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29-06-2020, 11:58 AM

Re: Lords Reject UK Fisheries Bill

Originally Posted by sparky ->
The big thing I want to know is this, why are any fish caught in our waters automatically the property of Europe, but any illegals in dinghies are automatically the property of the UK? How about we keep our fish and they keep their illegal migrants, that seems fair in my eyes.
Do you really consider refugees you (or British) *property*?
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29-06-2020, 12:07 PM

Re: Lords Reject UK Fisheries Bill

Originally Posted by 7779311 ->
Do you really consider refugees you (or British) *property*?
What I was referring to was the simple fact that they all end up here despite having passed through several other safe countries. I don't know if you saw it but there was even a video last week of a French government vessel escorting a boat load of illegals toward our coast. like I said, why do all these people apparently belong to the UK and therefore become our problem?
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29-06-2020, 12:13 PM

Re: Lords Reject UK Fisheries Bill

Originally Posted by sparky ->
What I was referring to was the simple fact that they all end up here despite having passed through several other safe countries. I don't know if you saw it but there was even a video last week of a French government vessel escorting a boat load of illegals toward our coast. like I said, why do all these people apparently belong to the UK and therefore become our problem?
Okay got it. You see refugees as a "problem" but not as "property".
I must admit that I did not see news about the escorting of refugees to British shores.

What is your governments stance on this? Letting refugees enter UK or keeping them out?
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29-06-2020, 12:30 PM

Re: Lords Reject UK Fisheries Bill

Originally Posted by 7779311 ->
Okay got it. You see refugees as a "problem" but not as "property".
I must admit that I did not see news about the escorting of refugees to British shores.

What is your governments stance on this? Letting refugees enter UK or keeping them out?
To be honest they are pathetic, they won't stand up to Europe and just dump them back in france, instead they bring most of them here and lose them. Some time ago they used to be detained until the outcome,when they were either allowed in or deported someone however said that detaining them breached their human rights so now they generally bring them back, tell them to report to an address in several weeks time where they will be told if they can stay or not. usually they just don't bother going back and live here doing whatever they can, another problem is a lot of them commit crime, some have actually got convictions for murder, rape and robbery in their own country, so should definately not be allowed in.
It got so bad a few years ago that in London they actually set up a squad to investigate cashpoint fraud commited by Romanians! I know a few cops and one told me that their have even been numerous cases where a UK team of criminals has turned up to do a 'job' only to find out they've been beaten to it by a team of illegals, come on, it has to be bad when even our criminals are moaning about them!
Sccesive governments have promised to sort it but never do, if pushed, very occasionally someone slips up and actually admits that they have no idea just how many illegals are in the UK .
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29-06-2020, 12:54 PM

Re: Lords Reject UK Fisheries Bill

Originally Posted by sparky ->
To be honest they are pathetic, they won't stand up to Europe and just dump them back in france,...
Oh, interesting: UK is not Europe... )

I have no solution for the refugee crisis except improvement of the situation in countries of origin. But that won't happen I am sure.
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29-06-2020, 01:26 PM

Re: Lords Reject UK Fisheries Bill

Originally Posted by 7779311 ->
Oh, interesting: UK is not Europe... )

I have no solution for the refugee crisis except improvement of the situation in countries of origin. But that won't happen I am sure.
Quite, look at what happened a few years ago in Germany, all those Muslim immigrants went on the rampage raping the German women, that caused uproar! Then again, Merkel and her mob well shafted the British, she gave loads of them passports knowing full well that as soon as they had a passport they'd leave Germany and head over here, that was very naughty, she should have just kicked them out instead of going with the soft option.
In the end most of them have no desire to improve their own country, they are like locusts, they cause a load of mess and damage and then move on, it has to stop. I remember a load of them coming here by train, they said they were fleeing persecution and brutality in their own country, interestingly enough there was not one woman amongst them!
Now if your country was being invaded and the invaders were slaughtering people and raping all the women then ask yourself this, would you just run away leaving your mother, sister, wife, girlfriend or whatever to her fate, no you'd stand and fight, it's all a load of excuses just to get here and claim benefits.
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29-06-2020, 01:35 PM

