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02-02-2013, 05:03 PM

Writing a Play.

Anyone ever written a stage play?, if not why not have a go. Here's a bit of useless information for you, the Worlds shortest play was written by Samuel Becket, it's called ' Breath' and lasts for 35 seconds, it opens with a child taking it's first breath surrounded by trash and closes with an old man taking his last breath, also surrounded by trash. What it tries to tell us is that we come into a junky World and leave a junky World behind when we go, Becket is a Nobel prize winner, he should know what he's on about. I liked it so much I watched the play 200 times one night.
I read that 85 million people Worldwide had seen the play since 1969, so why not take a couple of seconds out of your life and have a go at writing a play?. Here's an idea and a title to start you off, 'Sneeze' is not a bad title, this fellow stands on stage surrounded by people, he sneezes and all the people fall down, let out a great sigh, then die. What I'm trying to say here is that sneezes spread diseases, ashaa we all fall down. if you really want to go at it hammer and thongs, why not spend one and a half minutes on your play and introduce a doctor who tries to save someone, but alas, as he only has half a minute left to do so his task is impossible, you are building tension here, you'll have the audience screaming for more (time). I do like a good live stage play.
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02-02-2013, 05:30 PM

Re: Writing a Play.

Jem - you really are a 'gem' - great post... I wish I had written a musical years ago... wrote plenty of songs, so the next step....didn't happen...
Ah well.. I like the idea of your play, but cant stand the sight of 'thongs'...
Horrid things....
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02-02-2013, 05:50 PM

Re: Writing a Play.

Actually that wouldn't be a bad title for a play about a randy blacksmith Pats, "Hammer and thongs", remember Mellors in Lady Chatterly's Lover?, wasn't he a randy gardener.
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02-02-2013, 06:10 PM

Re: Writing a Play.

Originally Posted by Jem ->
Actually that wouldn't be a bad title for a play about a randy blacksmith Pats, "Hammer and thongs", remember Mellors in Lady Chatterly's Lover?, wasn't he a randy gardener.
I was a good girl when I was sweet sixteen Jem, and, I still am - never heard of Mr. Mellors and - all he would get from me - is a swift ...... well, I'm too much of a lady to say. now aint I......
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02-02-2013, 07:33 PM

Re: Writing a Play.

A short play with three main subjects, Sex, Religion and Mystery.

Act 1
Scene 1

Enter stage left Darlene ( a loose woman)

Darlene "My God, I'm pregnant. Who dunnit?"

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02-02-2013, 07:41 PM

Re: Writing a Play.

Scene 1...
Man enters doorway of house, briefcase in hand, proceeds to enter
wearing 'crocs' - suddenly, his collar is felt and he's thrown on to the street. Hilda, the householder, shouts 'See ya later Alligator - no crocs allowed in my house !'
The End
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02-02-2013, 08:12 PM

Re: Writing a Play.

Robert and Pats I think you both just broke Beckett's record, bravo!
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02-02-2013, 08:14 PM

Re: Writing a Play.

These few words, spoken by Captain Boyle to Joxer Daly in Sean O'Casey's play 'Juno and the Paycock' always spring to my mind when a politician appears on TV and is questioned by a journalist, pure genius answer in the art of inflicting total confusion.
"I know you believe you understand what you think I said, but I am not sure you realise that what you heard is not what I meant."
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02-02-2013, 08:17 PM

Re: Writing a Play.

O'h God.... - As clear as mud - to be sure....
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Robert Junior
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02-02-2013, 08:24 PM

Re: Writing a Play.

Originally Posted by Jem ->
These few words, spoken by Captain Boyle to Joxer Daly in Sean O'Casey's play 'Juno and the Paycock' always spring to my mind when a politician appears on TV and is questioned by a journalist, pure genius answer in the art of inflicting total confusion.
"I know you believe you understand what you think I said, but I am not sure you realise that what you heard is not what I meant."
Ofuscation at it's best Jem.

Pats CG........was that play satire or mocumentary?
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