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09-02-2016, 11:40 AM

A Win, Win, Win is on the Cards


This could be the best year for ages.

Just imagine it, out of the EU and no more Cameron or Corbyn.

Could things get any better?
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09-02-2016, 12:20 PM

Re: A Win, Win, Win is on the Cards

The EU is dead in the water, it has not, and never will be a viable proposition for the the people of Europe and deep down Dave knows. The EU has been like a snowball rolling down a hill, gathering speed and growing ever larger, until it's inevitable breakup. But it has thrown up it's hero's and villains, and soon a clean sweep of all the deadwood will occur and Britain can get back to doing what it does best - leading the world in invention and manufacturing. To much time and money has been spent focusing on events outside of the UK, it's now time to focus on being self sufficient once again by producing our own steel, shipbuilding and energy which also provides proper jobs for our young people. By being part of a 'Global Economy' we have turned Britain into an industrial backwater. Let our farmers supply our food and not have to rely on cheap imports supplied by an endless convoy of lorries travelling too and fro into Europe. Buy British and lets stand alone once more.
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09-02-2016, 02:28 PM

Re: A Win, Win, Win is on the Cards

They won't have an election, surely, whoever becomes prime minister will want to stick there.
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09-02-2016, 02:37 PM

Re: A Win, Win, Win is on the Cards

Originally Posted by swimfeeders ->

This could be the best year for ages.

Just imagine it, out of the EU and no more Cameron or Corbyn.

Could things get any better?
That sounds good to me Swim.
That sounds good to me!
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09-02-2016, 02:41 PM

Re: A Win, Win, Win is on the Cards

I read somewhere that if there is a vote to leave the EU we have to give 2 years notice so nothing much will happen overnight.
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09-02-2016, 03:10 PM

Re: A Win, Win, Win is on the Cards

Originally Posted by Meg ->
I read somewhere that if there is a vote to leave the EU we have to give 2 years notice so nothing much will happen overnight.

Not exactly.

We are allowed 2 years to complete negotiations, should we choose to.

If we vote Out, we can just go.

Not a good idea though I must admit, they would retaliate big time.

Yes, we Import more than we Export to the EU.

However that is spread amongst all the EU Nations, so not a big hit for each individual member Country.

A totally catastrophic hit for the UK though.

I am convinced that we need to leave the EU in it's present form.

I am equally convinced that Call me Dave is an idiot.

He has staked everything on a yes vote, when he loses, absolutely no forward planning at all.

We will suffer, it will be horrendous, whilst with a bit of planning, we could leave with a Minimal Impact, with a clever Politician in charge we could leave to our advantage.

He is an idiot, we deserve better.
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09-02-2016, 03:24 PM

Re: A Win, Win, Win is on the Cards

Originally Posted by swimfeeders ->
Not exactly.
We are allowed 2 years to complete negotiations, should we choose to.
Hi Gibbs I remember now, I heard it being discussed on the radio that must have been it then.

I appreciate there will be some things to sort out but two years seemed a ridiculous long time to get out .

I think when it comes to the vote a lot of people will get cold feet and decide to maintain the status-quo, so nothing will happen anyway..
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09-02-2016, 03:45 PM

Re: A Win, Win, Win is on the Cards

Considering the amount of time it can take to resolve the financial aspects of a divorce, and considering how much more complicated the untangling of a 'project' like the EU must be, I think 2 years would be superfast. More like 20, perhaps? One reason I am apprehensive about a UK withdrawl. Perhaps all 28 will declare the project not fit for purposeand go for a mass dissolve?

I really don't know which way I would vote, should we ever get a referendum. I don't think I know enough, or have a good enough crystal ball. I consider myself fairly well informed though, so how those who take no interest in the world of politics are supposed to make an informed choice heaven only knows
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09-02-2016, 04:19 PM

Re: A Win, Win, Win is on the Cards

Originally Posted by OldGreyFox ->
The EU is dead in the water, it has not, and never will be a viable proposition for the the people of Europe and deep down Dave knows. The EU has been like a snowball rolling down a hill, gathering speed and growing ever larger, until it's inevitable breakup. But it has thrown up it's hero's and villains, and soon a clean sweep of all the deadwood will occur and Britain can get back to doing what it does best - leading the world in invention and manufacturing. To much time and money has been spent focusing on events outside of the UK, it's now time to focus on being self sufficient once again by producing our own steel, shipbuilding and energy which also provides proper jobs for our young people. By being part of a 'Global Economy' we have turned Britain into an industrial backwater. Let our farmers supply our food and not have to rely on cheap imports supplied by an endless convoy of lorries travelling too and fro into Europe. Buy British and lets stand alone once more.
Excellent post OGF.

The sad thing is that because of so much interference, meddling and red tape by the EU, it has had serious repercussions, one of which is the most serious. that of Cancer Research.
Before we joined the EU we were one of the world-leaders in this Research. Now due to bungling rules and regulations (which we follow slavishly) we lag far behind the USA in Cancer Research instead of leading the way as we once did.

If only we could put the pain, the damage, the ruination that the EU has caused, under a microscope !

I long for the day when we can rule ourselves again without interference from this discredited, fraudulant corrupt institution. The sooner, the better.
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09-02-2016, 04:28 PM

Re: A Win, Win, Win is on the Cards

Originally Posted by swimfeeders ->

This could be the best year for ages.

Just imagine it, out of the EU and no more Cameron or Corbyn.

Could things get any better?
What joy, if only.....

Originally Posted by OldGreyFox ->
The EU is dead in the water, it has not, and never will be a viable proposition for the the people of Europe and deep down Dave knows. The EU has been like a snowball rolling down a hill, gathering speed and growing ever larger, until it's inevitable breakup. But it has thrown up it's hero's and villains, and soon a clean sweep of all the deadwood will occur and Britain can get back to doing what it does best - leading the world in invention and manufacturing. To much time and money has been spent focusing on events outside of the UK, it's now time to focus on being self sufficient once again by producing our own steel, shipbuilding and energy which also provides proper jobs for our young people. By being part of a 'Global Economy' we have turned Britain into an industrial backwater. Let our farmers supply our food and not have to rely on cheap imports supplied by an endless convoy of lorries travelling too and fro into Europe. Buy British and lets stand alone once more.
Great post, if only.....
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