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15-10-2013, 09:55 PM

Re: Flu Injection!

I will be having both flu and pneumonia jabs on Monday. And will glad to do so. I don't relish the idea of having flu ever again, it was terrible.
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15-10-2013, 10:11 PM

Re: Flu Injection!

Originally Posted by ben-varrey ->
When I became reclusive (wouldn't leave the house for months) and only attended hospital appointments, in the February, I was told, after a blood test, that I was very low on Vit D and should start taking a supplement; I now make an effort to leave the house if the sun is shining.
I'm afraid you'd only benefit from Vitamin D from sunshine if you moved a lot nearer the Equator than the UK.
There is a calculator here that enables you to work out how long you need at any particular time of day, latitude/longitude and accounting for cloud cover however that is the time for 1000iu and most UK adults need amounts in the region of 5000iu/daily to keep stored Vitamin d available.
From the end of September through to the end of February it's virtually impossible anywhere in the UK to get effective amounts of sun exposure. However360 x 5000iu capsules are cheap (£15 years supply) from Amazon or Various other discount providers so it's no big deal.

You can get 25(OH)D tests by post from Birmingham NHS path lab CityAssays for around £25 or £20 if you bulk buy and share with friends.
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15-10-2013, 10:26 PM

Re: Flu Injection!

Did you not get the message the last time that you spammed this forum with your internet generated lectures.
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16-10-2013, 03:51 AM

Re: Flu Injection!

Mesco, ask a silly question...
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16-10-2013, 08:50 AM

Re: Flu Injection!

Originally Posted by TedHutchinson ->
I'm afraid you'd only benefit from Vitamin D from sunshine if you moved a lot nearer the Equator than the UK.
There is a calculator here that enables you to work out how long you need at any particular time of day, latitude/longitude and accounting for cloud cover however that is the time for 1000iu and most UK adults need amounts in the region of 5000iu/daily to keep stored Vitamin d available.
From the end of September through to the end of February it's virtually impossible anywhere in the UK to get effective amounts of sun exposure. However360 x 5000iu capsules are cheap (£15 years supply) from Amazon or Various other discount providers so it's no big deal.

You can get 25(OH)D tests by post from Birmingham NHS path lab CityAssays for around £25 or £20 if you bulk buy and share with friends.
That can't be true most people get their vitamins perfectly well from environment and diet. I only started taking vitamins when my diet became restricted so I was worried I would be deficient in some. And you can get vitamins D much cheaper than that link in boots for instance.
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16-10-2013, 10:51 AM

Re: Flu Injection!

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
That can't be true most people get their vitamins perfectly well from environment and diet.
You are wrong. Because of the angle of the sun in relation to the UK in winter the UVB rays don't reach ground level and therefore it's IMPOSSIBLE to get vitamin d from sunlight between OCTOBER and the end of FEBRUARY. There are still benefits from getting outside in the winter the UVA will have some benefit in raising nitric oxide levels and the BRIGHT LIGHT exposure midday helps reset circadian rhythm so helping you sleep better (melatonin also improves immune function and acts as an anti inflammatory agent)

And you can get vitamins D much cheaper than that link in boots for instance.
Again what you are saying is misleading.
For Vitamin D to be effective means you have to STORE vitamin d3, it's not just circulating levels that matter.
We don't have stored reserves of vitamin d below 100nmol/l and ideally levels around 125nmol/l are required to ensure everyone has a RESERVE STORE of vitamin d3.
Boots Pharmaceuticals Vitamin D 25µg (90 Tablets) £5.10 even with the 3 for 2 offer work out more expensive than the
Healthy Origins Vitamin D3 Gels 5, 000 IU 360 capsules £15.83
25µg = 1000iu so you would need 5 x 25µg to = 5000iu.
and the Boots packs are 90 not 360.

This graph shows what happens given different daily intake in the USA.

