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13-04-2016, 10:15 AM

howletts zoo at port lypne

Apart from charging top price entrance fee the animals were kept in such
poor enclosures it was a disgrace

Compare it with a well run zoo

Ok was that just one bad example ?no

Mud everywhere and the animal had to find somewhere with a bit of grass in their enclosure. What made it worse was 90% of the large empty field type enclosures were mud free

None of the animals had anything to stimulate any interest in them such as toys etc . The gorillas were left to fight each other from what we saw.

They offer a free safari type trip around the place in converted army trucks. safari? what a joke.

They have no concept of a safari, the animals are kept so far away from the vehicles it is unbelievable. What made it worse was the driver had absolutely no interest in informing his passengers about the animals let alone pointing them out. When he did stop yes he could see the animals but we could not because our view was blocked by buildings.
A disgrace and shown complete lack of understanding.
From a photographers stance forget it unless you take a huge mm lens, even a 400 mm one would struggle to get a shot.

Ok the place itself what is it like?

Well if you are use to hill walking or mountaineering you would love it. If you have some medical reason why you are not a mountaineer then don't even try . I don't think I have ever visited a place where a ski lift was needed as much as this place. It is built on a mountain side with one part on the top and the rest at the bottom.

To sum up

the animals might just as well been cardboard cutouts they looked so miserable and many the only one of its kind.
never saw a keeper by the animals , more interested on other things work wise than anything else.
Glad I went to know never to ever visit the place again.

I get more interest in my back garden than here
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13-04-2016, 10:26 AM

Re: howletts zoo at port lypne

Anything named zoo we avoid like the plague, sanctuary or wildlife parks are far better IMO. Last zoo I visited was drusilla
Alfriston, left half way round in tears it was so distressing.
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13-04-2016, 10:49 AM

Re: howletts zoo at port lypne

I completely agree with the summing up of that zoo, realist, I was absolutely shattered. Son and dil were visiting the UK and happy to do the walking but we were really feeling our age and towards the top hubs had to give up and make his way back down. I carried on, daft bat that I am. We couldn't see the animals in the fields, they were too far away (sensible creatures, probably), so really it was just a hike not a zoo visit. And the wasps - my goodness! My dil got a bee in her hair on entry and panicked, shaking her head to get it off - it landed on me and stung my hand. Was not a happy bunny. We saw lots of wasp catcher domes so the wasps were clearly an ongoing problem.

We'd never go there again.
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13-04-2016, 12:09 PM

Re: howletts zoo at port lypne

A zoo to avoid then. I got to Paignton zoo, that's a bit hilly too, but not that steep. The animals all look well & happy & you see their keepers everywhere, if you ask them questions they are very happy to chat about the animals they look after & seem very knowledgeable.
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13-04-2016, 12:55 PM

Re: howletts zoo at port lypne

I hate to see animals held captive, this place should not get past inspection.
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13-04-2016, 01:40 PM

Re: howletts zoo at port lypne

I am very surpised to hear this - Howletts were so respected
Maybe since the Father passed, it has deteriorated - he did good work

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