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25-03-2021, 12:11 PM

Re: My house is small...

Originally Posted by bakerman ->
I took retirement a tad early, at age 59. Since I always wanted to travel the world, I sold my house and all of my possessions and, emptied my bank accounts and set out on my travels. Spent several years in southeast Asia, including: The Philippines, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Japan, and Thailand. Itchy feet soon overtook me and I decided that I needed to do a serous tour of Egypt, a life-long dream. From Egypt onward to Costa Rica, and Mexico.

Having circumnavigated the globe, my plan was to live the remainder of my life in Italy. However, a heart attack and various other health issues caused me to end my international travels and settle in Mexico but near enough to the U.S. to take advantage of my U.S. health insurance.

I'm glad that I did my most of my traveling while I still had good health. Had I waited any longer, I never would have been able to fulfill my dreams.
Some very good memories of exciting places Bakerman, sorry to hear about the heart attack though. Pretty much the same here, but didn't get to travel as far afield as you, but no regrets.... We're still here to write about it bakerman...
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25-03-2021, 03:35 PM

Re: My house is small...

Originally Posted by Primus1 ->
I too live in a two bed bungalow, there’s three of us here, and yes, I wish we’d moved years ago, Mrs,p would move tomorrow if she could, but we have a reasonable garden with a lovely summerhouse we can sit in and relax on those lovely summer days and evenings with a nice drink of something cold, I’m not sure of my retirement plans yet, I have just over 5 years before I can claim my state pension, but I could actually go now as I have a not two bad private pension, but I’ll stick it out for at least a couple more years, even if I leave this job I’d try and find something else, part time maybe, minx, your retirement sounds idyllic and we’ve thought about buying a motor home and travelling the uk, but I think we’d tire of that quite quickly...
It’s great that you intend to keep going as long as you can. It all adds up for a comfortable retirement. It’s just an option that I’m seriously considering at this stage .
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25-03-2021, 05:19 PM

Re: My house is small...

Originally Posted by Minx ->
It’s great that you intend to keep going as long as you can. It all adds up for a comfortable retirement. It’s just an option that I’m seriously considering at this stage .
My thoughts (FWIW) ---

Hope for the best but plan for the worst
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25-03-2021, 09:14 PM

Re: My house is small...

Originally Posted by Primus1 ->
I too live in a two bed bungalow, there’s three of us here, and yes, I wish we’d moved years ago, Mrs,p would move tomorrow if she could, but we have a reasonable garden with a lovely summerhouse we can sit in and relax on those lovely summer days and evenings with a nice drink of something cold, I’m not sure of my retirement plans yet, I have just over 5 years before I can claim my state pension, but I could actually go now as I have a not two bad private pension, but I’ll stick it out for at least a couple more years, even if I leave this job I’d try and find something else, part time maybe, minx, your retirement sounds idyllic and we’ve thought about buying a motor home and travelling the uk, but I think we’d tire of that quite quickly...
It’s wise to keep working and top up your state pension with a private pension. I’m just considering the option at this point. I’m very sure my kids won’t appreciate me playing gypsy around SA
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25-03-2021, 09:16 PM

Re: My house is small...

Originally Posted by Artangel ->
Will l downsize? No never! You never go backwards in life as it’s a downward spiral after that.
Good for you Artangel.
After seeing many couples and some men living this lifestyle, I could easily see myself doing so.
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25-03-2021, 09:22 PM

Re: My house is small...

My husband died when I retired, we lived in a hamlet in North Yorkshire, took a while to adapt. I have now moved to Nottinghamshire in a bungalow. Life throws all sorts of stuff at you. Thankfully the weather is getting warmer in England so I have been doing a lot of gardening, considering no-one can go anywhere its the best option.
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25-03-2021, 10:28 PM

Re: My house is small...

Originally Posted by Surfermom ->
My parents and in-laws waited too long to renovate or sell their three-story homes so they could live on one level, and I don't want to find myself in the same boat.

We have talked about living aboard a sailboat or in an RV for a couple of years, but as for the brick and mortar places, our main house will be set up so that no matter how many bedrooms there are on other levels, we can fully live on one.

The more navigable the house and the less we have to do to maintain it, the longer we can live in it before our kids pitch us out .
Sounds like a good plan! I thought about the sailboat but our marina’s are not safe
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25-03-2021, 10:29 PM

Re: My house is small...

Originally Posted by Pixie Knuckles ->
If I could drive, then I would certainly get a van and drive around, parking up wherever we wanted. Mr P could work freelance (if he chose to) and I'm sure I could get something online too. Or a houseboat..that would be good also. But we don't drive, and I think we would (or I would, to be blunt) get fed up with it after a while. I like having a proper roof over my head. So maybe a few years, then that would do us.
A houseboat sounds delightful
The plan was to move from province/state/county every three months - so not too much driving.
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25-03-2021, 10:31 PM

Re: My house is small...

Originally Posted by The Artful Todger ->
We finalised our retirement objectives in 1990 but had decided what we wanted to do in the late 1980's because I decided to retire in 2000 and so made career changes to enable me to do so. The move from Epping to Suffolk was straightforward once we'd found where we now live, but the bridging loan ---- don't ask!
It’s great that you planned far ahead and then worked towards your goal. Now you’re sitting pretty in retirement with the most awesome Memsaab. What more could you ask for TAT
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25-03-2021, 10:32 PM

Re: My house is small...

Originally Posted by spitfire ->
To get a Bungalow for when the stairs get too much!
Don’t leave it for too long !
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