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06-11-2015, 09:04 AM

Katie Hopkins and Sharm el-Sheikh

Can you tell me where Sharm el-Sheikh is?
If I asked you to point it out on a map, could you? And if I coloured in Syria, North Sinai and every other place in Egypt terrorists have bombed or attacked in recent history, would you think:

A—Golly, that looks like a tempting place to take my family for some sunshine and a relaxing break. I love the sound of explosives.
B—There's no way on the planet I am taking my family anywhere near that bunch of black-flag waving lunatics.

Because I can tell you the right answer. It's B. B for bl**dy hell, that's dangerous.

Book a holiday in Sharm and if you are lucky you might return with photos and a fridge magnet to impress your mates. If you're not, as in the case of 224 Russians last week, you won't make it back at all.

The Foreign Office has been warning against all but essential travel to the area for some time now. 'Essential travel' includes things like visiting your nan on her death bed.
It does not include a couple of weeks sitting on a lounger spritzing yourself with Hawaiian Tropic Tanning Lotion.

Admittedly the Foreign Office suggested that tourist areas inside the Sharm el-Sheikh boundary were supposed to be safe. There is a tiny speck of green on the map indicating this safe zone.

But if you start saying a whole house is unfit for habitation apart from that tiny cupboard under the stairs, maybe you'd be better off staying somewhere else.

If Foreign Office advice, a recent history of terror attacks and simple geography aren't enough to convince you, perhaps your wallet is?

Surprise, surprise! Two weeks in Sharm have been surprisingly cheap in recent years. There is a good reason holidays to Egypt are cheaper than a weekend in Wales.

It's to disguise the fact you're gambling your life for a bit of sunshine. Hence there are now 20,000 numpties currently stranded at the Sharm airport and surrounding resorts complaining about how they have been treated.

There's no information. 'We've literally not been told anything,' complained one passenger. In others resorts tensions are boiling over and British tempers fraying at the lack of information and frustration at being stuck in Egypt.
'One man grabbed one of the hotel managers—they ripped his shirt, ripped his name-badge off and everything.'

Local staff facing up to the loss of their jobs as their tourism industry collapses are taking the brunt of British frustration, as holidaymakers realise that booking with low-cost carriers with little customer service might not have been such a great idea after all.

I spoke to a work colleague about her experience at the airport there. She was able to carry a two litre bottle of water through customs without anyone so much as putting their cigarette down or asking her to drink it to check it was water.
The airport security is not so much lax as non-existent. She says there are men who pop up and for a fee offer to help you queue-jump. Some hotels and travel companies have even invested in staff to wait air-side to escort you through Passport Control.

I have a few thoughts for those stranded at the Sharm airport and local hotels. It's raining here and grey when it's not pitch black. Stop complaining.

You are fortunate to live in a country which cares for you, under a government determined to keep you safe. Your security is being put first –above all else.

You made the decision to take a cheap holiday in a place surrounded by fighting and conflict. This was a risk you were free to take. The gamble has not paid off but don't blame the bookie for the bet you placed.

More than two hundred and twenty Russians lost their lives but now yours will be saved. You should be thanking your lucky stars you have been given a second chance, not abusing local staff who have a grim future ahead of them.

It is not fashionable in today's society, but it is time for everyone to be accountable. If you are looking for the person responsible for getting you into the predicament you are in, especially when you've chosen to ignore all the warnings, you need to take a long look in the mirror.

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06-11-2015, 09:20 AM

Re: Katie Hopkins and Sharm el-Sheikh

That just about sums it up Solo. Some friends of ours went to Luxor for a month a couple of weeks ago. There's no way I'd go there !
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06-11-2015, 09:52 AM

Re: Katie Hopkins and Sharm el-Sheikh

Vile woman with a mouth like a coal hole...BUT for once I actually agree with her
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06-11-2015, 10:00 AM

Re: Katie Hopkins and Sharm el-Sheikh

Cameron is right also.

it would be very unwise to go to that area for a holiday until the security at the Airport is tightened up
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06-11-2015, 10:11 AM

Re: Katie Hopkins and Sharm el-Sheikh

They should send Katie Hopkins over there.
The terrorists would be on the next plane out after she arrived.
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06-11-2015, 10:14 AM

Re: Katie Hopkins and Sharm el-Sheikh

Sharm is a gated area on the Red Sea. It was not deemed as
unsafe by our government It is now until they get the airport
sorted out.

Not trying to defend what has happened but when the PAN AM flight
was blown up over Lockerbie. It did not stop the flights to
New York since 1988.

I know a few people who have been there and its great for sports
and clubbing. They never felt unsafe there. Suppose they might
wait and see how the UK sorts out the Sharm airport first before
they go again.
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06-11-2015, 10:26 AM

Re: Katie Hopkins and Sharm el-Sheikh

Well I guess amongst the vile bitterness she always spews there has to be one occasion when she is right, this is it
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06-11-2015, 10:43 AM

Re: Katie Hopkins and Sharm el-Sheikh

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
Well I guess amongst the vile bitterness she always spews there has to be one occasion when she is right, this is it
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06-11-2015, 10:46 AM

Re: Katie Hopkins and Sharm el-Sheikh

Yes, the woman may well be right. Still, condescending to those who chose that destination. It was obviously hugely popular. Very sad and a sign of the times unfortunately.
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06-11-2015, 10:53 AM

Re: Katie Hopkins and Sharm el-Sheikh

My hairdresser is in Sharm el-Sheikh at the moment, she has just got married and is on honeymoon, her two children are with her.
She has been going there for years and didn't think twice about going when I questioned her about it recently .

My neice went two years ago with her three children and loved the resort . She said the security was high with armed police all over the place. They did not feel relaxed didn't leave the resort and wouldn't go again.

I think Cameron is absolutely right taking the measures he has taken regardless of who he upsets. It is not just the people on the planes who are at risk it is also the possibilities of a plane falling on a populated area.

Some people keep saying if we had information on a bomb why didn't we share it.

It seems probable that 'the place at Cheltenham' has gone through data retrospectively and has found communication between people concerning an explosive device .
We couldn't tell anyone because we didn't know ourselves at the time that which we know now.
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