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24-10-2018, 03:08 PM

Re: Is Democracy Dead?

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
Lol my principles are do no harm and allowing so many poorer countries in makes all of us poorer. Them more than us really. Some areas are denuded of people they've all fled to richer countries.

Just because we wanted to enter and I am not sure thats the case it was our politicians seemed keenest I dont even remember being asked about joining a political union, doesn't mean we should be allowed to.
Thanx. That's a coherent answer.
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24-10-2018, 06:17 PM

Re: Is Democracy Dead?

Originally Posted by shropshiregirl ->
Dream on Solasch!! You seem to have a warped view of what Democracy is. You are so obsessed with democracy being at work with a second referendum, you fail to say why you feel the first (and only) democratic referendum where every person in the land had a vote, should be kicked into the long grass and ignored? Is that your view of democracy at work?

No way are we going to follow you sheep in Ireland, Sweden, France and Netherlands by voting until you get the answer you want! And how convenient of people such as you, along with others on here, be so arrogant as to assume that because the leave vote won, we didn't understand what we were voting for, whereas of course, those who voted remain, were so intelligent they knew exactly why they voted to remain!. How pathetic an excuse!

No wonder you banned Referendums in the Netherlands. Your view of democracy is obviously "Do as I say". No thanks, we will stick to the real meaning of democracy.
So what did you vote for?????

That the NHS would get £350m a week?

To stop 76m Turks coming to Britain?

That brexit would be the easiest negotiation ever?

That there are countries queuing up to do free trade deals with us?

That we can do away with immigration?

That we can control our borders, and then the first thing out of our mouths is, we don't want a border in Ireland???

That “The UK government will continue to give farmers and the environment as much support – or perhaps even more – as they get now.” – George Eustice, Minister for Farming, Food and Marine Environment

That If we Vote Leave, we will be able to increase funding to science and still save billions” –Vote Leave

That “Wages will be higher for working people outside the EU… because pay will no longer be undercut by uncontrolled migration.” – Boris Johnson, Michael Gove, and Gisela Stuart

That “In 1993, VAT on household energy bills was imposed… When we Vote Leave, we will be able to scrap this unfair and damaging tax.” – Boris Johnson, Michael Gove, and Gisela Stuart

That “After we Vote Leave, there won’t be a sudden change that disrupts the economy.” – Boris Johnson, Gisela Stuart and Michael Gove

That “There is a European free trade zone from Iceland to the Russian border and we will be part of it… Britain will have access to the Single Market after we vote leave… The idea that our trade will suffer because we stop imposing terrible rules such as the Clinical Trial Directive is silly.”

There are plenty more and you and your tribe fell hook line and sinker for it.

You and your likes have brought this calamity on to my country and will never be forgiven for it. You should be ashamed of yourselves not trying to defend it.
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24-10-2018, 06:22 PM

Re: Is Democracy Dead?

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
And Eu should have said no for the future peace of that region. Sometimes principles have to be put before increasing their precious EU.
Have you read AT ALL the web site I gave you, evidently not. You are just transfixed like a moth flying around a light, by slagging off the EU rather than looking for the truth.
Be ashamed.
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24-10-2018, 06:55 PM

Re: Is Democracy Dead?

The referendum is past. The evil is done. Don't blame the misguided voters, blame the leaders.
Does the sentence: wir haben es nicht gewust! mean anything to you?
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24-10-2018, 07:55 PM

Re: Is Democracy Dead?

Wow just caught up with this thread after a lovely 19 night cruise.

It's just mind boggling how much effort, right the way across the whole internet, the EU masters are putting into this collossal media campaign to try and change the hearts and minds of Leavers in obvious preparation for a foced 2nd referendum.

Every forum you care to pop into is now inhabited by these EU stooge aliases all spreading as much doom and gloom as possible trying to convince weak minded people that they were wrong to vote Leave and that it's ok to change their minds.

