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14-03-2016, 11:21 PM

Putin Orders Russian Withdrawal from Syria


I'm baffled .. what's he up to?
Why support Assad for five months, prevent his regimes collapse and then duck out now? He might as well have left well alone and allowed the war to takes it's course.
Or did he bite off more than he could chew?.. so now he's throwing Assad to the wolves?
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14-03-2016, 11:57 PM

Re: Putin Orders Russian Withdrawal from Syria

I guess Putin has achieved his aims for the moment. The cessation of hostilities is holding, he has strengthened Russia's bases in the area and eliminated some of Assad's opposition. Now may seem an opportune time for him to step back.
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15-03-2016, 12:00 AM

Re: Putin Orders Russian Withdrawal from Syria

I am no expert, but its obvious to me as was predicted by many poltical leaders, that Putin is suffering economically and has realized that he is fighting a losing battle.

Putin still has two major military bases in Syria. So in future peace talks in Syria, Putin will surely play a major role
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15-03-2016, 12:02 AM

Re: Putin Orders Russian Withdrawal from Syria

Meg ... I like your ...for the moment
I see the logic but the other way at looking at is that his withdrawal might significantly weaken Assad's position in these peace talks. It's either strange timing or inspired genius, I'm not sure which.

Given that the Saudi's and the US have hinted they are considering military force should the talks fail ... it makes my suspicious antennae twitch.
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15-03-2016, 12:08 AM

Re: Putin Orders Russian Withdrawal from Syria

Originally Posted by eyes_of_a_painter ->
I am no expert, but its obvious to me as was predicted by many poltical leaders, that Putin is suffering economically and has realized that he is fighting a losing battle.

Putin still has two major military bases in Syria. So in future peace talks in Syria, Putin will surely play a major role
I understand he is to leave them protected and defended.
But ... if the opposition win the day and Assad is toppled, which I think many believe will be the outcome, I don't see how Putin will hang onto them.
I wonder whether Assad will be jumping on a plane soon for a life of exile dressed in a Russian furry hat.

As to fighting a losing battle? May be.
But I've always felt Putin plays his own chess game whilst other world leaders play theirs and he never ever does anything without good reason.
He's got me baffled.
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15-03-2016, 12:16 AM

Re: Putin Orders Russian Withdrawal from Syria

Originally Posted by Morticia ->
Meg ... I like your ...for the moment
I see the logic but the other way at looking at is that his withdrawal might significantly weaken Assad's position in these peace talks. It's either strange timing or inspired genius, I'm not sure which.

Given that the Saudi's and the US have hinted they are considering military force should the talks fail ... it makes my suspicious antennae twitch.
I don't trust any of them Mort, yes it is like a huge game of chess to me with moves carefully planned by some of the players. I think sly Putin is a master of the game.
I think anything he does will be for his/Russia's advantage and theirs alone. He is not concerned about anyone else or humanitarian considerations. I am not even sure he has a heart in his chest.
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15-03-2016, 05:11 AM

Re: Putin Orders Russian Withdrawal from Syria

Quick America, while Putin's not looking, now is your chance.

No one likes us-I don't know why
We may not be perfect, but heaven knows we try
But all around, even our old friends put us down
Let's drop the big one and see what happens

We give them money-but are they grateful?
No, they're spiteful and they're hateful
They don't respect us-so let's surprise them
We'll drop the big one and pulverize them

Asia's crowded and Europe's too old
Africa is far too hot
And Canada's too cold
And South America stole our name
Let's drop the big one
There'll be no one left to blame us

We'll save Australia
Don't wanna hurt no kangaroo

We'll build an All American amusement park there
They got surfin', too

Boom goes London and boom Paree
More room for you and more room for me
And every city the whole world round
Will just be another American town
Oh, how peaceful it will be
We'll set everybody free
You'll wear a Japanese kimono
And there'll be Italian shoes for me

They all hate us anyhow
So let's drop the big one now
Let's drop the big one now
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15-03-2016, 07:49 AM

Re: Putin Orders Russian Withdrawal from Syria


An alternative view of the situation.

We in the West tend to believe our own propaganda.

1. Russia is going bust, it cannot afford to keep in Syria.

Sanctions are hurting, but Putin is just not spending his money, he has stacks of it and in fact is building up vast amounts more.

Putin has ramped up Gold Production, another 4 years and he will have overtaken Australia as a producer and his production costs are a fraction of what they are in the West.

He also has vast amounts of Foreign Reserves.

Russia is fifth in the World, Putin has more than 3 times as much Foreign Reserves as the USA has.

Putin is also stockpiling other precious metals and minerals needed by the West, Platinum for example.

2, Putin is pulling out because of threats from Saudi and the USA.

Nope, Saudi buys loads of it's Military hardware from the West, the USA in particular supplies it's electronic gizmos.

Putin has got a nice new bit of kit to deal with all that, he isn't bothered.

Putin has achieved exactly what he wanted.

Five months ago Russia was at risk of losing it's warm water port and was not even a participant in the discussions about what Syria would be like in future, it had been frozen out.

Now, Russia is at the top table in the talks on the future, has caused the whole course of the Civil War to change, given Assad back control of large amounts of Syria and inflicted crippling losses on certain hard line Sunni Muslim groups supported by the West, who have been causing problems in Southern Russia.

Putin has achieved exactly what he wanted to do in five months with minimal casualties and costs, an object lesson.

Pulling his troops out?

Yes, most of them, but the West has no idea how many he had there in the first place.

He has used his time there wisely, he has got three bases now, all well stocked and defended and is leaving all his supplies there as well.

His vehicles, heavy artillery etc are still in place.

If he chooses to come back, he can get his troops in 24 hours.

He has also left other things in Syria, still fully functional.

In particular he has left his s400 missile systems in place, which gives him air superiority over Syria and Southern Turkey.

Erdogan shooting down the Russian plane gave Putin the perfect excuse to move it to Syria.

Win Win for Putin.

Not content with showing the West a lesson, he has now submitted a request for the USA to allow flights by his spy planes over the USA as part of the Open Skies Treaty.

That will be a problem for the next POTUS later this year.

He has also got his s400 missile systems in Algeria.

His troops may be out of Syria, but he has changed the game and is now controlling things at minimal cost and risk.
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15-03-2016, 10:27 AM

Re: Putin Orders Russian Withdrawal from Syria

Originally Posted by Morticia ->
I understand he is to leave them protected and defended.
But ... if the opposition win the day and Assad is toppled, which I think many believe will be the outcome, I don't see how Putin will hang onto them.
I wonder whether Assad will be jumping on a plane soon for a life of exile dressed in a Russian furry hat.

As to fighting a losing battle? May be.
But I've always felt Putin plays his own chess game whilst other world leaders play theirs and he never ever does anything without good reason.

He's got me baffled.
He has his own way of working and like youve said he doesnt do anything without a good reason....
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15-03-2016, 10:33 AM

Re: Putin Orders Russian Withdrawal from Syria

Originally Posted by Aysa ->
He has his own way of working and like youve said he doesnt do anything without a good reason....
You just about sum things up there Aysa.
Putin is just another Snake Oil salesman, just like Blair/Cameron and most of the rest are are.
I despise them all!
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