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24-11-2015, 12:16 PM

Re: Lord's Prayer ban 'bewilders' Church of England

I agree and I personally do not relish the thought of religion throw at me when I have gone to see a film ! Also I can understand why this prayer is 'banned' from being shown at cinemas.

It is a prayer for a particular religion, so if this is allowed then other religions' prayers would have to be accepted to balance things ! I think this potential possibility would go down very well with cinemagoers ! I'm sure there would be a great falling off of patrons if this should ever happen !

No, I say, keep religion out of cinemas. There are quite a lot of people who are atheist who, no doubt, would not appreciate having prayers thrown at them although I expect they would be quite tolerant.
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24-11-2015, 12:23 PM

Re: Lord's Prayer ban 'bewilders' Church of England

Well some films would be banned if we really decide to keep religion out of cinemas, I hadn't seen the ad until this morning, it wasn't as bad as I had imagined quite sweet in fact. So no more star wars as it promotes the religion of the jedi's ?
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24-11-2015, 12:29 PM

Re: Lord's Prayer ban 'bewilders' Church of England

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
Well some films would be banned if we really decide to keep religion out of cinemas, I hadn't seen the ad until this morning, it wasn't as bad as I had imagined quite sweet in fact. So no more star wars as it promotes the religion of the jedi's ?
Good point. We have to ask ourselves where the pressure came from to ban this advert.
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24-11-2015, 12:33 PM

Re: Lord's Prayer ban 'bewilders' Church of England

Told you it was sweet and inoffensive!

The answer to the question of pressure is of course....DISNEY!!
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25-11-2015, 12:03 AM

Re: Lord's Prayer ban 'bewilders' Church of England

Originally Posted by Boot ->
The ad wouldn't offend me nor would I particularly welcome it. I don't really see the point of it, to be honest. If you have faith, you don't need an advert to affirm it or remind you to pray (do you?) and if you don't have faith, you don't go to the cinema for a conversion.

I think the DCM is sensible to have a blanket policy of not showing religious ads. If they did it for one religious organisation,they would have to do it for any other religious organisations who requested it or face possible litigation for discrimination.
Best keep well out of it, in my opinion.

It doesn't seem so sensible for the C of E to spend a shedload of money on creating an advert without first checking with the DCM, which is responsible for advertising in the majority of cinemas, what their policy was on religious ads and whether they'd be willing to screen such an ad. I would expect this kind of research to be rather an important part of the planning stages of such a project, before committing funds to filming the ad.

Anyway, all is not lost. The C of E ad seems to have gained much wider publicity via the national TV news. More folk will have seen clips of it on the TV than would have seen the ad at the cinema. So, the money to make the ad is not completely wasted if they got free TV advertising and lots of folk discussing its message.
Even the upcoming new Star Wars film gets a bit of free publicity, too, so it's a Win-Win situation!

Storm in a teacup. Move along now - "these aren't the droids you're looking for."
Excellent post Boot.. I think they (DCM) also prohibit party political ads?

I would not want to sit in a cinema to watch a load of politicians smarming at me in a party political ad either.

I think the DCM policy is fine as it is....
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25-11-2015, 01:25 AM

Re: Lord's Prayer ban 'bewilders' Church of England

Originally Posted by Graham ->
This makes my blood boil! I support this 100%. Why should you depict prayer in a cinema? Why should you have religion shoved down your throat?

I am disappointed and bewildered that people feel the need to pray and why do we need to indoctrinate children that praying is somehow "good" and achieves something, or 'someone' is somehow listening. I consider the concept of praying to be "plain silly" (To quote Church of England).

I am looking forward to seeing the new Star Wars film, but if I am having to sit there and endure this garbage (much less PAY to see it), then I will probably wait for the DVD.

I assume that with the popularity of the new film, the CoE decided this is a good opportunity to spread its dogmatic propaganda about something which doesn't exist and get people to participate in an act which achieves nothing.
I agree, with the one exception that rather than waiting to buy the DVD I wait even longer until it comes on the telly and then record it for nothing.

Yes, I admit to being a tight-fisted old git.
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25-11-2015, 01:27 AM

Re: Lord's Prayer ban 'bewilders' Church of England

Originally Posted by Red Kite ->
Excellent post Boot.. I think they (DCM) also prohibit party political ads?

I would not want to sit in a cinema to watch a load of politicians smarming at me in a party political ad either.

I think the DCM policy is fine as it is....
It would be even better if they'd ban adverts and trailers too!
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25-11-2015, 03:21 PM

Re: Lord's Prayer ban 'bewilders' Church of England

Originally Posted by JBR ->
I agree, with the one exception that rather than waiting to buy the DVD I wait even longer until it comes on the telly and then record it for nothing.

Yes, I admit to being a tight-fisted old git.

You're not alone - I do likewise!!!
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25-11-2015, 07:45 PM

Re: Lord's Prayer ban 'bewilders' Church of England

Originally Posted by OldGreyFox ->
I don't vote for Labour or Conservative but if they stuff their pamphlets through my door I will read them.
You must be mad! You'll read them?
Every word a lie!

To be perfectly honest, I haven't visited the kinema for many years, so whether or not they put on religious or political adverts doesn't concern me.

As for the (earlier) suggestion that the decline in Christianity leaves a void to be filled by islam, I don't see it that way. In my opinion, atheism is the future and eventually everyone in the civilised world will have seen the light and there will be no more gods other than in history books.
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25-11-2015, 09:00 PM

Re: Lord's Prayer ban 'bewilders' Church of England

I saw it today on U TUBE and frankly cannot see anything to get hot under the collar about.
In view of the recent events perhaps as a supposed Christian Country we should stand up and be counted IMO
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