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27-12-2018, 04:49 PM

Re: Why are people so surprised?

Originally Posted by Vaniy ->
We have already slipped down from 5th to 6th in the worlds largest economies not good

And the FT 100 has dropped a thousand points in just 4 weeks (128 points today). Not saying that that has got anything to do with brexit just the unholy alliance of brexit, Trump and general world trade conditions.

Just imagine what would happen to the stock market (our pensions etc) and the pound if we do leave with a trade deal and worst of all no trade deal.

I don't understand the logic of rocking the boat when the sea is so rough anyway.
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27-12-2018, 06:05 PM

Re: Why are people so surprised?


India is the fastest growing economy, will overtake us within two years.

The EU and India spent years negotiating a Free Trade Deal with India.

It was vetoed by the UK over import duties on Scotch Whiskey and increased Immigration from India.

Now we are leaving shortly the deal is back on.

Being a huge economy is not the be all and end all of things. quality of life is much more important.

Would you want to live in India where hundreds of millions do not even have a toilet, or China where the pollution is so bad you need to wear a mask?

If we stopped insisting on being a Tier One Military Power and sticking our noses in where they are not wanted and slashed our Foreign Aid Budget we could make life much better here.
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27-12-2018, 06:58 PM

Re: Why are people so surprised?

Originally Posted by Vaniy ->
Unfortunately Julie leaving or staying is all about money nothing else really
No it isn't. It's about something far more important: our sovereignty; our right to govern ourselves.
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27-12-2018, 07:03 PM

Re: Why are people so surprised?

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
I really don't understand why we wouldn't all help each other with security anyway, what sort of morons refuse to share details of terrorists etc ?
Especially as we seem to have probably the best security resources in the world, and certainly the best in Europe, with regard to such work as is done by GCHQ and Menwith Hill and others.
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27-12-2018, 07:04 PM

Re: Why are people so surprised?

Originally Posted by AnnieS ->
Cooperation on security matters is all part of our current agreement with the EU. You walk away from the agreement, you walk away from all of it and you have to start again. The Met Police Commissioner has just been on the news saying that no deal will cause a security problem because it's not possible to put new systems in place overnight.

I don't understand why everyone thinks that the people raising concerns about all these things are stupid.
Of course.

'Dick' by name...
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27-12-2018, 07:09 PM

Re: Why are people so surprised?

Originally Posted by AnnieS ->
The Police Commissioner is surely well behaved! All these business leaders raising concerns are being rubbished as being "project fear". I still don't understand why we think people running large organisations who are raising major concerns are being ignored and laughed at.
Indeed they are.

How many business leaders would like to give up cheap labour?

I can see our own workers, to say nothing of our union leaders, being less than happy with that option!
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27-12-2018, 07:49 PM

Re: Why are people so surprised?

Originally Posted by JBR ->
Especially as we seem to have probably the best security resources in the world, and certainly the best in Europe, with regard to such work as is done by GCHQ and Menwith Hill and others.

Security information is not always shared.

One of the reasons for this is that some cannot share a secret and expose sources.

The Belgians are famous for this.
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27-12-2018, 07:53 PM

Re: Why are people so surprised?

Originally Posted by JBR ->
Indeed they are.

How many business leaders would like to give up cheap labour?

I can see our own workers, to say nothing of our union leaders, being less than happy with that option!

Abolish cheap labour and costs go up, making goods more expensive.

The only way to counter this is increased productivity.

We are not very good at that in many cases.
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27-12-2018, 08:00 PM

Re: Why are people so surprised?

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
Well if they hadn't come out as remainers and joined the initial fear mongering that has never come to fruition we might listen more keenly. I think that's been a huge problem.

But I also can't understand why we think people running big businesses care about the country any more than anyone else does. If they treated staff our citizens in a reasonable way perhaps we'd listen to what they say, but they want low wages and to keep us down. That's not what I want for our country and I don't think many workers do either.
That comment about people coming out as remainers is just paranoia. Business doesn't have patriotic drivers. It's driven by profit otherwise it dies. Business leaders who have said they are pro remain will be that way inclined because they know it's good for their business not because there's some crazy conspiracy.

Also there's no reason why business should be ethical. They are encouraged to be ethical by various (international) regulations, but their main lifeblood is money making otherwise they may as well pack up and remove the services they provide. Services which we benefit from but we never thank business for providing them. We soon notice when they shut up shop though.

Without profit and scale it would not be viable for any organisation to supply services to many parts of the country. Even in a communist regime they need resources from outside countries to keep functioning. Unless we go back to living in caves. Sometimes I do wonder if that's where we are headed!
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27-12-2018, 08:04 PM

Re: Why are people so surprised?

Originally Posted by swimfeeders ->

Abolish cheap labour and costs go up, making goods more expensive.

The only way to counter this is increased productivity.

We are not very good at that in many cases.
Automation is the way to counter it which is what businesses are focusing on big time.

It's not possible yet in the healthcare and social care industries or in certain types of crop picking.

But ultimately automation will lead to mass unemployment and far bigger problems for the people who currently complain about migrant workers. We'd probably be hotly debating it were we not wasting our time, energy and money on beating the dead Brexit horse.
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