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01-08-2015, 11:43 PM

Re: Walter Palmer (the killing of Cecil the lion)

Originally Posted by Pumicestone ->
One man kills one lion. Bad. Might even impact on another few lions.
Bad. Everyone goes bonkers.

Just get all uptight and outraged over ONE bloody lion.
Makes no sense..

It's not 'just one bloody lion' Pumicestone. He's been killing these beautiful wild animals for years.
It is also the disgusting way he went about it that got to me.
The luring it with food, the bribery, the joy at his so-called trophy, and a tagged lion as well.

What I want to know is, why hasn't he been in court yet?

As I said earlier, I hope he, and anyone else doing the same, has to look over their shoulders for a very long time to come.
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02-08-2015, 04:33 AM

Re: Walter Palmer (the killing of Cecil the lion)

I'm sorry we Americans are crude...may I tell Pumicestone to ****** off. Yes, cats kill and maim...I have a 5lb ginger tom who regularly leaves dead birds on the lawn. He is just trying to gift his humans. The big cats hunt but usually don't maim. One bite will pretty accurately break the preys neck rather instantly. But that is because they are looking for food to survive. Humans should have evolved beyond that. The gentleman in question wasn't forking over big bucks because he needed to eat. He wanted the thrill of the hunt and a lion skin to mount. That's a pretty sick cookie there and I hope justice is served.
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02-08-2015, 09:17 AM

Re: Walter Palmer (the killing of Cecil the lion)

Yesterdays was reported that poachers have now shot the Lions brother which was protecting the cubs after the loss of Cecil .
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02-08-2015, 10:42 AM

Re: Walter Palmer (the killing of Cecil the lion)

Originally Posted by opheila ->
I'm sorry we Americans are crude...may I tell Pumicestone to ****** off. Yes, cats kill and maim...I have a 5lb ginger tom who regularly leaves dead birds on the lawn. He is just trying to gift his humans. The big cats hunt but usually don't maim. One bite will pretty accurately break the preys neck rather instantly. But that is because they are looking for food to survive. Humans should have evolved beyond that. The gentleman in question wasn't forking over big bucks because he needed to eat. He wanted the thrill of the hunt and a lion skin to mount. That's a pretty sick cookie there and I hope justice is served.
He was shot with a bow and arrow, not a bow and arrow as we know it but a hunting recurve bow that takes little skill to use and has great power.

Very popular in the USA for shooting anything that moves and made popular by brain dead USA films (arn't they all) starring the jerk Rambo.
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02-08-2015, 12:54 PM

Re: Walter Palmer (the killing of Cecil the lion)

...meanwhile in the real world children continue to die of starvation.

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02-08-2015, 12:56 PM

Re: Walter Palmer (the killing of Cecil the lion)

Originally Posted by KnickerFarage ->
...meanwhile in the real world children continue to die of starvation.

Totally 'different' subject
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02-08-2015, 03:16 PM

Re: Walter Palmer (the killing of Cecil the lion)

Starving children in Africa have nothing at all to do with illegal killing of wild animals.
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02-08-2015, 03:18 PM

Re: Walter Palmer (the killing of Cecil the lion)

Ignore the stirring. This thread is about condemnation of barbaric and wanton practices in hunting and respecting wildlife rather than seeing it as a trophy.
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02-08-2015, 06:41 PM

Re: Walter Palmer (the killing of Cecil the lion)

Originally Posted by KnickerFarage ->
...meanwhile in the real world children continue to die of starvation.

Yes indeed, but we can't let Human Rights law allow all the worlds lions into this country to walk the streets and become obese and live on the social.
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03-08-2015, 06:01 PM

Re: Walter Palmer (the killing of Cecil the lion)

Originally Posted by opheila ->
I'm sorry we Americans are crude...may I tell Pumicestone to ****** off.

Yes, cats kill and maim...
I have a 5lb ginger tom who regularly leaves dead birds on the lawn.
He is just trying to gift his humans........
I'm quite sure that not all Americans are 'crude'.

I am equally sure that most of us abhor the totally avoidable prolonged torture, suffering and eventual death of any defenceless bird or animal.

You are right, most carnivorous animals kill only for food.
Cats go way beyond that. They will 'play with' prey - often for hours - inflicting sheer terror and agony.
Not all victims die at their hands (or claws).
Some escape ..... only to suffer for many hours or even days from the cat's 'game'.

Of course I detest the fate of that one lion and the 'collateral damage' which apparently resulted.
But I detest even more the horrific suffering of millions of small creatures inflicted by cats worldwide every single day.

Why is the slaughter of beautiful rainbow lorrikeets, ripped to shreds by my neighbour's cat, less important than that lion ?

Clearly, some cat-lovers are selective in their care for animals.
If any pet of mine "regularly" inflicted more death and destruction than a dozen Palmers, I'm afraid that pet would have to go.
And the owner should be fined or imprisoned.

It is not 'natural' because the cats are an introduced species against which native fauna have no instinctive defence.
And some measures can be taken to at least mininize the carnage.
Clearly, some owners simply do not care.
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