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19-09-2013, 04:29 AM

Re: Do you smoke?

Originally Posted by Wrinkly ->
Well I am not going to be very popular with a lot of people, but first I say to smokers feel free to do it if you must.
Somebody mentioned not giving a rats backside what others think, and I thought that was food for thought.
So I had a good think, and come to the conclusion it is such a selfish habit, no thought for anybody else but their own.
Now before the castigation, I used to be a heavy smoker but when I packed it up, I realised how selfish was I, my children and my wife having to put up with my dirty habit, now that wasn't fair at all, was it?

My missus hated me smoking in the house,but she was a reformed smoker herself,and reformed smokers are a bad breed,probably the worst type of hippocrite to grace Gods Earth,like a reformed alcoholic,nothing worse than a reformed anything,but i offered her a choice,i would stop smoking in the house if she gave up drinking and her bloody pot smoking?
Yes,i kept smoking in the house,it was an airey house too,not a little one room place that looked like an opium den!

But smoker bashing is the craze now,alcohol is worse,i dont remember having a smoke and getting locked up in jail for "Smoke Driving" do you know of anyone booked for that?
Dident think so,there is more pollution from your car exhaust? do you worry when driving about all the chemicals and heavy metals spewing out of your cars exhaust,destroying the poor little lungs in babies being pushed along the street in a stroller?
Dident think so!

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19-09-2013, 04:36 AM

Re: Do you smoke?

Originally Posted by Sandi ->
Gee Mollie,

Then think of us poor Aussies. An average 50 cigarete pack here costs
18 pounds.

I have to laugh at Mollie complaining about the cost of fags Sandi,I wish 6 pounds was our price,a 2 ounce pack of rolling tobacco is now $44 here,what is that in Pounds Sterling?
And $28 for a pack of 50 el cheapo no name tailor mades,I wish it was 6 pounds.Lucky England!
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19-09-2013, 07:18 AM

Re: Do you smoke?

Funny to see a smoking thread today - my husband's been employing a chap to do some work outside and he was telling him that he recently had a heart attack at age 39. This man is overweight and a 40 a day smoker. After all his treatment and aftercare I asked if he still smoked. Yes, said hubby, he thinks it's wonderful and presumably worth dying for. It's a strange old life isn't it?
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19-09-2013, 08:31 AM

Re: Do you smoke?

Originally Posted by billsteamshovel ->
My missus hated me smoking in the house,but she was a reformed smoker herself,and reformed smokers are a bad breed,probably the worst type of hippocrite to grace Gods Earth,like a reformed alcoholic,nothing worse than a reformed anything,but i offered her a choice,i would stop smoking in the house if she gave up drinking and her bloody pot smoking?
Yes,i kept smoking in the house,it was an airey house too,not a little one room place that looked like an opium den!

But smoker bashing is the craze now,alcohol is worse,i dont remember having a smoke and getting locked up in jail for "Smoke Driving" do you know of anyone booked for that?
Dident think so,there is more pollution from your car exhaust? do you worry when driving about all the chemicals and heavy metals spewing out of your cars exhaust,destroying the poor little lungs in babies being pushed along the street in a stroller?
Dident think so!

Quite right Billy, I am an ex smoker, and I will smoker bash, if I save one life then it will have been worth it.
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19-09-2013, 08:31 AM

Re: Do you smoke?

Originally Posted by eccles ->
Funny to see a smoking thread today - my husband's been employing a chap to do some work outside and he was telling him that he recently had a heart attack at age 39. This man is overweight and a 40 a day smoker. After all his treatment and aftercare I asked if he still smoked. Yes, said hubby, he thinks it's wonderful and presumably worth dying for. It's a strange old life isn't it?
Just out of interest, I'd like to ask smokers just what it is that they get from smoking. Obviously from alcohol you get drunk, from cannabis you get stoned, from amphetamine you are speeding off your t*ts, from heroin you are cuddled in a warm, fuzzy, comfortable blanket, from cocaine you feel that you rule the world - but what does smoking give you that is worth risking your health for?
Genuine question - I'm not having a go. I've worked with heroin addicts, crack addicts, heavy cannabis users and speed freaks - many of whom managed to give up their main drug of choice, but almost none of whom were able to kick the tobacco habit!
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19-09-2013, 09:06 AM

Re: Do you smoke?