I mean it is really quite insipid. They use clever rhetoric (and it's pretty consistent across forums) which runs along the lines of:

o We understand why you voted Leave
o You did what you felt was right given the available info
o But you were hugely mislead by the media
o You were lied to
o You didn't have the full facts
o If you had all the facts you would have voted Remain

It's really cringeworthy to see these stooges operating here on the Over50s forum.

Understand this you morons.

We DID understand exactly what we were doing.

It had NOTHING to do with immigration levels

It had nothing to do with believing false propaganda

It had EVERYTHING to do with the knowledge that we had been taken into the EU in the first place totally fraudulently, by stealth, by underhand measures with corrupt politicians working silently to draft and agree the various Treaties and agreements which sold the UK down the river into the EU.

It had EVERYTHING to do with understanding that Juncker and his crony pals are a bunch of powermad megalomaniacs whom we the people don't get to elect.

It had EVERYTHING to do with understanding that the EU is an emerging totalitarian state and that any concessions we currently have are purely temporary (such as not taking the Euro).

It had EVERYTHING to do with understanding the deadly clauses in the LISBON TREATY where categorically in black and white it states that:

o We MUST adopt the Euro
o We MUST make our military forces available to the EU (i.e. the EU Army)
o We MUST NOT oppose the EU, its aims and ambitions (totalitarianism)
o The EU can and will force us to comply with the treaties

and many more clauses which essentially abolish British Sovereignty.

The entire "you are doomed" campaign of sound bites and rhetoric cuts precisely ZERO ice with me and millions of other Leavers. We 100% know that leaving will create problems, chaos and disruption.

It is a pain that MUST occur
It is a pain that WE WILL endure

Because in the end FREEDOM and DEMOCRACY are worth any price.

There is no sweetener that the EU can offer right minded British citizens that will entice them to step into an Orwellian 1984 totalitarian state where their mouths are sealed shut, where none may oppose the ruling authority, and where all must Obey.

BREXIT must be seen through.

It is the responsibility of all LEAVERS to now fight the pathetic campaign of the EU stooges across the entire internet and esp social media. A 2nd Referendum MUST NOT be allowed to happen. If it does, it seals and heralds the end of freedom and democracy in this country. Your freedom. Your democracy.

It would ultimately lead to anarchy which we are already very near to.

Stand firm. Do not allow these stooges to sway your decision. Do not doubt your basic instincts and the knowledge and understanding that made you vote Leave.

We are Leaving in order to protect our freedoms and democracy.

The EU, imo, is simply the Soviet Model with far more checks and balances thrown in.
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24-10-2018, 08:38 PM

Re: Is Democracy Dead?

If you really were well informed, you are now even more so. The same goes for the rest of your nation. You need not fear the outcome of a second referendum, it can be no different from the first. But only if what you state is true. If you really believe in the above you need not be against a second, third and fourth referendum. The outcome will be the same every time.
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24-10-2018, 08:47 PM

Re: Is Democracy Dead?

Originally Posted by Solasch ->
If you really believe in the above you need not be against a second, third and fourth referendum. The outcome will be the same every time.
Talking nonsense

The establishment who control the media are abusing that power by putting out tons of propaganda. So weak minded people are being duped about both the previous referendum and the info available around that time, and about the EU itself.

If theose people who are "awake" do not speak up, the EU stooges will win.

There must be no more referendums
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24-10-2018, 08:57 PM

Re: Is Democracy Dead?

Originally Posted by Realist ->
Wow just caught up with this thread after a lovely 19 night cruise.

It's just mind boggling how much effort, right the way across the whole internet, the EU masters are putting into this collossal media campaign to try and change the hearts and minds of Leavers in obvious preparation for a foced 2nd referendum.

Every forum you care to pop into is now inhabited by these EU stooge aliases all spreading as much doom and gloom as possible trying to convince weak minded people that they were wrong to vote Leave and that it's ok to change their minds.

