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03-05-2016, 06:58 PM

Re: Junior Doctors strike.....

I can't say I have noticed any hospital managers or administrators coming out on strike about weekend working.

I wonder why!
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03-05-2016, 10:08 PM

Re: Junior Doctors strike.....

Originally Posted by Meg ->
I understand from the nurses in my family (3, one a sister in an A&E department in a city in the midlands) that with a few exceptions the nurses do much of the work and the doctors get the glory. They have a constant stream of junior doctors through their hands who need 'guidance' too which adds to their workload .
Would be interested to know what do the nurses in your family think about the junior doctors strikes?

Nurses in the hospital where I work are brilliant and it is definitely true that they play a vital role in guiding new doctors when they first start just to make sure we don't do anything really stupid! So far from talking to the nurses that I work with I have yet to find one that is against the junior doctors strikes. From what they have said to me their big worry is that once the junior doctor contract is dealt with then nurses as well as other allied healthcare professionals will be next in the firing line.
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03-05-2016, 10:35 PM

Re: Junior Doctors strike.....

Originally Posted by Nom ->
Im afraid i have little sympathy for Junior doctors, for me the Nurses are a much more deserving cause, after 6 spells in hospital last year i was shocked at how understaffed the wards were, and only two 20 minute breaks in a 12 hour shift, and they could not even get to the restaurant as it was too far in the time allowed.The Junior doctors were all over it including the part set aside for visitors.

I watched these young women and men visibly wilt by the end of their shifts, and despite the claim we brits dont perform as well as imported staff found this to be wrong. The Scottish, English and Irish nurses were exemplary, must also mention the healthcare assistants.
I really wish I could work in that hospital!

My experience as a doctor has been very different, today I managed to get a single 15 minute break during which I wolfed down some lunch. For doctors on medical rotations they are lucky if they get even this! During my first rotation this year as a medical doctor it was routine for me to work 11-12 hour shifts without getting any break whatsoever!

Having talked with some of the nurses I work with I actually far prefer the way they work and wish we could have something similar as doctors. Breaks for nurses are protected, once they are on their break all their jobs are covered by other nurses on the ward. During my breaks I am still responsible for my patients and can be bleeped by anyone who has the slightest query about them.

I do agree that wards are understaffed though, most of the wards I have worked on have had nurses looking after more patients than they can safely manage.

Understaffing is also an issue for doctors though, for example during my first rotation the team I worked when fully staffed was meant to look after 18-20 patients, yet we looked after 30-35 patients. We were also never fully staffed and had rota gaps of 25-50% throughout my time there.
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03-05-2016, 11:03 PM

Re: Junior Doctors strike.....

Originally Posted by Doc ->
So far from talking to the nurses that I work with I have yet to find one that is against the junior doctors strikes.
My wife, a senior lecturer in radiography, has a great deal of contact with radiographers, nurses and other hospital staff. Her experience is the same: she has yet to meet any healthcare professionals who do not support the junior doctors in their aspiration to safer working conditions.
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08-05-2016, 12:03 AM

Re: Junior Doctors strike.....

Ok so the largest ever study into hospital mortality has been released this week that looks at over 12 million admissions in the UK. This study completely disproves Jeremy Hunts assertion that more people die at the weekend!

The truth is what pretty much every medical professional has been saying, the reason there is a higher mortality rate at the weekend is because only the very sickest patients are admitted at the weekend! It is a statistical anomaly and does not imply that there is actually a greater risk of dying at the weekend.

So for example if 10 people are admitted on a weekday and 1 dies that is a 10% mortality rate. Now if 5 people are admitted on a weekend day and 1 dies that is a 20% mortality rate.

So for the intellectually retarded like our Secretary of State for health, Jeremy Hunt, they think this means double the number of people die at the weekend; however as you can see only 1 person dies whichever day of the week you are looking at.

The interesting aspect of this study is why are far fewer patients admitted at the weekend compared to the week?

For those interested this is the original research

Incidentally I don't actually think Hunt is intellectually retarded, I think he is dangerously clever and manipulative and is engineering a situation where the NHS can be sold off to private healthcare companies.
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08-05-2016, 12:10 AM

Re: Junior Doctors strike.....

Originally Posted by Doc ->

So for the intellectually retarded like our Secretary of State for health, Jeremy Hunt, they think this means double the number of people die at the weekend; however as you can see only 1 person dies whichever day of the week you are looking at.

Incidentally I don't actually think Hunt is intellectually retarded, I think he is dangerously clever and manipulative and is engineering a situation where the NHS can be sold off to private healthcare companies.
Ah ha .. the truth will out.
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08-05-2016, 12:14 AM

Re: Junior Doctors strike.....

Originally Posted by Doc ->
The truth is what pretty much every medical professional has been saying, the reason there is a higher mortality rate at the weekend is because only the very sickest patients are admitted at the weekend!
Good point. Why haven't I realised that explanation before?
(Rhetorical question - no need to answer!)

An excellent example of how politicians twist statistics to suit their spin.
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08-05-2016, 09:52 AM

Re: Junior Doctors strike.....

Only the most comitted Tories support Hunt's depredations. They have nothing at all to do with patient safety but on the contrary the final blow to bring about Privatisation. Since Hunt's family own BUPA, the reason is obvious to everyone, as is the reason he was appointed to the job by Cameron. Self-interest is the best imperative to get the job done.
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08-05-2016, 10:26 AM

Re: Junior Doctors strike.....

Like most of the idealistic cant you put up here, No proof, and no debate. I swear what you don't know you make up.
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08-05-2016, 11:10 AM

Re: Junior Doctors strike.....

Originally Posted by Rainmaker ->
Like most of the idealistic cant you put up here, No proof, and no debate. I swear what you don't know you make up.
"There are nowhere near enough palliative care doctors and nurses to provide a 24/7 service across the whole of the UK"

Therein lies the problem.

The government's solution, of course, is to make doctors work longer hours. Cheaper than paying for more doctors, I suppose.
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