Re: Lords Reject UK Fisheries Bill

Originally Posted by 7779311 ->
Oh, interesting: UK is not Europe... )

I have no solution for the refugee crisis except improvement of the situation in countries of origin. But that won't happen I am sure.
I think improved conditions is the answer to sparky's question.
Immigrants read newspapers. Newspapers were filled with quotes from boris, farage etc that UK would be so much better off than the rest of europe after brexit, having regained sovereignty and going for economic prosperity. Immigrants must think the UK is soooo rich now after brexit got done, that has a tremendous suction effect. They all come flocking to britain now, they all want to be part of the economic miracle. You can't blame those poor people for believing boris, can you? You all did too.
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29-06-2020, 01:51 PM

Re: Lords Reject UK Fisheries Bill

Originally Posted by sparky ->
Quite, look at what happened a few years ago in Germany, all those Muslim immigrants went on the rampage raping the German women, that caused uproar! Then again, Merkel and her mob well shafted the British, she gave loads of them passports knowing full well that as soon as they had a passport they'd leave Germany and head over here, that was very naughty, she should have just kicked them out instead of going with the soft option.
In the end most of them have no desire to improve their own country, they are like locusts, they cause a load of mess and damage and then move on, it has to stop. I remember a load of them coming here by train, they said they were fleeing persecution and brutality in their own country, interestingly enough there was not one woman amongst them!
Now if your country was being invaded and the invaders were slaughtering people and raping all the women then ask yourself this, would you just run away leaving your mother, sister, wife, girlfriend or whatever to her fate, no you'd stand and fight, it's all a load of excuses just to get here and claim benefits.
Personally I learned to know about 8 young men about 16 years old from Syria, Etiopia and other countries who were refugees and had come to Germany. My wife and I did some social work with them for about two years. These young men had been traveling alone and showed us pictures of their homes e. g. in Homs/Syria. Those (horrible) pictures reminded me of Dresden in 1945 and from what they told us it was nowhere near "hey cool let's go to Germany and get some benefits". Those guys were decent people.

Anyway of course the "other" stories of raping and robbing muslim gangs are heard here too. The thing is that stories like that are not broadcasted in the news here. As a consequence when I want to rely on facts then I must consider those stories as hearsay.

There are European laws for asylum which we have to follow.
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29-06-2020, 01:52 PM

Re: Lords Reject UK Fisheries Bill

Originally Posted by Solasch ->
I think improved conditions is the answer to sparky's question.
Immigrants read newspapers. Newspapers were filled with quotes from boris, farage etc that UK would be so much better off than the rest of europe after brexit, having regained sovereignty and going for economic prosperity. Immigrants must think the UK is soooo rich now after brexit got done, that has a tremendous suction effect. They all come flocking to britain now, they all want to be part of the economic miracle. You can't blame those poor people for believing boris, can you? You all did too.

Thats always been the case not because of Brexit.

And the 27 member states not followng their own EU rules because we all know how corrupt they all are.
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29-06-2020, 02:00 PM

Re: Lords Reject UK Fisheries Bill

Originally Posted by Solasch ->
I think improved conditions is the answer to sparky's question.
Immigrants read newspapers. Newspapers were filled with quotes from boris, farage etc that UK would be so much better off than the rest of europe after brexit, having regained sovereignty and going for economic prosperity. Immigrants must think the UK is soooo rich now after brexit got done, that has a tremendous suction effect. They all come flocking to britain now, they all want to be part of the economic miracle. You can't blame those poor people for believing boris, can you? You all did too.
You could be right. Still we don't know what refugees actually read or are being suggested in their countries. As far as for example Sysia is concerned, every European country is like heaven in comparison.
Even if you have never heard of B. Johnson.
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