I mean it is really quite insipid. They use clever rhetoric (and it's pretty consistent across forums) which runs along the lines of:

o We understand why you voted Leave
o You did what you felt was right given the available info
o But you were hugely mislead by the media
o You were lied to
o You didn't have the full facts
o If you had all the facts you would have voted Remain

It's really cringeworthy to see these stooges operating here on the Over50s forum.

Understand this you morons.

We DID understand exactly what we were doing.

It had NOTHING to do with immigration levels

It had nothing to do with believing false propaganda

It had EVERYTHING to do with the knowledge that we had been taken into the EU in the first place totally fraudulently, by stealth, by underhand measures with corrupt politicians working silently to draft and agree the various Treaties and agreements which sold the UK down the river into the EU.

It had EVERYTHING to do with understanding that Juncker and his crony pals are a bunch of powermad megalomaniacs whom we the people don't get to elect.

It had EVERYTHING to do with understanding that the EU is an emerging totalitarian state and that any concessions we currently have are purely temporary (such as not taking the Euro).

It had EVERYTHING to do with understanding the deadly clauses in the LISBON TREATY where categorically in black and white it states that:

o We MUST adopt the Euro
o We MUST make our military forces available to the EU (i.e. the EU Army)
o We MUST NOT oppose the EU, its aims and ambitions (totalitarianism)
o The EU can and will force us to comply with the treaties

and many more clauses which essentially abolish British Sovereignty.

The entire "you are doomed" campaign of sound bites and rhetoric cuts precisely ZERO ice with me and millions of other Leavers. We 100% know that leaving will create problems, chaos and disruption.

It is a pain that MUST occur
It is a pain that WE WILL endure

Because in the end FREEDOM and DEMOCRACY are worth any price.

There is no sweetener that the EU can offer right minded British citizens that will entice them to step into an Orwellian 1984 totalitarian state where their mouths are sealed shut, where none may oppose the ruling authority, and where all must Obey.

BREXIT must be seen through.

It is the responsibility of all LEAVERS to now fight the pathetic campaign of the EU stooges across the entire internet and esp social media. A 2nd Referendum MUST NOT be allowed to happen. If it does, it seals and heralds the end of freedom and democracy in this country. Your freedom. Your democracy.

It would ultimately lead to anarchy which we are already very near to.

Stand firm. Do not allow these stooges to sway your decision. Do not doubt your basic instincts and the knowledge and understanding that made you vote Leave.

We are Leaving in order to protect our freedoms and democracy.

The EU, imo, is simply the Soviet Model with far more checks and balances thrown in.

So did you have Land of Hope and Glory playing the back ground?????

Next time, tell us what you think is wrong with the EU
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24-10-2018, 09:40 PM

Re: Is Democracy Dead?

Originally Posted by Solasch ->
If you really were well informed, you are now even more so. The same goes for the rest of your nation. You need not fear the outcome of a second referendum, it can be no different from the first. But only if what you state is true. If you really believe in the above you need not be against a second, third and fourth referendum. The outcome will be the same every time.
What have I been missing. Geez, another foreigner telling us what is best for us. Europe must be full of them or they just find their way here.

I didn't even vote in the referendum. Should there be a second referendum I'd probably vote out .. in support of democracy and all those who voted out and expect their vote to have counted for something.
Same as the Remainers votes counted ... but was less.
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24-10-2018, 09:45 PM

Re: Is Democracy Dead?

Originally Posted by Morticia ->
What have I been missing. Geez, another foreigner telling us what is best for us. Europe must be full of them or they just find their way here.

I didn't even vote in the referendum. Should there be a second referendum I'd probably vote out .. in support of democracy and all those who voted out and expect their vote to have counted for something.
Same as the Remainers votes counted ... but was less.
You really have been missing something. A second referendum will be about the brexit deal, i.e. the amount the UK is to pay to leave. Not whether you leave, that's settled.
Negotiations on future trade will start after that.
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