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31-05-2013, 04:14 PM

Re: Marriage Vows

The whole of the wedding was important to me, the vows especially. I would not pay out for the dress, the flat to move into more imortant, so I borrowed a wedding dress ....
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01-06-2013, 11:20 AM

Re: Marriage Vows

Originally Posted by Pats CG ->
The whole of the wedding was important to me, the vows especially. I would not pay out for the dress, the flat to move into more imortant, so I borrowed a wedding dress ....
I agree Pats, mine are precious to me, and I am a fella.
Some fellas would say I am a sloppy idiot, but I don't care, I love her to bits.
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01-06-2013, 11:27 AM

Re: Marriage Vows

Hubbs would agree with you Arfa .... he's a great guy - very sensible
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01-06-2013, 12:52 PM

Re: Marriage Vows

I've been married twice - first time full works, (church, dress, big reception etc.) and it lasted a year. Second time simple registry office with only about 10 people there. We have now been together and faithful to each other for over 45 years (not all of them married and not all of it easy). Each time I actually got married I couldn't wait to get it over and done with and I have very little by way of photographs etc. from either. The difference with my second marriage (which is still alive and kicking) is that we made our promises and commitment to each other long before we decided to get married. The ceremony and piece of paper was just a formality which we felt necessary for the sake of any children. I didn't have an engagement ring second time and have never really worn my wedding ring - it sits immaculate in a drawer (he never wanted one).
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01-06-2013, 12:57 PM

Re: Marriage Vows

Each to their own gal .....
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01-06-2013, 01:51 PM

Re: Marriage Vows

Dianne and I will be married 40 years come September. We got married in church because the only alternative was the registry office - and that wasn't the same 40 years ago. So, although we had no religeous beliefs, we were married in church - mainly to please the parents, the relatives and the freeloaders who just wanted a drink! We felt like gate crashers at a party.

Vows? can't remember them - just wanted to get it over and done. We didn't live together first - slept together, yes

Today, we could get married in a castle, stately home etc..
though I quite fancy the Blacksmith's shop at Gretna Green.
But, I'm not going to. I've had a great 40 years and I hope there's a lot more to come.
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01-06-2013, 01:56 PM

Re: Marriage Vows

Well done George, we had the works on a shoestring, but 20 years old, and we had been engaged since we were 18.
We have been married 54 years next month.
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01-06-2013, 04:53 PM

Re: Marriage Vows

Originally Posted by Aerolor ->
I've been married twice - first time full works, (church, dress, big reception etc.) and it lasted a year. Second time simple registry office with only about 10 people there. We have now been together and faithful to each other for over 45 years (not all of them married and not all of it easy). Each time I actually got married I couldn't wait to get it over and done with and I have very little by way of photographs etc. from either. The difference with my second marriage (which is still alive and kicking) is that we made our promises and commitment to each other long before we decided to get married. The ceremony and piece of paper was just a formality which we felt necessary for the sake of any children. I didn't have an engagement ring second time and have never really worn my wedding ring - it sits immaculate in a drawer (he never wanted one).
And the point is??
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01-06-2013, 07:10 PM

Re: Marriage Vows

Originally Posted by mindbender ->
And the point is??
Oh my, we are tetchy today MB.
My point was that it matters little to me where or how marriage vows are made. Whether there is a white dress, whether church, chapel or registry office - and all the fuss and symbolism or not - whether you need a wedding ring or not. The legality of marriage, civil or church, can matter, although I think that what really matters is the commitment of the couple concerned, what happens in the following years, how they treat each other and how they make the marriage work - the long haul - the proof of the pudding is in the eating if you like and it's not always easy. Will that do for you MB?
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01-06-2013, 07:17 PM

Re: Marriage Vows

I agree Rena, the engagement I think is the most important, we had actually decided to wed many months before we officially announced our intentions.
More important what the two people have pledged to one another, the church wedding is for the families, not for us, I wasn't religious at that time, so now I am glad I did marry in church, but as you say it is a matter of choice.
Look at where folks sometimes choose to marry, makes you wonder what will come next, probably in space
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