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22-06-2015, 02:25 PM

Re: Pommes

Yes, my daughter( now deceased) lived there for quite a few years. It is a lovely country. The North Island from about halfway up is more tropical weather like Queensland, but the bottom half of the North Island and the South Island have the same weather as England. Cold and wet. Rains at the drop of a hat.

Made me laugh when someone said to me "We're in a drought. It hasn't rained for 3 days." I just said, "Well then it's just as well you're not in Australia, some of their droughts last 10 years without rain."

Lots of Poms there too. lol. Called Pakehas by the Maori's.

You would really like it. Lovely green countryside, plenty of sheep. Nice Wineries, more sheep.Lovely mountains, more sheep.

Went in Helicopter to the Fox Glacier, landed and had a look around and back down. Had tea in Queenstown on the mountaintop, to get there had to ride in a little train up the side of the mountain and back down again.

I've travelled over most of the 2 islands, and thoroughly enjoyed it.
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22-06-2015, 03:08 PM

Re: Pommes

My uncle emigrated to NZ back in the fifties and became a lighthouse keeper but is now retired, living on the South island, but always says his favorite place and best "keep" was Cuvier Island on the north east coast of North Island. It was nearly thirty years before he was regarded as a native Kiwi instead of a Pom .
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22-06-2015, 03:24 PM

Re: Pommes

Well Sandi - my problem is I'm just not adventurous - it was a thought to move as far as possible at that time, but, it makes sense to stay in a place for a while before making the giant leap of moving there ...........
Funny how a right or left turn can change your life forever .........

Well he certainly made the right move didn't he
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23-06-2015, 04:23 AM

Re: Pommes

Sorry Patsy,
Had to go to bed it was 11.30 pm here not afternoon as it was for you.

Patsy you would have stayed if you had gone there. Sounds like Plantman's uncle is well settled there.

I wouldn't have minded living there but up in the north island where it's warmer than the south.

Yes sometimes you wonder what would have happened if you had taken a different road, but you can never go back. Choices in life can be very hard.
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23-06-2015, 09:57 AM

Re: Pommes

Originally Posted by Sandi ->
Sorry Patsy,
Had to go to bed it was 11.30 pm here not afternoon as it was for you.

Patsy you would have stayed if you had gone there. Sounds like Plantman's uncle is well settled there.

I wouldn't have minded living there but up in the north island where it's warmer than the south.

Yes sometimes you wonder what would have happened if you had taken a different road, but you can never go back. Choices in life can be very hard.
So weird when you think of things that way, moving to NZ well that would have been a huge step but the little choices we make can also be life changing - so you really don't know 'what's around that corner'
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