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04-09-2019, 01:41 PM

Re: Do you think a study of psychology is useful?

[QUOTE=Lion Queen;

I don't contribute in threads like this because I'm not clever enough and feel out of my depth.[/QUOTE]

Don't ever think like that LQ. Tbh, most of us would rather read a few lines from you in plain English than a tome copied from a website.

(Not aimed at you Keezoy)
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04-09-2019, 01:45 PM

Re: Do you think a study of psychology is useful?

Originally Posted by keezoy ->
when somebody says something like "i'm not clever enough" that's usually a hint for me that they are a person who is plenty clever. Conversely it is often those who blow their own trumpets and are always making out that they know everything and also try to put you down at the same time, that are the ones that know the least. They are so overcome with themselves and devalue everyone around them that they miss a lot. That's called the dunning kruger effect. Just for your info. Or am i being a "know it all"..sorry but it's my birthday..almost..still...i'll get back in my box..with my jim beam..

this is the bit i added above. You might like it.
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04-09-2019, 01:47 PM

Re: Do you think a study of psychology is useful?

Keezoy . Did you ever meet anyone with multiple personality disorder .? I read a fascinating book by the lady below who had numerous personalities living inside her . It really is interesting reading

Kim Noble - All of me

At the end of the book her daughter writes about her life with these personalities all of whom she loved dearly .

What are your thoughts if so
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04-09-2019, 02:18 PM

Re: Do you think a study of psychology is useful?

Originally Posted by susan m ->
Keezoy . Did you ever meet anyone with multiple personality disorder .? I read a fascinating book by the lady below who had numerous personalities living inside her . It really is interesting reading

Kim Noble - All of me

At the end of the book her daughter writes about her life with these personalities all of whom she loved dearly .

What are your thoughts if so
No Susan I have never actually met anybody with Dissociative identity disorder (Multiple personality disorder) I worked on a case where a guy tried to make out he had the condition to get out of a custodial sentence but the judge (correctly) dismissed it as BS. Genuine DID is pretty rare. It was never my area to work with people with severe personality disturbance or fragmentation. That is more the realm of psychiatry.
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04-09-2019, 02:26 PM

Re: Do you think a study of psychology is useful?

Originally Posted by susan m ->
Keezoy . Did you ever meet anyone with multiple personality disorder .? I read a fascinating book by the lady below who had numerous personalities living inside her . It really is interesting reading

Kim Noble - All of me

At the end of the book her daughter writes about her life with these personalities all of whom she loved dearly .

What are your thoughts if so
That sounds really interesting, I need to buy this book
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04-09-2019, 03:01 PM

Re: Do you think a study of psychology is useful?

L Q it is fascinating and written by Kim herself . I think there were 12 some men and a couple of children . Im afraid i loaned it to someone and lost it . Its a true story you will never forget
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04-09-2019, 08:54 PM

Re: Do you think a study of psychology is useful?

Nothing wrong with blowing your own trumpet by the way. I used to blow my own euphonium when I was in college. I studied music.
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04-09-2019, 09:04 PM

Re: Do you think a study of psychology is useful?

Keezoy and co have hijacked my thread but that's ok. I hold him in some esteem just not as much esteem as I used to.
What I suggest now is for Keezoy to add to that experience with criminals for example by doing some reading on psychology and maybe even coming up with a book. You are never too old keeze. I think you need a challenge. We both know that staying on this forum will keep us in the intellectual doldrums. Its not the answer. Write something while those precious faculties are in still in tact.
What drives these criminals? is it Freud's mother complex sex drive? Are they living out Jung's idea of shadow? Merton's false self and true self might be worth a reference. Could you work in some Jungian archetypes?

That's what I'd be doing with my retirement Keeze.
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04-09-2019, 09:55 PM

Re: Do you think a study of psychology is useful?

Originally Posted by precious ->
Keezoy and co have hijacked my thread but that's ok. I hold him in some esteem just not as much esteem as I used to.
What I suggest now is for Keezoy to add to that experience with criminals for example by doing some reading on psychology and maybe even coming up with a book. You are never too old keeze. I think you need a challenge. We both know that staying on this forum will keep us in the intellectual doldrums. Its not the answer. Write something while those precious faculties are in still in tact.
What drives these criminals? is it Freud's mother complex sex drive? Are they living out Jung's idea of shadow? Merton's false self and true self might be worth a reference. Could you work in some Jungian archetypes?

That's what I'd be doing with my retirement Keeze.
THanks for the advice Presh. But I think you have got the wrong end of the stick when you talk about my work with criminals. For the most part it wasn't my job to delve into their past and work out why they were what they were and why they did what they did. It was to try to give them some alternative ways of coping with anger other than violence. I didn't deal so much with the arrogant, bullying and entitled gangster types. THey had been to court and had been assessed a few times before they were referred to my programs which were mostly groups. Or they had been in prison. My work was mostly CBT. The here and now of behaviour, it's consequence and how to change it.Understand this; for the most part it wasn't the criminals that were my clients/ patients. It was the community. What I do with my retirement?..I play in a little blues band, I look after the house, the shopping, the cooking, the finances and bills, the garden etc.When that's done I spend time with my wife and son.Then... I have a chat here a few times a day. And that, my friend takes up just about all of my time. I am NEVER in the doldrums. Intellectually or otherwise. I am not here to engage in heavy intellectual discourse or to play mind games. Mostly I'm here to have a bit of light hearted fun and banter with others who like the same thing. I don't think having a keen intellect and having a good old "laff" are mutually exclusive. Happy trails mate.
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04-09-2019, 10:30 PM

Re: Do you think a study of psychology is useful?

ok thanks keeze
have to say im both envious and impressed by the blues band hobby. thats cool. any leo kottke numbers? robert johnsons crossroads? I really should have learnt bottleneck as i love the sound. im a big fan of ry cooder.
so you majored in psychology? to be able and qualified to give CBT. i kind of feel that i missed my vocation and should have studied psychology. ive studied some counselling only a few years ago at Uni. Didnt turn that into a job unfort. regrets regrets ...
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