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23-11-2011, 09:26 AM

Late morning Wednesday

Good morning people

Half way through the day and not a pot washed. There were queues at Tesco this morning which took longer to get the weekly shopping done.I dont know why people were shopping earlier than normal, it isnt Christmas yet, the birds were not up when we had our morning walk and all was dark and ghostly with the different shadows and wind rustling through the trees.

No other plans for today, yet, but who knows whatr she who must be obeyed will come up with.

Thank you Rosemary I had a great laugh, they were funny. Why not post them on here and give people something to smile about?

Have a great day and dont forget to enjoy it whatever you do.
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23-11-2011, 10:30 AM

Re: Late morning Wednesday

Good morning AB and all who follow A brighter day at last after days of mist and gloom .Chilly though but I don't mind that I just add an extra layer of clothing

I am going to have a go at cleaning the windows while it is fine.It would be wonderful if after cleaning something it stayed like that and didn't require cleaning again just a few days later.

Have an enjoyable day everyone
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23-11-2011, 10:59 AM

Re: Late morning Wednesday

Good morning everyone. I gave my daughter a lift to work today and found the first frost of the year on my car.

When I got home I decided to finish painting my bedroom as the owner of my house is coming to see it at the weekend and I dropped the tin of paint onto my dressing table spilling half of it everywhere so not a good start to the day. All cleaned up now. One lot of washing on the line in the sun and second lot in and Im about to start on a mad clean up to get the house spick and span for the inspection as Im working now until the weekend and wont get another chance.
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23-11-2011, 11:07 AM

Re: Late morning Wednesday

Good morning everybody.....quite overcast here and breezy. Think rain is on its way.

Not much planned for the day apart from a trip to the supermarket and more playtime with boxer puppy and then the usual office work.

Finally after 5 weeks I think I can finally say that I am getting over my cold. Still coughing but nowhere near as bad as it has been. I've now got toothache which I'm hoping is all part of the cold

Oooh glad it wasn't me spilling paint everwhere... must have been awful to clear up doglover!!
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23-11-2011, 11:31 AM

Re: Late morning Wednesday

Morning Bob and Everyone Horrid pouring wet and very windy morning up here so far!

Oh Bob, I will try but if you can do it - please do so!! Glad you liked them!!

Hope everyone will enjoy a good day today whatever the weather!

Take care all (Bob, missed your links this morning!)
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23-11-2011, 11:44 AM

Re: Late morning Wednesday

Good morning all, it's still sunny here but it has gone very cold. All my xmas jobs (work) are finished now and I'm free until the new year. Don't really know what to do with myself today, the devil makes work for idle hands so maybe I'll head up to the pub at lunchtime and annoy all the old lads again, after all it is ones duty to keep ones elders on their toes, otherwise they'll just nod off into eternity where they sit, one by one.
Stay alert and take care folks.
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23-11-2011, 12:03 PM

Re: Late morning Wednesday

Morning everyone, wet and cold here, enjoy your day whatever you may do.
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23-11-2011, 12:15 PM

Re: Late morning Wednesday

Good morning all. It's been horrible here this week as this continuing storm is dumping record rain on us. We've had over 2.5 inches in the past 24 hours with coastal cities getting over 5 inches in that same 24 hours. We more than doubled our old record for this day. The worst is supposed to hit us today.

I'll venture out for coffee and chat this morning and then hibernate the rest of the day, making sure to park my car deep into my carport for safety. Have a safe day all.
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23-11-2011, 12:27 PM

Re: Late morning Wednesday

Its that old friend arthritus, I have it in my thumb joints and it was a medium tin of paint so no handle and I had been carrying it around and my thumb just said, "Thats it, no more" and went numb, and the paint fell. Good job it was on my dressing table and not the landlords floor.

Funny thing was I just stood and watched it spread, and me being lazy hadnt moved things from said dressing table so it went all over my things too. That will teach me. Luckily it was emulsion not gloss so I did manage to get it all off everything but it took a long time and I wasted a lot of paint. Lesson learned, I am not as young and flexible as I was, and more importantly, clear a space before I start.

I have just wrapped the christmas presents I have bought so far and they are now sitting on the table looking quite festive. I dont like doing a lot at once so at least I have made a start.. Bah humbug.
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23-11-2011, 01:08 PM

Re: Late morning Wednesday

Originally Posted by doglover ->
Its that old friend arthritus, I have it in my thumb joints and it was a medium tin of paint so no handle and I had been carrying it around and my thumb just said, "Thats it, no more" and went numb, and the paint fell. Good job it was on my dressing table and not the landlords floor.

Funny thing was I just stood and watched it spread, and me being lazy hadnt moved things from said dressing table so it went all over my things too. That will teach me. Luckily it was emulsion not gloss so I did manage to get it all off everything but it took a long time and I wasted a lot of paint. Lesson learned, I am not as young and flexible as I was, and more importantly, clear a space before I start.

I have just wrapped the christmas presents I have bought so far and they are now sitting on the table looking quite festive. I dont like doing a lot at once so at least I have made a start.. Bah humbug.
Ah its a good job it was emulsion then and that it didn't get spilt on your chrissie pressies
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