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29-09-2013, 08:22 AM

WW2 In South of France

Does any one have any knowledge of any thing happening in the South of France during WW2.
I thought the Germans only invaded Paris and the north coast
I know very little about the war at all really, but after talking to an elderly couple here he is a farmer and his wife who has a massive veg garden my interest was arroused by stories they told me one evening ...
One was how the Germans came and stole all the crops from the south to feed the troops, so to keep food for them selves they would grow root vegtables under the ground of the corn fields and under beans and peas ect....The troops not being farmers had no Idea, they would stand in the lanes watching the farmers to make sure they didnt take any of the crop then go off with it not realising potatoes swede and other roots were growing underneath....
The wife told me how her sister was raped by a soldier and became pregnant, she tried to hide it from him but he found out and took the child from her back to germany she never saw either of them again.... The girl was distraught and killed her self 2 years later. It certainly was a hard time for such simple country people.
Another thing they did was hide people here in the mountains in the caves, who the police where looking for because they had blown up train lines and bridges trying to stop the troops moving around ...
I have been looking for some books on the subject as it has raised my interest now but cant find any english books that cover the south of france ... any experts out there who know of any?
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29-09-2013, 08:46 AM

Re: WW2 In South of France

Baggy darlin' - the 'resistence' in France during WW2 was called the Maquis - the Socialist President Francois Mitterand was a member during the war, I would guess his autobiography would include some details of his wartime exploits.

Following the defeat of France in 1940 - the Germans occupied Paris and controlled much of Northern France. In Southern France there was a 'puppet' Government established in Vichy. After the invasion of Algeria and Tunisia in 1942, the Germans extended their control to the remainder of France, fearing an invasion of Southern France across the Mediterranean.
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29-09-2013, 08:51 AM

Re: WW2 In South of France

Thanks UJ thats interesting and gives me a few new words to put in my book search....
I have just read the citadel by kate moss which is a story but the facts that the author puts in the books are true facts which makes it very interesting as its set around my region during the war.
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29-09-2013, 09:30 AM

Re: WW2 In South of France

This is one of the men that I was PA to many years ago and he's one of the leading authorities on WW2 and the BBC employ him to translate German text to English for some of the their programmes on WW2 - he has written books on the subject and, as I knew him and how deep his knowledge is, I would recommend seeing if you can find some of his books:
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29-09-2013, 09:41 AM

Re: WW2 In South of France

here is a link to You Tube Nobaggage you may find it useful along with some more info on that YT page..
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29-09-2013, 09:57 AM

Re: WW2 In South of France

Sounds very interesting and I asked one of my sons as he knows all about the 2 World Wars but UJ said what my sons said. You would have found it hard to get through the South of France as a British person as it was full of French fascists who were run by the Puppet Government the Germans set up. In the North it was sectioned by different Army groups and of course the Gestapo could go anywhere. They were able to get anything they wanted including prisoners caught by the Army and only the well connected Hierarchy could foil the Gestapo.
The Germans did the same in Russia taking all the crops from the people who were classed as peasants. Millions died of starvation just because they had their food taken from them. If they hid it and were found out they were shot. You cant imagine anyone wanting their kids to die without trying to hide some food for them.
Reading a great book at the moment about a spy who was born in Poland but became British and how she survived in France, Poland and even in Germany like she did was amazing. Especially when she was told when she first volunteered to be a Spy the English told her she couldn't because she was a woman. Yeah!!!! She proved them wrong. Its called The Spy Who Loved by Clare Mulley. Well worth a read if you like excitement, and adventure and this is a true story.
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29-09-2013, 06:59 PM

Re: WW2 In South of France

Thanks everyone for your information...
Another interesting snippet is about Susan Travers an English woman who was the only woman ever to join the french foreign legionand served in WW2
She has a book ...whoes name I cant think of at this moment ..some thing like, To be brave/
I read it years ago but will pull it out again I think and read it again
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29-09-2013, 07:04 PM

Re: WW2 In South of France

wow what a woman ...
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03-10-2013, 01:27 PM

Re: WW2 In South of France

Violette Szabo, born of french father, English mother. CARVE HER NAME WITH PRIDE written by R.J. Minney,

True story of young English war widow Violette Szabo, who became a secret agent in occupied France during the Second World War. Exposed to the brutality of the Gestapo and the degradation of the concentration camps, she found herself facing a continual struggle for survival. But through sheer courage and grim determination, she eventually became the first woman to be awarded the George Cross.

She went to France to help unite the Resistance throughout France. On her 2nd trip there she was caught by the Germans, imprisoned and shot just before the war ended.

Great book to read.
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05-10-2013, 11:17 AM

Re: WW2 In South of France

Thanks everyone for your stories ...
I have read carve her name with pride ... it was a good read
Added a few new books to my wish list now for christmas
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