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18-07-2014, 06:35 AM

Here we go again!

A Muslim man refused to serve someone with ham and wine because he was fasting for ramadan! While I have no problem whatever with other people following their own beliefs - I do not expect to be pressed into joining them and if I were the customer in this article I would have walked out.

Why was this man on a check out at all if his beliefs were so strong?

Are people not told when they are interviewed for the job that it might entail handling alcohol and pork products?

Why is this being allowed to happen?
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18-07-2014, 06:41 AM

Re: Here we go again!

More to the point, what has his fasting got to do with serving meat to someone else? Was she forcing him to eat it with her? Nothing will happen though - God forbid anyone should cause offence .....
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18-07-2014, 07:31 AM

Re: Here we go again!

My Muslim nephew and his friends all said the same "here we go again" they would consider themselves devote but see this as just ridiculous, TBH I think it's just a rather silly person probably cranky due to dehydration and lack of food (Ramadan) who just decided not to serve this person off their own back with no theology or backing from their religion at all.
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18-07-2014, 08:06 AM

Re: Here we go again!

At times it seems to me that some Muslims go out of their way to make themselves unpopular. The articles says that Tesco apologised to the customer but backed their employee. So - did Tesco deliberately put their employee in this situation to be provocative? Are they that desperate for publicity?
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18-07-2014, 08:14 AM

Re: Here we go again!

Originally Posted by Silver Tabby ->
A Muslim man refused to serve someone with ham and wine because he was fasting for ramadan! While I have no problem whatever with other people following their own beliefs - I do not expect to be pressed into joining them and if I were the customer in this article I would have walked out.
Why was this man on a check out at all if his beliefs were so strong?
Are people not told when they are interviewed for the job that it might entail handling alcohol and pork products?

Why is this being allowed to happen?
It's the DM again isn't it - whipping up anti-Muslim sentiment.
People drop the term Racist at the drop of a hat yet many l seem to lap up these so-called newspapers's stories with their blatant "stir up the masses" headlines.

It's racist propoganda printed under the guise of being in the public interest. stevmk2
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18-07-2014, 08:16 AM

Re: Here we go again!

Originally Posted by Silver Tabby ->
At times it seems to me that some Muslims go out of their way to make themselves unpopular. The articles says that Tesco apologised to the customer but backed their employee. So - did Tesco deliberately put their employee in this situation to be provocative? Are they that desperate for publicity?
Just like any other group of people you will find some who want to stand out and be centre of attention, or just want to be difficult for difficulties sake. Sadly Muslims seem to get publicity when this happens, if a Hindu or Sikh had done it we wouldn't be discussing it. Papers would not be interested.
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18-07-2014, 08:27 AM

Re: Here we go again!

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
Just like any other group of people you will find some who want to stand out and be centre of attention, or just want to be difficult for difficulties sake. Sadly Muslims seem to get publicity when this happens, if a Hindu or Sikh had done it we wouldn't be discussing it. Papers would not be interested.
You could be right, Julie, although I believe Sikhs have had their share of bad publicity over their turbans and kirpans.
It would be interesting to know who called the papers? I am sure they were not just lurking hopefully in the doorway.

I think there are faults on all sides here.

Ramadan or not - the man should not have refused to serve the customer. He must have known what the job entailed when he accepted it.

Tesco - should not have put someone with such strong objections to pork products and alcohol into a situation where he had to handle them.

Julie - your nephew may be able to answer a question for me. It is a long time since I read the Qu'ron - but I did not think it banned alcohol as such - rather it condemned drunkeness am I right?
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18-07-2014, 08:40 AM

Re: Here we go again!

His stance on alcohol is he has to abstain, he cannot smoke (not that he did) or do anything else that pollutes his body, he tells be the Koran treats the human body as something to take care of and not treat badly. So his interpretation is no alcohol at all.
I would add he never has been a drinker though as we too are tea total Christians - even when I was an Atheist I respected my husbands religious beliefs and abstained.
The "problem" and the joy of all holy books is we all interpret them differently though, so to say any religion does this or that isn't really the complete truth, because within the religion you will many different interpretations of the books.

Muslim chap where I work doesn't drink, but he openly admits he used to get drunk every week, he took drugs and still smokes. So his interpretation is very different to my nephew.

One thing they both agree on though is Muslims who make trouble including the person we are discussing really are on the outer fringe of the religion and not typical of the everyday person you will normally meet.
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18-07-2014, 08:49 AM

Re: Here we go again!

Originally Posted by stevmk2 ->
It's the DM again isn't it - whipping up anti-Muslim sentiment.
People drop the term Racist at the drop of a hat yet many l seem to lap up these so-called newspapers's stories with their blatant "stir up the masses" headlines.

It's racist propoganda printed under the guise of being in the public interest. stevmk2
Not sure about your point anymore Steve, regarding then DM
Saw an article a few days ago on a Romanian fella who has come here to fleece us, I thought baloney !
Then, last night there he was in a docu about Romanians and over he came, his attitude was obnoxious - he is here to fleece us, no doubt about that - there is a guy here that makes sure he gets them an NI number so they can claim benefits - I had to switch off half way through, when a Romanian with eleven kids was getting so much in housing and benefits. And 'he' was getting money for his kids even though they are still in Romania !
How is this possible - are the EU just wanting to see us go down the pan and our Government are just letting this happen
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18-07-2014, 08:53 AM

Re: Here we go again!

The problem is the DM and other media too concentrate on the problems and we never hear of the other side of the coin from them, elderly neighbour here is cared for by a Romanian care worker, minimum waged lady who works her socks off to make sure her clients are well looked after, goes the extra mile and won't leave until her client is happy. Will we hear about her in the DM or the many like her ?
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