BREXIT: The Facts Behind EU Propaganda
The EU bureaucrats and remain supporters were wrong. A wealth of information existed to persuade voters to remain, yet conversely, material intentionally based on belief and mass media propaganda.
The facts behind EU propaganda
The EU hierarchy and criminal associations
The EU is the old Soviet Union dressed in Western clothes" - Mikhail Gorbachev, former General Secretary of the USSR.
Based on abstracts, the Holy Grail of creating a diverse, multicultural and equality utopia failed to work anywhere. From the Marxist origins of the USSR to the recent socialist failure in Venezuela, all previous attempts to socially engineer utopic societies failed, invariably morphing into dictatorships.
The BREXIT regional and social demographics reflected already indoctrinated Millennials, who mainly voted for socialist dependency, typifying the preferences of a government dependant 'selfie' generation.
The EU, in addition to National Socialism and Communism, comprise the three major ideological scourges of the 20th century. The UK survived the horrors of European 20th century concentration camps and Gulags, intentionally staying away from the isms arising within Europe and the EU remains no different. The BREXIT result also ran deeper than superficial economics, or the social justice issues presented in the mainstream media. In reality, the EU reflects the drive towards
progressivism, disguised as progress and foisted onto populations by elite politicians, using treaties.
No more 20th century jackboots, the 21st arrives with deceit hidden behind manifestos, promises and smiles; duplicity and stealth purposely designed to fool a gullible millennial generation.
The Facts Behind EU Propaganda
Public opinion will be led to adopt, without knowing it, the proposals we dare not present to them directly. All the earlier proposals will be in the new text, but will be hidden and disguised" - Valery Giscard D’Estang, member of the Constitutional Council of France, on the 2007 Lisbon treaty.
Future historians might describe the EU concept as laudable and after two world wars in one century, which left Europe a graveyard, for all the right reasons. Yet ever since its early construction in 1957 as a European Economic Community (EEC), the underlying purpose always remained political domination as a United States of Europe. A political goal finally achieved by the Maastricht Treaty in 1993, modifying previous treaties, which integrated European countries into the European Union of today.
Britain is different. Of course, there will be transfers of sovereignty. But would I be intelligent to draw the attention of public opinion to this fact?" - Jean-Claude Juncker, current President of the European Union Commission.
The EU Hierarchy and Criminal Associations
Corruption across EU breathtaking" - EU Home Affairs Commissioner Malmstroem, C. In the 2014 'EU Anti-corruption Report', the commissioner cites an annual figure of €120 billion (£99 billion).
José Barroso resigned the EU Presidency in 2014, amid allegations of corruption and cronyism.
Jean-Claude Junkers, incumbent EU President, resigned as Luxembourg PM in 2013 following a corruption and wire-tapping scandal.
Christine Lagarde, IMF director, currently awaits trial for failing to prevent fraud when previous French Minister of Finance.
Nigel Farage UKIP explains the dangers and consequences of European Union fascism (3.10)
Just who the hell do you people think you are? You are very, very dangerous people indeed."
Initially, the consequences will be tough as the UK discovers new markets and learns to stand on its own two feet again as an independent and sovereign nation, which it managed adequately for centuries prior to the EU. Yet consequently and as the Euro collapses, countries go bankrupt and the EU slowly implodes, there will nevertheless come a time when the UK breathes a sigh of relief that it chose Brexit.
In summary and as an older generation dies out, the greatest gift it can leave include constitutional safeguards to prevent Millennials going through the same trauma that befell Eastern Europe for decades, moreover, ushered in by the same ideological commissioners now in the EU hierarchy.
Bellamy, Richard. "The Liberty of the Moderns: Market Freedom and Democracy within the EU." Global Constitutionalism 1.01 (2012): 141-72. Reprinted as, "
The EU threat to democracy and liberty" pdf; Philip Vander Elst, the Bruges Group.
BREXIT The Movie The Full Film - The definitive guide on the effects of EU membership (1.11.01)
Millière, Guy. "
The Coming Collapse of the European Union." The Gatestone Institute, 2012.
The EU 'gravy train' - Exposing the corruption inside the EU hierarchy (3.55)
The UK is a parliamentary democracy, which means the will of the people reflects through elected representatives and not majority opinion. Therefore, the recent high court ruling which stated that parliament ratify the referendum to invoke Article 50, remains unfortunately, but legally, correct. All recent major party leaders were pro EU, using treaties to bypass the electorate and why voting for Lib/Lab/Con over decades merely increased Britain’s EU involvement.
The reason for the delayed referendum since Blair has less to do with a people’s democracy, than waiting until successive parliamentary government leaders thought they could win.