You can draw your own conclusions concerning this person's 'leanings'.

QUOTE [ Lib Dem MP Wera Hobhouse has been fighting to make 'upskirting' (taking photographs up a woman's skirt without their consent) a specific criminal offence.

This morning it looked likely that this vile practice would be outlawed after it received backing from the Ministry of Justice, Number 10 and numerous MPs across the house.

However, today in Parliament, the Tory MP Sir Christopher Chope used an antiquated piece of Commons procedure to block the Bill from proceeding, amid cries of "shame" from outraged MPs. His actions meant that the Bill could not even be debated.

I'm disappointed, and angry on behalf of all the women for whom this meant so much...but completely unsurprised this happened.

Arch-Brexiteer Chope has repeatedly been on the wrong side of history. He has voted for the minimum wage to be abolished, against same-sex marriage, and in favour of fox hunting. This is not the first private members bill he has blocked - in 2014 he blocked a Lib Dem Bill which would have banned revenge evictions by private landlords, and in 2015 he blocked a Bill to restrict hospital parking charges imposed on carers.

The Upskirting Bill will come back to Parliament in June, but there would be nothing to prevent Chope or other out of touch Tory MPs from pulling the same stunt again. QUOTE]

To me, it is disgusting that somebody who seems to have a leaning towards a perversion, should be allowed to continue to play a representing the people roll like this person - Sir Christopher Chope has.

Does anybody know what the outcome of this Bill was, or is it still ongoing in Parliament ?

Clearly you don't keep abreast of the news or current affairs Gilly darlin', this was all over the news and the newspapers several weeks ago when the Bill was being discussed. As a result of Chope's actions, the Bill was 'lost', but now it's being replaced and space is being found for it later this year.
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02-07-2018, 12:10 PM

Re: Why are we suffering such apparently perverted MPs ?

Originally Posted by yggdrasil ->
The blame must lie with the electorate of Christchurch, who continually vote him back in.

The govt has decided to re-introduce it as a Govt bill, which can't be stopped that way. But it will take a while and will be the autumn before it can become law
Precisely, his complacency is obvious, the outcry took him by surprise he might think twice about his conduct in the future but only if he feels his constituents might not vote for him.
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02-07-2018, 12:25 PM

Re: Why are we suffering such apparently perverted MPs ?

Originally Posted by yggdrasil ->
the blame must lie with the electorate of christchurch, who continually vote him back in.
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03-07-2018, 07:01 PM

Re: Why are we suffering such apparently perverted MPs ?

Originally Posted by Uncle Joe ->
Clearly you don't keep abreast of the news or current affairs Gilly darlin', this was all over the news and the newspapers several weeks ago when the Bill was being discussed. As a result of Chope's actions, the Bill was 'lost', but now it's being replaced and space is being found for it later this year.
The basis of my post is really querying how such an iffy person can remain as an MP. Why hasn't he been sacked as disgraced - damn it all, he's put his foot in it a number of times in the past hasn't he. I suppose people in Parliament must be frightened to death of him !

Yes Uncle Joe 'darlin', I am fed up with parliament and our so-called political representatives, there are more corrupt MPs than those who are not. I now have little interest in what goes on in politics - what on earth can I do about anything any way ?

Remember the thousands of thousands of ordinary people who marched in London calling for the PM at that time (Bliar) Dubbya's poodle, to stop going to war in Afghanistan. Dubbya was, at that time, in number ten !!!! Did those huge quantities of ordinary people make any difference at all ? NO, Bliar just blasted through and gave the public of Britain the finger ! This is what happens - MPs very rarely listen to the people. That's why I don't get too involved any more, there's no point.

I did 'bold' the date of the actual report which indicated that I was 'behind the times'. I had actually only just noticed the report a couple of days ago !

That's all I'm sayin' now cos I'm orf to watch the footie !!!!
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03-07-2018, 07:06 PM

Re: Why are we suffering such apparently perverted MPs ?

Originally Posted by GillyT ->
MPs very rarely listen to the people. That's why I don't get too involved any more, there's no point.
They listen to the people when a general election is looming. They promise everything they think we want.

Then, when they are in office, they forget everything they have promised.

Perhaps if we had a 'cooling off period' of, say, a year we could then hold them to account!
Uncle Joe
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03-07-2018, 07:18 PM

Re: Why are we suffering such apparently perverted MPs ?

Originally Posted by GillyT ->
The basis of my post is really querying how such an iffy person can remain as an MP. Why hasn't he been sacked as disgraced - damn it all, he's put his foot in it a number of times in the past hasn't he. I suppose people in Parliament must be frightened to death of him !

Yes Uncle Joe 'darlin', I am fed up with parliament and our so-called political representatives, there are more corrupt MPs than those who are not. I now have little interest in what goes on in politics - what on earth can I do about anything any way ?

Remember the thousands of thousands of ordinary people who marched in London calling for the PM at that time (Bliar) Dubbya's poodle, to stop going to war in Afghanistan. Dubbya was, at that time, in number ten !!!! Did those huge quantities of ordinary people make any difference at all ? NO, Bliar just blasted through and gave the public of Britain the finger ! This is what happens - MPs very rarely listen to the people. That's why I don't get too involved any more, there's no point.

I did 'bold' the date of the actual report which indicated that I was 'behind the times'. I had actually only just noticed the report a couple of days ago !

That's all I'm sayin' now cos I'm orf to watch the footie !!!!

Yes Gilly darlin' I do remember it (although it was actually Iraq) as notwithstanding two very painful arthritic hips, I was there and was one of the Million + demonstrators.
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04-07-2018, 01:57 PM

Re: Why are we suffering such apparently perverted MPs ?

Originally Posted by Uncle Joe ->
Yes Gilly darlin' I do remember it (although it was actually Iraq) as notwithstanding two very painful arthritic hips, I was there and was one of the Million + demonstrators.
I beg your pardon - old age creeping in, yes I meant Iraq ! Unfortunately I could not go, but both my hubby and son attended and experienced a most remarkable demonstration of single-mindedness of so many different cultures. It makes me sick to think that such a mass feeling of anti-war was disgustingly ignored by Bliar. Apparently Dubbya remarked that he was glad to see that British people still had a voice !!!! Fat lot of good it did though. I am convinced now, that if people need to be taken notice of, then a 'peaceful' demo is no good. It needs people to get physical to be noticed by these self-serving prats.

I don't condone violence, but in cases when Parliament needs to take notice of the people, I feel sadly, that physical actions need to be taken.
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