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09-06-2016, 11:32 AM

A Message To All Members Of The EU


On the 23rd June 2016 I will be voting to leave the EU. The bureaucracy in Brussels – and indeed some British politicians want you to believe that we don’t like you, don’t want to be friends, don’t want to do business with you, and believe that our country is better than yours, and to this end they call us ‘Little Englanders’ Speaking as a common man I can assure you that it couldn’t be further from the truth, and here are the reasons why.

The EU has manifested itself into an all consuming multi- national company that wants to take away your customs and your history, it wants to exploit your country in the name of business and trade. It wants to cover your green spaces with factories and warehouses and close down all the small family run businesses in favour of large conglomerates monopolised by the EU. It is doing this by the introduction of rules and regulations that small companies can’t possibly afford. If you can’t produce something cheaply it will ship it in from somewhere that can, filling your quiet country roads with endless convoys of trucks. It is allowing large mining companies to set up in your countryside to extract minerals, companies that are probably not even from the EU like America and China. They have no interest in your skills and customs their only interest is in the wealth that they can create. After they have raped your country they will move on to do the same somewhere else.

Most of the money going to Brussels provides massive palatial structures to house the many thousands of people who vote on your future, your countries future, and the future of your children, and they all are fed by the mighty EU gravy train.
Your local councils will be disbanded or controlled from Brussels as will your governments.
Big Business will steamroller itself across Europe destroying everything in its path in the name of Trade. The bible will be re-written and you will soon bow down to the rulers from Brussels who give you employment and the scraps off the rich man’s table. It’s no surprise that the main lobby for staying in the EU comes from the Multi-national companies based mainly in America.

I’ve always loved travelling to other countries within Europe, I’ve always found the people friendly and hospitable. I love your different cultures and history as I do my own, and I would hope that visitors to England have received the same warm welcome. Indeed, some English people have set up home in Spain, France and Italy to name just a few, and friends from Europe have come to live here, and you will always be welcome. I don’t want England to become a faceless division of Europe, no more than I want France, Spain or any other country of Europe to become one. And why should we? Man creates barriers between countries, and the EU is a very expensive way of breaking down those barriers. If the common people from all the member countries of the EU stick together we can trade with each other, visit each other, and even go to work in each other’s countries. It strikes me that the EU creates more problems for the residents of Europe than it solves.

So here in England we will always welcome our neighbours from across the channel whether they come from inside the EU or outside the EU, you have made us what we are and I for one appreciate it, don’t let the EU drive a wedge between us......
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09-06-2016, 11:36 AM

Re: A Message To All Members Of The EU

I would have liked to send this message to all the people from all the countries in the EU. Unfortunately you guys on Over 50's forum are the biggest audience I'm ever likely to address.
But I just wanted people to know what I think about the EU. Sometimes the politicians (even ones I agree with) don't say what I want to say and the reasons why I say them.
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09-06-2016, 11:37 AM

Re: A Message To All Members Of The EU

Well said Bob, the sooner you lot get out then we'll have grounds for a referendum over here.
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09-06-2016, 11:56 AM

Re: A Message To All Members Of The EU

Originally Posted by Jem ->
Well said Bob, the sooner you lot get out then we'll have grounds for a referendum over here.
Thanks Jem, you're a star.....
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09-06-2016, 12:02 PM

Re: A Message To All Members Of The EU

What is a great sadness is the fact, it took an outside organisation, to provide legislation, to protect employees from exploitation, by their own ilk.
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09-06-2016, 12:23 PM

Re: A Message To All Members Of The EU

Great post ogf

Wonder where the idea the Eu has been only protection workers have had, I saw my holiday entitlement shrink, my job prospects disappear and my husband saw his hours shrink.

We now have to call for a man with a ladder to change a light bulb £79 whereas before we stood on tip toe and changed it for cost of the bulb. Oh and bulbs best not start me on them.
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09-06-2016, 03:14 PM

Re: A Message To All Members Of The EU

Yes, there was a lot of shrinkage going on, when the Unions Shrank.
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09-06-2016, 03:56 PM

Re: A Message To All Members Of The EU

Originally Posted by spitfire ->
What is a great sadness is the fact, it took an outside organisation, to provide legislation, to protect employees from exploitation, by their own ilk.
We've been taking care of our workers for years Spitty, haven't you noticed we don't send young people up chimneys any more and I think that was before the EU interference.
And do you think they provided legislation for the working man and woman of this great country for the good of the people? Or was it to get the workers onside when it comes to a referendum.
Or, was it to make our products more expensive by making legislation that no other country in Europe follows and therefore all our stuff comes from across the channel in bloody great convoys of lorries cos it's cheaper to be made elsewhere....
all say after me:- Praise be to the wonderful EU whatever did we do without you.
We had family run businesses that produced good stuff locally, now it's been shipped thousands of miles in refrigerated trucks. And the irony is, even stuff that comes from Australia, Russia, China, and America has to be sanctioned by the EU. Talk about exploitation! The thousands of officials in Brussels will have the shirt off your back if we remain one of their puppets. Many more countries will be watching the outcome of our referendum with a view to having their own, and when they do we can all trade together without the miles of red tape the EU have deliberately placed there to justify their existence. The In voters are not voting for free trade and friendship within the EU, they are voting for a major multi national company who wants to monopolise trade and industry in the same way that Google, Microsoft, Monsanto, General Electric and others have done or are doing, these are the new Gods because they have the clout and wealth to reach every aspect of your life without your knowledge and they have done it with stealth so you didn't even notice until now. The EU is just an extension of this exclusive club. Why do you think that big businesses are so eager for you to stay in the EU? And the fact is, they have the money to get the decision they want. Money is power!
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09-06-2016, 04:02 PM

Re: A Message To All Members Of The EU

Are you assuming I'm a Stayiner? just for the record, from what I saw, the average Joe was complicit with some of the stuff above, it wasn't all one sided, as is anything.
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09-06-2016, 04:20 PM

Re: A Message To All Members Of The EU

Doesn't matter a hoot if you vote for in or out, the government will adjust figures to get what they want. They did it on the previous vote back in the 1970's and will do it again.

Those none registered , those can't be bothered and those don't give a damn will be considered to be in favour of staying in, mark my words
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