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03-08-2015, 06:30 AM

Caught out at last.

One of my neighbours is a divorced women.

She has never worked a day since she was 16 and caught stealing from her saturday job.
When she got divorced her family somehow worked it so that she didnt own the house but rented it so the DSS allowed her to stay with her then young children.

She has always dressed in clothes from top highstreet stores..No primark or Asda type clothes for her. She drives a car that was only 3 yrs old when she bought it (2 yrs ago) but she boasted about how she has it in her mothers name and mum taxes and insures it so no one at the DSS knows its hers.

Various 'boyfriends' appear for a week or two then vanish but funnily enough all these men are of the tradesman type so one repainted the outside of her house, another was a mechanic and another re-tiled the front garden.
Its been going on for 15 years now but yesterday she was outside looking a bit miserable and her car was nowhere to be seen.

Turns out someone has reported her!

It must be someone who knows her well because they apperently knew all sorts about her and her business..
Although thats not hard because she is such a big mouth. She suspects her estranged sister which I can understand because last year she had an affair with her BIL..

Well her benefit has now been stopped and the DSS have said she will be thrown out of the house too, of course she is devestated shes living in a nice area in a big 5 bed house but what did she expect?
She lives way above the standards of anyone on benefits.

To be honest I cant really feel much sympathy for her, its taken a long time but it seems her lies and devious schemes have finally caught up with her.

Why do these people feel surprise or upset when they get caught out? Do they really think they have the right to live like this on other peoples money?
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03-08-2015, 08:15 AM

Re: Caught out at last.

Sounds as though she deserves all they throw at her, Cass!

It is people like her that give those in genuine need a bad name.
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03-08-2015, 08:45 AM

Re: Caught out at last.

That could be someone who lives near me
Pregnant at 16, given a house, 4 children all by different men all tradesmen, never had a job but runs a car.

I don't know how some people get away with it, it's difficult to prove anything I guess. The other locals thought when her children grew up and left home (she is in her late thirties now ) she wouldn't be eligible for so many handouts so guess what she had another baby there is 22 years between the youngest and the oldest.
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03-08-2015, 08:59 AM

Re: Caught out at last.

Glad to read that Cass! But who is going to take her in and support her?

Yes, unfortunately, these people who would rather take a life on benefits do have this high opinion of themselves, believing they're entitled, and are then in a state of shock when the rug's pulled out from under their feet.

Good on the DSS for their hard line approach. One up to the tax payer.
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03-08-2015, 09:14 AM

Re: Caught out at last.

What annoys me about these people is My wife and I have worked damn hard all our lives and saved like mad for our retirement. Do we get a thank you from the DSS ? NO WE DON'T, only state pension , no "thank you" for contributing all years you worked and paid into, here is an annual bonus in appreciation.

Now even I am taxed on my pensions as it is over the allowed income.

No wonder this country is in a mess and scroungers get away with state theft.
Really makes me want to vomit
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03-08-2015, 09:33 AM

Re: Caught out at last.

Hey, folks, I am with you most of the way, but......

Where would such a lady end up if her allowances were all taken away? What are the alternatives?

Would you feel sorry for her mother if she was 'morally obliged' to take her daughter and kids in? I think I would.

Can Social Services simply make this woman homeless and destitute?
If Social Services put this woman into a Bed & Breakfast with minimal support for the kids, is that right?

I really don't know the answers to these questions, no more than I can think what society should do with the homeless, alcoholics and druggies who roam the streets. The police cannot handle them, nor can the hospitals, nor the jails; that is not their function. The armed forces don't want National Service to be reintroduced for the terminal idle kids who are leaving school.

The mind-set of the new generations are different from how ours were fifty years ago. We expected to work, to build a better life for ourselves. Nowadays, some people expect to be looked after by the State.
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03-08-2015, 09:56 AM

Re: Caught out at last.

I thought years ago the government were going to clamp down on the benefit system but it still goes on. thanks to the person who reported her she was found out.
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03-08-2015, 10:18 AM

Re: Caught out at last.

It's hard to celebrate when there are kids involved, I guess now they will be in council housing if there is a place available.
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03-08-2015, 10:27 AM

Re: Caught out at last.

I think benefit fraud is inexcusable BUT - it should be put into perspective. Compared with tax fraud and tax evasion by the rich, it is a drop in the ocean. Why don't we get so upset when the rich are defrauding us?

from The Guardian
The British public believe benefit fraud is a big problem. A recent poll by the TUC showed people believe 27% of the welfare budget is fraudulently claimed.
The reality is very different. Last year, 0.7% of total benefit expenditure was overpaid due to fraud, according to the DWP's official estimates. This totalled £1.2bn over the year. Nor is fraud getting worse – even against a background of benefit cuts and long-term unemployment fraud made up a smaller share of the welfare bill last year than it did in 2010/11 or 2009/10.
Indeed, welfare fraud is smaller than accidental overpayments due to error, which totalled £2.2bn (£1.4bn of which due to official error). It's also smaller than the amount of money underpaid to those entitled to it: £1.3bn.
In other words, if we wiped out benefit fraud tomorrow – but also eliminated the errors that deprive people of money to which they are entitled – the welfare bill would grow, not shrink.
In the context of the UK's £700bn public spending, and £150bn+ welfare bill (of which pensions and in-work benefits make up the substantial majority), benefit fraud is a relatively small revenue loss. But how does it compare to another textbook villain: tax avoidance?
Put simply, it is comparatively tiny. HMRC consistently estimates the UK's tax gap – the gap between what HMRC thinks it should receive versus what it actually gets – at more than £30bn per year. Others estimate this is far, far higher.
Of this, even conservative estimates suggest around a sixth – £5bn a year – is lost through tax avoidance, tricks to reduce tax bills which fall within the letter (if not spirit) of the law, but often fall outside what's regarded as acceptable by the public. A further sixth, at least, is estimated to be due to wholesale tax evasion: simply illegally not paying the tax that's owed.
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03-08-2015, 10:27 AM

Re: Caught out at last.

Great, now they can give the house to some obese non-working female Somali immigrant with kids fathered by God knows who.
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