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12-12-2011, 08:27 AM

Dark Monday

Good morning you lucky people.

Well, there will be somewhere in the world.

Dark with a icy cold wind blowing down from the Trossacs but dry at the moment making our morning walk a brisk one, no time to stop and look at the mysterious shadows that the trees make or the sinister looking clouds forming above just waiting to release their heavy burden.

Plans for today are a quick visit to Aldi and somewhere to buy a watch for she who must be obeyed as hers packed in yesterday, I think it got the virus that she is courting, then lunch at honme a mixed grill I think,, followed by an afternoon of looking for things not to do.

Have a great day everyone and enjoy your day.
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12-12-2011, 10:36 AM

Re: Dark Monday

Good morning AB and all and sundry to follow...

Frosty here first thing but clear skies now and 2deg., almost a heat wave.... We've got the plumbers in today so nothing planned other than keeping by the fire and cleaning up their mess later...

Have a great day you all and hey, let's be careful out there....

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12-12-2011, 11:33 AM

Re: Dark Monday

Guid Morning Bob, Barry and All Wet start up here and cold but not complaining after last week's horrendous weather! As long as the snow stays away, I don't mind what it's like!

Don't think we've seen much of "beautiful morning/beautiful day" up here this year really, Bob!! Many thanks for the two clips - the first one did cheer me up and I love the 2nd one!

I wasn't out yesterday as I felt I had a chest infection coming on but stayed in and dozed myself up with Paracetamols, never ate anything either! So need to make up for it today and poor Loki will be taken lots of walkies! She is so good and made do with indoor playing!

Hope you all have a lovely Monday!
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12-12-2011, 12:11 PM

Re: Dark Monday

Good morning all. It's strange that I yearn for a good snowfall myself since I'm retired and live just a mile from a major shopping center. I know it would be selfish of me to want a few inches of powdery stuff floating down just to make it seem more like Christmas.

I got a chance to hang out with my friend, Warren, yesterday as we went out for lunch and later, a movie. We saw "Hugo", starring Ben Kingsley. It was a fantastic movie, safe for the whole family to watch. I love a well made movie that doesn't need special effects or violence.

Not much planned today so I'll wish you all a joyous day and just wing it.
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12-12-2011, 01:27 PM

Re: Dark Monday

Hello everyone!

It has been a strange morning here, lovely sunshine one minute then a heavy fall of hailstones the next. At the moment we have a cloudless sky, I've put some washing out so will have to keep a close eye on it.

I've a few Christmassy jobs to do this afternoon, wrapping gifts and writing cards etc ......and make a few more mince pies to freeze.

Get well wishes to all the poorly people and special thoughts to Pixie who will be having her op today...
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12-12-2011, 01:44 PM

Re: Dark Monday

A late good morning everyone I decided to go out early and get a few jobs done. The queue in the post office was about half a mile long still I won't need to go in there again for some time.

It is sunny here but quite cold, I think there is some bad weather on the way so intend to take Chloe for a nice long walk after lunch before it turns nasty.

Not much else planned only ironing and tidying
Have a pleasant day everyone
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12-12-2011, 01:45 PM

Re: Dark Monday

It's beautiful here today. Blue sky, bright sunshine, a touch of a breeze. It's not warm, but it isn't freezing either.

Thinking especially of Pixie today.
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12-12-2011, 04:50 PM

Re: Dark Monday

Hi everyone. Sun is trying to come out on what's been a cloudy and cold morning so far. A bit before 11 AM and only 2℃ (37℉); officially below freezing again last night but the impatiens are still blooming ... very odd! All's quiet, just down for grass.

Thinking of Pixie too.

Hope all the poorly ones improve; take care, stay warm.
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12-12-2011, 05:03 PM

Re: Dark Monday

Good afternoon all, dull dark and damp here today, but who cares it's Christmas time once again and I've just got home from the annual Christmas dinner kindly provided by the owner of my local pub, bless his flowery heart and bulging wallet. He does this every year for all his regulars over the age of 60, and what a fine spread it was, turkey and ham dinner (I don't eat meat) roast potatoes, sprouts and all the trimmings, followed by home made apple pie smothered in hot custard, then tea or coffee followed by all you could drink up to, and of course the sing-song to finish off, and boy were there some crap singers including me. I think I need a nap now.
Take good care Folks.
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12-12-2011, 05:07 PM

Re: Dark Monday

Enjoy the nap on a full tummy, Jem; what a pleasant lunch that sounds like.
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