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28-12-2013, 02:49 PM

Re: Time To Close England's Borders?

Some will be treated that way Meg - an easy target. The worrying thing is, they may turn to crime ......
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28-12-2013, 02:54 PM

Re: Time To Close England's Borders?

It isn't just about benefits though the amount of money leaking out of the UK to other countries is quite alarming, they are not spending it here it's going home to make their families richer or provide for them when they return. One chap I know send 70% of his wages home and has bought a house and 2 cars with it. He is hoping to stay long enough so he can retire when he returns to his home country.
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29-12-2013, 05:57 PM

Re: Time To Close England's Borders?

Sometimes I read these boards and forget they are not US boards. We seem to have the same problems. We have major immigration issues in the US. Immigrants come here thinking that there are jobs--look at the size of us--surely there is a job somewhere. Those immigrants end up working slave labor for less than minimum wage--such as picking tomatoes for $2 a box (equivalent of £1.22 an hour). Our brilliant legislatures are fickle and cannot decide much of anything as a group so we have individual states making their own immigration laws (mine being one of the strictest), while the federal government tries to agree to grant amnesty/pardons for the immigrants already here allowing them to become citizens. We have 11 million illegal immigrants right now. Obama has deported more than any president, but once he is (finally) out of office, Congress will push for immigration clemency again. 1) Those people vote. It has nothing to do with these people bringing something to the table or that they are taking jobs from citizens, it has to do with votes. Si, they speaka enough englash to sign their name, but they do not comprehend what is actually said so they vote for the guy who made it possible for them to stay and bring their 150 relatives with them. The side-effects, by making them citizens, they will no longer work for $2 an hour when they can draw on social programs that equal $7 an hour. Also, if they become citizens they will have to pay for ACA health care where as illegals they get free health care. As illegals, they do not pay taxes (regardless of what political propaganda says), but they cost us with health care, schooling, and legal aid when they get in trouble. Immigration will not come after these people when they are arrested. They say that unless there are a few thousand to make the trip worthwhile, let them go. Our local jails cannot afford to house and feed illegals for months waiting to collect several thousand. Personally, I do not see these people wanting citizenship when they can milk us for free. 2) Mexicans are not our only problems; people from all over use the Mexico border to enter the US, including people from Afghanistan that are considered linked to not so groovy groups. The US claims they want to secure our borders but at the same time they will do nothing to insult or offend countries they do business with, and usually our esteemed members of Congress own stock in those companies. It is either money or fear or both that hold our borders open. The US was extremely prejudice against Asians and capped their immigration to the US, restricted their trade, and restricted their freedom and rights in the US--they seriously insulted Japan once and Japan formed an alliance with Hitler and attacked us years later at Pearl Harbor.
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29-12-2013, 06:04 PM

Re: Time To Close England's Borders?

In the end its 'all politics' isn't it ......
As you say, not really any difference now between us, again the future looks bleak .....
Rene61 is offline
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29-12-2013, 06:23 PM

Re: Time To Close England's Borders?

Originally Posted by Patsy ->
In the end its 'all politics' isn't it ......
As you say, not really any difference now between us, again the future looks bleak .....
My degree requires me to take several world history classes, and each criminal justice and political theory class comes with even more world history, and what I have learned these past two years is that history really never changes much. Our transportation updates, along with our clothing and weaponry, but technically, we are always in the same boat. We go through periods of stability, but corruption, greed, and insanity always rule. There is actually nothing new going on in the world.. anywhere. It is just new packaging. One advantage we have is the Internet. Before we are all living in boxes in the ally, we can Google and learn the fine art of dumpster diving and how to fake mental disease to keep one from being attacked for a pair of shoes.
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30-12-2013, 08:51 AM

Re: Time To Close England's Borders?

Folks really need to start washing their own cars again.
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30-12-2013, 09:09 AM

Re: Time To Close England's Borders?

Yes, to hell with the EU (this wasn't what we signed up for years ago with the Common Market), close the borders now, and rip up the Channel Tunnel. I'm sick and tired of reading what a benefit they are. *scoffs*. What utter rubbish!

And I also agree with earlier comments, it plays on my mind too, all the time. Probably why I'm so stressed out. My home town is just flooded and it can be a nightmare getting on the hoppa bus. They don't queue, they keep the seats. All the young girls seem to have a pushchair welded to their hands. They're just here and in my way.

Then there was all those pregnant women stopped before flying to our country to give birth on the NHS. For crying out loud, when is this abuse of our money and services going to stop?!!

Right, that's my blood pressure up so going off now to calm down.

And breathe.....
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30-12-2013, 09:32 AM

Re: Time To Close England's Borders?

And there is the real problem, the people making the decisions are not trying to get on the hoppa they are swanning around in big cars well away from the dense immigration areas.
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30-12-2013, 09:40 AM

Re: Time To Close England's Borders?

I look upon this from a personal point of view too, in that I have been largely out of work for the past few years, existing on my occy pension and savings. I estimate that until my State Pension starts in March 2015 I will have taken out another £3,500 - 4,000, just to pay bills and stay afloat.

This next quarter is always my heaviest, to include the car bills, leccy, phone and tv licence and will probably set me back over £1,000. This will be repeated in 2015. Then I will drip feed from my savings throughout the year to supplement the occy pension, which doesn't cover everything.

I'm also sick and tired of reading how these parasites will be able to draw any benefit going, when I get no help at all. My retirement goalposts were moved, it's not my fault the NHS have no temporary bookings to offer me, it's not my fault that any job I apply for is not answered.

I despair, I really do.
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30-12-2013, 09:42 AM

Re: Time To Close England's Borders?

Ps, even the temporary staffing officer assigned to me is a young Polish girl!
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