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20-02-2014, 07:39 AM

I am tired

OK, this maybe a dumb question when you consider all the tablets, pills and drinks etc, advertised on TV and
Newspapers and sitting on supermarket shelves, but I will ask anyway.
My wife and I are both 74 and seem to be tired most of the day, and have at least 2 or 3 kips each day. Can anybody recommend a tablet that has worked for them in a positive way. I am talking about those things like, Suisse and Multi Vitamins etc, etc, that seem to screamed at us on a daily basis.
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20-02-2014, 08:24 AM

Re: I am tired

I also fall asleep quite a bit during the day but I consider it normal at my age. Anyhow I only get about 6 1/2 hours during the night then I wake up. I did read a scientific article a few days ago which said that, up to about 200 years ago, it was normal to get your 8 hours in two spells of 4 hours in a day.
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20-02-2014, 08:50 AM

Re: I am tired

Constant tiredness and falling asleep several times per day could be due to the side effects of the medications you've been prescribed matey, have a read of the leaflets that accompany your medication and see if that is one of the general side effects. If so, then maybe you need to chat to your Doctors again and see if they can swop some of that medication for something that isn't producing those side effects.
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20-02-2014, 10:20 AM

Re: I am tired

Can I ask if you live in a very warm house? Sometimes heat can make
you sleep so wondered how your lounge was. Are you getting some
exercise so you gasp in oxygen.
I am 67 and always on the go but that's probably because I have a North facing lounge which is not very warm. I don't put my heating on all day.
I don't sleep during the day yet although
I know people younger than me that do. I do two sleeps a night. One
from about 10.30 to 2 or 3am then after I listen to the radio for a few hours
fall asleep again until about 6 or 7am.
I have multi-vitamin and mineral tablets for the over 50+.
I wouldn't deprive yourself of a sleep during the day if that's what your
body wants but with it happening to both you and your wife I was
wondering about your heating.
Has this just happened or has something changed at home to make this happen. I am just wondering if you might have a carbon minoxide detector in the house just in case its the heating.
More exercise might be needed to stimulate your body but something
to stimulate your mind might be going out for short walks and chatting to other people
Hope you find something you like to do and as they say a change is as good as a rest.
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20-02-2014, 10:34 AM

Re: I am tired

Hi John not wishing to sound 'preachy' but I am not a fan of vitamin pills and supplements and think the answer is to eat a good balanced diet containing lots of fruit and vegetables. That way you get the whole goodness from the food including fiber and trace elements.

I think maintaining a level of exercise each day is very important too and helps to keep the mind alert and the body functioning properly. I know for some people this is not always possible and if you don't feel well it can be tempting not to bother but I make myself take some exercise every day even if it is only a short walk (having a dog helps with this ).
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20-02-2014, 10:41 AM

Re: I am tired

Make an effort to go somewhere every morning. We may have a quick ride to a beach or just 6 miles away to Lymington to look in the £1 shop, to the library - anywhere as long as it's OUT.

We may have a doze in the afternoon - nothing wrong with that, why not?

We eat a balanced diet and I, too, don't believe in vitamin supplements. Unless you have a health problem you shouldn't need them.
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20-02-2014, 10:41 AM

Re: I am tired

Anaemia?? I visited the doctors recently, first time in months, they did a blood test and discovered I was anaemic. I was really tired out and after a course of iron I am much better.
May be worth a try even though it would be a coincidence if you were both anaemic!!
I am over 60 so no idea how it happened.
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20-02-2014, 02:32 PM

Re: I am tired

Thanks everybody for the rush of helpful and fast replies.
Now I will try and answer some of your questions.
Most days we will crash a couple of times, but if there is something on our minds, (like a 5 hour drive to Geraldton), we seem to make it through the day without a kip.
We live in Carnarvon West Australia, which is sub tropical and as close to perfect climate and temperature range as one can get.
I really don't currently get a lot of physical exercise, but have plans to change that. I have just bought a metal detector and am looking forward to renewing my pastime of looking for some gold, which I did non stop from about 1978 to 2000.
Now I am starting to think that our life style and sleeping habits are probably not that different to other people in our age bracket. (74 years).
But if somebody came up with a simple off the shelf tablet that made us feel more awake we would give it a whirl.
I have just been bought up to speed, my wife is 73 years and 6 months, Phew, is is not hard to get into trouble around here.
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20-02-2014, 05:59 PM

Re: I am tired

Originally Posted by Young Simmo ->
Thanks everybody for the rush of helpful and fast replies.
Now I will try and answer some of your questions.
Most days we will crash a couple of times, but if there is something on our minds, (like a 5 hour drive to Geraldton), we seem to make it through the day without a kip.
We live in Carnarvon West Australia, which is sub tropical and as close to perfect climate and temperature range as one can get.
I really don't currently get a lot of physical exercise, but have plans to change that. I have just bought a metal detector and am looking forward to renewing my pastime of looking for some gold, which I did non stop from about 1978 to 2000.
Now I am starting to think that our life style and sleeping habits are probably not that different to other people in our age bracket. (74 years).
But if somebody came up with a simple off the shelf tablet that made us feel more awake we would give it a whirl.
I have just been bought up to speed, my wife is 73 years and 6 months, Phew, is is not hard to get into trouble around here.
Firstly off the shelf tablets are not always that 'simple'

Secondly I would get yourselves to your doctor for a health check and all being well at least eliminate any underlying causes for your tiredness.
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20-02-2014, 07:16 PM

Re: I am tired

I ain't a health expert, far from it, but blood pressure / heart rate can play a part in tiredness for sure, along with a low iron count - as in being anaemic.

I run a great deal and being tired is something I monitor carefully. When I was extremely fit my pulse rate was very low - around 30 beats a minute, but I would be lethargic as hell in the morning unless I brought this count up a bit with some exercise. Again a low iron count can definitely make you lethargic so I pay attention to eating foods that contain it - such as plenty of cabbage and so on (which I eat a lot of), but I also take multi-vitamins with added iron as well.

At the age of 74 I think falling asleep during the day is part and parcel of the aging process so I can't see it being something to worry about unless it is excessive. Still a check up at the docs can't do any harm surely.
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