The UK is further NORTH than the USA and we don't get as many hours sunshine annually nor do we get as many days when UVB is reaching ground level therefore we need MORE vitamin D3 from supplements daily than would be required in the USA.
It is important people don't overdose on Vitamin D3 which is why I suggest that after you've been taking an EFFECTIVE amount of vitamin D from 3 months (it takes that long to build up stores) you get a 25(OH)D test and see how your body has responded. If you are over the target you can reduce the daily intake and if you are below the target 125nmol/l you can increase daily intake using this chart.
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16-10-2013, 10:58 AM

Re: Flu Injection!

So if you are right and I am completely wrong how come so many of us are surviving and thriving, we would all be sick without the vitamin D. You would have to have very very dark skin or loads of sunscreen to not get your vitamin D when you are outside. We also get it from various foods too so shouldn't unless we are dark skinned, wear sunscreen at all time or stay indoors be perfectly fine without supplements. Especially expensive supplements you are trying to sell us.
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16-10-2013, 11:08 AM

Re: Flu Injection!

When I first started on this site over a year ago, we had all this rubbish spam from Ted at that time. Here it is again. I thought this site was not for spam or selling articles?
I am in my 60's Ted but my mind has not gone blank so I know all your spam and the commission you try to get.

Back to the subject which I came on to do was about the flu jab
I had mine yesterday and although my arm is stiff I don't feel bad.
I had flu three times in my life too and it lays you on your back.
One of the times I did get a chest infection even though I don't have
a bad chest. I think it depends on which flu type you get. My worse
bout was 30 years ago when I was looking after my two sons alone.
I had just had mumps with them as I did not get it when I was younger.
I remember crawling on my hands and knees to the kitchen to try and get a drink of water after my eldest son had gone to school and forgotten to
leave me any. That was after being semi unconscious for over 24 hours.
I had to get the milkman to post a letter to my Brother to come and help me and bring some food as I didn't have a phone and my Mother was
dying of Asbestos.
I therefore, now have the flu jab as there is no way I want to go through
that again just because of a virus.
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16-10-2013, 11:10 AM

Re: Flu Injection!

That sounds dreadful luckily never had flu and hope with the jabs never will.
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16-10-2013, 11:19 AM

Re: Flu Injection!

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
So if you are right and I am completely wrong how come so many of us are surviving and thriving, we would all be sick without the vitamin D.
It is only in winter that you can't get vitamin d from sun exposure in the UK and it's in winter that we generally see higher mortality. So as Vitamin D levels drop more people are taken into hospital and don't thrive.

You would have to have very very dark skin or loads of sunscreen to not get your vitamin D when you are outside.
But if you are dark skinned or wear loads of sunscreen you will have lower vitamin D status and you will see that people from the Asian Community or other ethnic minorities generally have lower vitamin d status and HIGHER diabetes, heart disease and cancer risks.
If you want an increased risk of cancer then that's your choice.
If your doctor doesn't want to give you a 25(OH)D test then they are relatively cheap from the NHS source I've already mentioned.

We also get it from various foods too so shouldn't unless we are dark skinned, wear sunscreen at all time or stay indoors be perfectly fine without supplements.
Get yourself tested and you will discover I am only speaking the truth.

Especially expensive supplements you are trying to sell us.
But you haven't worked out that the source you suggested is MORE expensive because you would have to take 5 capsules daily instead of just one to get an EFFECTIVE amount of vitamin D3.
If you lay naked in the midday summer sun for 20 minutes providing you had a high cholesterol level, the UVB would start the process that turns 7 dehydrocholestrol molecules near the skin surface into CHOLECALCIFEROL and that 20 minute exposure would eventually create 20,000iu of vitamin D3.
Now why do you think your DNA is set to produce that much vitamin D from sunlight if given the chance.?
The amounts of vitamin D in foods it totally trivial and not worth considering. Perhaps a little cod liver oil would make a bit of difference but the INUIT to survive without sunshine in winter went to great lengths for ferment vitamin d rich food sources for use in the winter and they managed to get 5000iu/daily but I don't think fermented fish game and meats in seal oil are going to be found in your supermarket.
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