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05-05-2015, 12:59 PM

Re: Do you ever take food back?

Yes I do - food isn't cheap at Waitrose so if it's not up to a high standard it goes back the following week, or I call them to let them know it will be back soon.

If anything makes me sick it goes to the council for inspection.

Can you tell that I care a great deal about food standards
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05-05-2015, 01:00 PM

Re: Do you ever take food back?

Depends on what it is and how much it cost. If I pick up produce or baked goods with nasty bits, I usually just pitch it. But if it's seafood or poultry or other meats that are foul that should have never been put out to the consumer, I'll take it back, mostly to let them know that hey, your product is going bad, you best be checking the rest of your lot to make sure no one else is eating something that could make them sick.

From the seafood department, I picked up what appeared to be beautiful looking pieces of cod. Nice color, nice thick pieces, I couldn't wait to eat it. But when I opened the package, the strong smell of ammonia hit me, so I took it back to the store. That actually happened to me twice at the same store. Needless to say, I don't buy seafood from them anymore.
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06-05-2015, 12:13 PM

Re: Do you ever take food back?

I took it back and got a refund. Told them it was not parmesan that was in the bag. I've a feeling it just got chucked and that's the end of that.
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06-05-2015, 12:34 PM

Re: Do you ever take food back?

This little story is more about being overcharged than getting a bad food, but one day at the grocery I thought my bill sounded a little high once the total was rung up, but I blew it off and paid for everything, then took it all home. Once at home I checked out the receipt - they had charged me $46 (approx. £30) for ONE BELL PEPPER. I was like WHAT???

Took the receipt back to the store and the cashier said she had hit the wrong key code on her register. Yeah, I guess so!

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06-05-2015, 12:49 PM

Re: Do you ever take food back?

Funnily enough after posting this I noticed one of my avocados had gone bad, but I just threw it in the bin - so I guess like Linda, it depends on the cost (and probably my mood)
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06-05-2015, 01:02 PM

Re: Do you ever take food back?

I agree, some things just aren't worth the time it takes to drive back to the store. Avocados are iffy things anyway... sometimes they're beautiful on the inside, sometimes they're nasty. So especially if I need one for something I'm making that night, I always buy two at a time, just in case one of them isn't in very good shape. I've been there and done that with needing an avocado for something I'm planning to make that very night and then busting it open to discover it's turning and that's the only one I have.
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06-05-2015, 01:09 PM

Re: Do you ever take food back?

I always take things back if they are not right, we pay enough, so should get
good quality produce.
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06-05-2015, 06:38 PM

Re: Do you ever take food back?

I am a wuss and I hate complaining so if I am really riled with the quality of anything husband has to take it back. He is just the opposite and will complain about anything, so I sometimes hide stuff then throw it away if I don't want a fuss made!
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06-05-2015, 09:24 PM

Re: Do you ever take food back?

You know what's funny, I'm not too picky about icky stuff I accidentally buy in the store (unless, like I said, it's seafood or meat) but by george, if I get home with a takeout order and it's wrong, I'm raising all kinds of hell, hahaha.

I just don't tolerate people who don't listen and can't get an order right, it really boils my blood. I know everybody makes mistakes now and then, but some of the things I've experienced should have never happened.
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