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11-07-2017, 04:38 PM

Labour Tearing Itself Apart

The internal disagreements, maybe even hatred, within the Looney Labour party are reachign break point.

"Right wing Labour MPs lash out at the idea of being ‘accountable’ to undermine Corbyn"

"Left wing Labour Party members have been attacked and vilified for calling for more democracy, or for MPs to support their leader, Jeremy Corbyn.

Right wing MPs accused party members of intimidating Liverpool Wavertree MP Luciana Berger after an activist said she had to “get on board”.

Failed leadership candidate Yvette Cooper claimed the “targeting” of Berger was “unacceptable” and “utterly shameful”.

She compared left wing Labour Party members to racists, fascists and the far right."
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11-07-2017, 04:57 PM

Re: Labour Tearing Itself Apart

They don't like democracy. Main reason I left nulabour was their habit of parachuting in people to stand in local constituencies who didn't live anywhere near us. Real democracy is local people standing for election to represent their neighbours.
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11-07-2017, 05:52 PM

Re: Labour Tearing Itself Apart

There's not much democracy in a hard left communist/Marxist style system though, you do realise that don't you?!!!! As Swimfeedeers says in another thread, Brits are just not going to vote for that kind of life. Corbyn needs to go as do the militant hard left wing idiots in the Looney party.
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16-07-2017, 08:17 AM

Re: Labour Tearing Itself Apart

Seems 'realist's' predictions of the demise of the Labour Party because too many labour supporters don't like Jeremy Corbyn was total bullsh*t!!!
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16-07-2017, 05:20 PM

Re: Labour Tearing Itself Apart

Originally Posted by Uncle Joe ->
Seems 'realist's' predictions of the demise of the Labour Party because too many labour supporters don't like Jeremy Corbyn was total bullsh*t!!!
Dear Oh Dear Oh Dear UJ!

Yet another nonsense referral to a stupidly small poll. I'm realising that you haven't the faintest clue about statistics and sampling and generally are sat there trigger happy ready to post up any old nonsense to support you frankly wobbly positions on politics.

Let's unpick this.

The poll you refer to can be downloaded here:

This poll canvassed the views of . . . . .

wait for it . . . . .

1651 adults.

Just unbelievable !

There were a total of 32 million votes cast in the election.
1651 represents 0.005% of that voting collective. That's not even 1/100th of a percent !

Seriously what kind of person thinks that 0.005% of a group is in any sense representative of 32m or in any way statistically meaningful?

It's just ridiculous

This is worse than someone rolling a die only once, seeing it come up 6 and then concluding that the dice is rigged because it always comes up 6.

Still, let's go through the motions here and unpick the data.

I'll show the poll results in the next post.
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16-07-2017, 05:20 PM

Re: Labour Tearing Itself Apart

Here are the results for the main reason people voted for Labour

Manifesto / Policies 28
Anti-Tory 15
Corbyn 13
Provide Hope / Fairness for the Many 12
Funding / Protecting the NHS 8
Because of Local Candidate / MP 6
Always voted Labour 5
Education / Tuition Fees 4
Anti-Theresa May 4
Best of a Bad Bunch 3
Other 7
Don't know 4

First point to notice is that YouGov's list of percentages don't even add up. Tot up those numbers and they don't come to 100% !
I guess what that means is that the answers given have been split across multiple answers. e.g. voted for manifesto and always voted Labour.

It kind of makes a joke of the whole poll (if the stupid sample size wasn't already a joke!)

Still let's look at the data.

It says that only 13% of Labour voters did so because of Corbyn. Wow, and people would have us believe that Corbyn is popular !!
He clearly isn't if only 13% voted for him specifically. This means that a huge 87% of Labour voters did not vote specifically for Corbyn.
Yep that kind of gels with the wider concensus. Corbyn clearly has to go.

Let's look at the Tory voting

Here are the results for the main reason people voted for Conservative

Brexit 21
Anti-Labour 16
Anti-Corbyn 14
Agree with their Policies / Principals 10
Best of a Bad Bunch 8
Better Suited to Govern 7
For the Economy / Economic Reasons 5
Theresa May 5
Always vote Conservative 5
Tactical Vote 4
Stability 3
Security / Terror Prevention 2
Other 5
Don't know 2
Some interesting stats here !

14% of those voting for Conservatives did so because they hate Corbyn.
16% hate Labour in general.

Only a tiny 4% voted tactically for Conservatives.

Interesting isn't it that the poll doesn't show the tactical voting for Labour . . . . Hmmm I wonder why !!
That's the problem with polls that only canvass a ridiculously small number of people.

So in summary 13% of Labour voters themselves didn't vote for Corbyn and 14% of Tory voters voted Tory because Corbyn is unelectable.
That's 27% of the voters (in this stupidly small sample) who aren't supporting Corbyn.

Imagine the success Labour might have had if they had gotten rid of Corbyn months ago and put up a credible leader before the election !

Sorry UJ but all you can do here is keep licking those wounds and staying in denial.
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16-07-2017, 05:56 PM

Re: Labour Tearing Itself Apart

Theresa May has a lot to thank Ruth Davidson for. Whilst Theresa was losing seats south of the border the 12 seats Ruth gained north of the border were crucial to forming a government.
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16-07-2017, 07:20 PM

Re: Labour Tearing Itself Apart

Originally Posted by scot37 ->
Theresa May has a lot to thank Ruth Davidson for. Whilst Theresa was losing seats south of the border the 12 seats Ruth gained north of the border were crucial to forming a government.
Yep, which is why the project known as "Labour Roadmap" in its analysis of the election stated:

"The situation in Scotland must be treated as a crisis for the party. The trends are significantly different than other regions, and emergence of a two-party dynamic in Scotland between the SNP and the Conservatives will only help deflate Labour’s vote through future tactical voting."
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16-07-2017, 11:25 PM

Re: Labour Tearing Itself Apart

A little more about YouGov polls lest the silly billys on here dredge up more of them to support their asinine arguments

How does YouGov conduct Public Opinion research?

"YouGov conducts its public opinion surveys online using something called Active Sampling for the overwhelming majority of its commercial work, including all nationally and regionally representative research. The emphasis is always on the quality of the sample, rather than the quantity of respondents.

When using Active Sampling, restrictions are put in place to ensure that only the people contacted are allowed to participate. This means that all the respondents who complete YouGov surveys will have been selected by YouGov, from our panel of registered users, and only those who are selected from this panel are allowed to take part in the survey."

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