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31-07-2020, 01:43 PM

Re: What silly/stupid 'challenges' did you do as a teenager?

[QUOTE=The Artful Todger;1943862]
Originally Posted by pauline3 ->

Maybe it's just us but I don't understand how anyone can live with a mutt and not have it as part of the family. Same with cats. Snot chose us to become his servants and now we're just homogeneous as a group.

(homogeneous is not a clever poofter)

Even the things that come into our garden take liberties - the badgers scratch at the doors at night and the vixen and her cubs - they've taken to coming in the house if the garden door is open which it usually is in this hot weather and raiding any grub Snot has left in his bowl.

I REALLY don't understand how people can be cruel to any animal and if domesticated not include them in the family.

Smashing post, Todger.

If we take an animal on, then we are responsible for it's physical AND emotional well-being.
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31-07-2020, 01:53 PM

Re: What silly/stupid 'challenges' did you do as a teenager?

One shouldn't be deliberately cruel to an animal, but neither should you treat them as surrogate humans, as some people do. They should be treated like the species they are.
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31-07-2020, 01:54 PM

Re: What silly/stupid 'challenges' did you do as a teenager?

Originally Posted by monkeypuzzle ->
The animal lived in the shed, it was there to protect the property and be useful as were all the dogs of its ilk we had. Any dog which is dangerous should be immediately put down.

The way you refer to this poor dog as "The animal" speaks volumes.

Unfortunately, some humans not have the intelligence to comprehend that treating a dog as an outcast, that is how they will make him become.

If this "animal" was known to be dangerous beforehand, then why take him on, when there was obviously no intention to help him over come his problems? Instead, it sounds like he was just used and abused - if not physically, then mentally.

On the other hand, if he was raised from a puppy with this same family, why did he grow up so 'dangerous' I wonder?

I see it said that " the animal was there to guard the property" - and yet when he did this, his got shot!

Some people shouldn't even be allowed to have a goldfish.
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31-07-2020, 01:59 PM

Re: What silly/stupid 'challenges' did you do as a teenager?

Originally Posted by monkeypuzzle ->
, but neither should you treat them as surrogate humans, as some people do. They should be treated like the species they are.
That is just your opinion,mine is the complete opposite,they are my family and are treated like such.

You are of the minority I believe....
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31-07-2020, 02:00 PM

Re: What silly/stupid 'challenges' did you do as a teenager?

Originally Posted by monkeypuzzle ->
One shouldn't be deliberately cruel to an animal, but neither should you treat them as surrogate humans, as some people do. They should be treated like the species they are.

I actually agree they should not be treated as if human, but they still have emotions, needs, and a right to be treated kindly.

Left to their own devices, they would naturally run with others of their own kind. Humans take this away from them, but the instinct to belong in a group is still there.
In kinder families, we become their 'group', so to keep one shut away in isolation it soooooooo wrong and enough to turn any dog's mind.
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31-07-2020, 02:03 PM

Re: What silly/stupid 'challenges' did you do as a teenager?

Didn’t I see one of your dogs sat at the table one xmas,Mups...with a Santa hat on...that tickled me....yup,he /she even had their paws on the table.....I never saw a knife and fork though..
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31-07-2020, 02:06 PM

Re: What silly/stupid 'challenges' did you do as a teenager?

Originally Posted by pauline3 ->
Didn’t I see one of your dogs sat at the table one xmas,Mups...with a Santa hat on...that tickled me....yup,he /she even had their paws on the table..

I'm afraid so, Pauline. I can assure you she didn't get her Christmas dinner there though!
Little monkey invited herself up there.
They soon take advantage if they can!
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31-07-2020, 02:12 PM

Re: What silly/stupid 'challenges' did you do as a teenager?

Originally Posted by The Artful Todger ->

I do agree...but if they are working dogs....can one not get too friendly with a working one then?

Does it affect their performance somehow?

If a dog is kept in a shed,it should have one of those lights over it.

I used to help at a rescue centre,those poor dogs in the winter,I can remember watching them shiver in the freezing cold..

On the contrary Pauline.
If they are well treated, they want to please you, and will work their socks off for you. A good bond with a working dog is invaluable.

Sadly, in the case of this dog, it sounds like he never had any love, guidance or reward based training, so it's obvious he would grow up with a chip on his shoulder.

Put a human in isolation all his life, with no contact with humans, and he wouldn't know how to respond to the world either.
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31-07-2020, 02:23 PM

Re: What silly/stupid 'challenges' did you do as a teenager?

Originally Posted by Mups ->
I actually agree they should not be treated as if human, but they still have emotions, needs, and a right to be treated kindly.

Left to their own devices, they would naturally run with others of their own kind. Humans take this away from them, but the instinct to belong in a group is still there.
In kinder families, we become their 'group', so to keep one shut away in isolation it soooooooo wrong and enough to turn any dog's mind.

My father's other dogs had no problems at all. Besides which, my father had the animals up with him at the vinery during the day.

We have have a number of dogs and heaps of other animals during our marriage, the children wanted them, although I was the one who dealt with them. The cats kept down the vermin, they had cat houses in the garden, The dogs had kennels outside. They alerted us if one visited the property, which was useful because some of our homes were in isolated area.

When the last dog died in 2002, I put my foot down and said, 'No more'.
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31-07-2020, 02:32 PM

Re: What silly/stupid 'challenges' did you do as a teenager?

When I was at school back in the dark ages I was already very big and strong. I lived near to Charringtons Brewery. It was surrounded by iron railings with short spikes every foot or so. I was challenged by a few mates to bend one of them.. I then proceeded to bend every other spike at right angles which meant they were sticking out over the pavement. Was I proud of myself? of course I was..until I realised how stupid I was and how dangerous it could have been. This was back in the 50s. I have gained a little more sense recently.
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