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27-03-2015, 09:39 PM

Re: homosociality

Originally Posted by OldGreyFox ->
I agree with you Gumbud.
Been married for over forty years and It appears that the fairer sex can be quite tiresome on occasion.
Ah but you would miss us if we weren't around, I have seen men and women pine to death when a wife or husband has died.
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28-03-2015, 01:16 AM

Re: homosociality

Originally Posted by OldGreyFox ->
I agree with you Gumbud.
Been married for over forty years and It appears that the fairer sex can be quite tiresome on occasion.
spot on OGF - women tire themselves out tidying and can be quite tiresome about it - I have decided to strike back - after the wif has re-arranged the house and orniments for the umpteenth time I wait until she has departed and re-arrrange them to my liking - what she would describe as messy - she is not amused and spends more time tiring herself out trying desperately to put them back in exactly the first position - know the feeling ladies?
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28-03-2015, 09:38 AM

Re: homosociality

Not really my husband is the OCD person here, things have to be where he wants them which is why I like to be only person dusting etc to make sure they are where he likes them to be. No point making his life harder than it needs to be.
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28-03-2015, 09:48 AM

Re: homosociality

Originally Posted by gumbud ->
spot on OGF - women tire themselves out tidying and can be quite tiresome about it - I have decided to strike back - after the wif has re-arranged the house and orniments for the umpteenth time I wait until she has departed and re-arrrange them to my liking - what she would describe as messy - she is not amused and spends more time tiring herself out trying desperately to put them back in exactly the first position - know the feeling ladies?
That was a bit mean Gumbud, how could you. A wife is there for you through thick and thin, looks after you when you are sick, cooks your meals, does your laundry, cleans the house and if you are like most men, you will be happy to let her. Why can't you let her do something that pleases her. Hope you are feeling exceedingly guilty now.

My partner bought a house for us and told me I could decorate it whatever way I wanted, he wanted it to have a woman's touch. So I started as a budding interior designer, thinking what we would both like, then he mentioned he only liked Magnolia. That was the start 'did I like the suite he chose' no, I detested it but he bought it anyway. His ornaments and pictures had to be displayed and I was given mine back because he reckoned they didn't go. There was none of 'me' in the house but I did his housework and he had the cheek to tell me, if he could afford it he would get me help!! I reckoned the only woman's touch he wanted in the house was me to do the painting, papering and tiling -Guess who is living on his own now, and guess who is doing their own housework!! It's a lot less work and more comfortable for me to live on my own as well.......
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28-03-2015, 05:36 PM

Re: homosociality

yep some men turn out just like women!
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28-03-2015, 06:00 PM

Re: homosociality

I'd go nuts living with a bunch of blokes. I have no interest in the things my fellow males seem to thrive on. Watching sport whether live or on TV bores me to death, I have no interest in conversations about cars, football, etc., and I'm not a drinker. Hell would be being stuck with a bunch of blokes for a weekend, never mind months.

Also, while I adore women and their company, I wouldn't want to be stuck with them for weeks on end either.
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28-03-2015, 06:25 PM

Re: homosociality

So some of you would prefer to live with a group of men rather than a woman. Does that mean the mannish thing to do is ignore housework, live in a mess and depend of take-aways. I see one very big problem there - who would be in charge of the remote control??
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28-03-2015, 10:50 PM

Re: homosociality

I have a friend who , when they decided to get married , discussed with her intended about the sharing of jobs. They realised that there were jobs that each would be better at dealing with so they set about creating a list of "blue jobs" and " pink jobs" ... She felt so relieved at not having the lion's share of stereotypical domestic chores but equally he didn't feel that that he was being treated as a typical male and had something positive to contribute ... Happiness all round!!!
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28-03-2015, 11:29 PM

Re: homosociality

Originally Posted by Tachyon ->
I'd go nuts living with a bunch of blokes. I have no interest in the things my fellow males seem to thrive on. Watching sport whether live or on TV bores me to death, I have no interest in conversations about cars, football, etc., and I'm not a drinker. Hell would be being stuck with a bunch of blokes for a weekend, never mind months.

Also, while I adore women and their company, I wouldn't want to be stuck with them for weeks on end either.
living in a monastery in a silent order perhaps??
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29-03-2015, 08:41 AM

Re: homosociality

this is what happens right from the start - all a big mistake and should have stuck to homosociality!

this man obviously did not have enough pre-marriage counselling OR hadn't got his specs checked recently!!
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