I had one Senior Service fag when I was fifteen. God it was revolting never had a fag since, whatever do smokers get from them? I visited a lung clinic every week for 2 years with my wife she smoked all her life. She and all the other patients were in a terrible state struggling to breath and on oxygen all day. It aint clever, COPD is a killer!
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19-09-2013, 09:06 AM

Re: Do you smoke?

Originally Posted by MickB ->
Just out of interest, I'd like to ask smokers just what it is that they get from smoking. Obviously from alcohol you get drunk, from cannabis you get stoned, from amphetamine you are speeding off your t*ts, from heroin you are cuddled in a warm, fuzzy, comfortable blanket, from cocaine you feel that you rule the world - but what does smoking give you that is worth risking your health for?
Genuine question - I'm not having a go. I've worked with heroin addicts, crack addicts, heavy cannabis users and speed freaks - many of whom managed to give up their main drug of choice, but almost none of whom were able to kick the tobacco habit!
It makes you think you are Ghengis Khan,Mahatma Ghandi and Mother Teresa all at once!
Its a ritual,like the Japanese tea ceremony,you wake in the morning and the first thing you think about is that next nail in your coffin,or two or three,but you fight hard to put it off as long as you can,you tease yourself while you feed the cat and boil the billy for you coffee,then you sit in your favourite chair,shuffle around a bit then you do a checklist run.
Cigarettes or tobacco
Then you open the pack,and your heart races,you are anticipating the feeling of rolling the cigarette in you fingers,then you have a quick out breath and place the ciggie to your lips,you are starting to sweat a bit now,getting a bit jittery then you suck on that little baby like your life depended on it,but its not lit yet,you roll it across your lips,sniffling and watching the steam rise from your hot coffee mug,then another sniffle,you fumble for the lighter,you know where it is but you like to fumble to extend the anticipation of that first drag after sleeping for 8 hours,dreaming as usual of the Marlborough Man,on horseback in the wild North American Mountains,his horse snorting and bucking waiting for its rider to get that smoke drawn deep into his lungs,to relax him,the horse knows his rider is anxous,he can feel it!
Now i find my lighter,i play with it,remove the ciggie still unlit from my dry lips,i need a sip of coffee,i need caffeine,now!
I have my sip of coffee,put my ciggie back in my mouth,i light it,the first drawback gives me visions of "Clancy of the Overflow" racing at breakneck speed to head off the wild brumbies before they hit the woods at the bottom of the sheer drop he finds himself in,but the pony he is riding finds its feet and turns the brumbies heads for home.
The smoke has curled its way down my throat now,i can feel it caressing my windpipe,i feel a gag reflex so i give a feigned cough,i dident really mean it,it would be a insult to my cigarette to let it know it had me beat,down for the count on the cold hard floor of the boxing stadium,i can hear the crowd roar now,i feel sated,satisfied that i have gotten that first good morning cigarette where it belongs,its starting to get into my bloodstream now,the nicotine is screaming like a wild animal caught in an ancient leg trap,but i stifle that scream with another feigned cough,I take a double hit now,two quick drawbacks,the smoke knows its own way now,no need to suck it in,it just flows along my esophegus,its an easy run now,its nearly there,it knows how much i appreciate it, it treats my body with respect now,it knows it is doomed,it knows very soon it will be expelled into the atmosphere,it thinks i dont love it anymore,it feels used and it is,i have no respect for it now,it senses my displeasure and seeks to leave immediately,this it does,much to my chagrin,I suck again now,i am smiling,the cigarette knows i have its measure and it relaxes in my fingers,its a spent force,i have squeezed all its goodness out of its little white tube,but i dont care how it feels,i have feeling also,but my desire is satisfied for a little while,i feel like a million bucks,a million bucks! ha ha ha.

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19-09-2013, 09:13 AM

Re: Do you smoke?

That is what it is I get from smoking! lol!
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19-09-2013, 09:15 AM

Re: Do you smoke?

Excellent Bill, I can remember all of those feelings so well.....
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19-09-2013, 09:18 AM

Re: Do you smoke?

Originally Posted by plantman ->
Excellent Bill, I can remember all of those feelings so well.....
I have that feeling right now,and i love it,its not an addiction to me,its a way of life,its the way I like feeling,i love to feel like this,its better than sex! lol.

PS- I actually wanted non smokers to feel what smokers feel? If my little diatribe above achieves that, then good,but that is what it feels like,you wouldent think so,but that "Goodmorning Cigarette" is the most important!

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