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31-10-2020, 03:33 PM

Huge new challenge for me

Having just got a second flashgun opens up options and creates more problems.

Taking a photo in daylight no issues, the problem comes when using a camera onboard popup flash gun. All the light then comes from one direction and can cause unwanted shadows.

Using the camera popup flash and the seperate flashgun can only work (with Nikon that is) in what is called line of sight. In other words the remote gun must be able to detect the camera popup flash firing.

One way around this is by using a wireless flash trigger (the two small object in the photo), but with the master control on the hotshoe the popup flash is blocked from the firing "up" position, so only the remote gun fires.
Solution is a second flashgun on top of the camera sitting on the master remote unit

now light comes from 2 directions, forward and side, but still can create a shadow behind for example. There is another alternative is by using the popup camera flash and the 2 remote guns in "line of sight". So now all 3 flash, great

However they have to sync together which is one of my learning curves. May even get another remote receiver and gun later on which might help ???

So setting up at the moment all 3 to flash together, avoid causing shadows- getting subject in right position- sync together-flash speed and flash power is what I have to fathom out.
well it is something to do when I can't get outside due to bad weather
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01-11-2020, 09:24 AM

Re: Huge new challenge for me

unwanted shadows
You could try bouncing the flash .... off the ceiling, off a brolley, anything reflective.

You could try increasing flash out-put and using a diffuser ....
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01-11-2020, 11:29 AM

Re: Huge new challenge for me

yes bounce light can solve a few problems but still produces shadows . My diffuser as you have shown does spread the light I have one on mine and just ordered another for the Meike flashgun.

I am thimking of more outdoor use for example lighting a car in a different way or even plants in dark areas. also for night time photography can bring up interesting photos.

This is a type of photography I have barely touched upon ,so want to explore it more
with the flashguns being fired by radio signal instead of line of sight allow more flexability in their use. something like the gun under a bush shooting the light up and through should prove interesting as below

bit different for just using day/sunlight.
Some on here no doubt won't like the idea or this type of photo which is fine. I just want to open up what is available using flash in a different way
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03-11-2020, 02:19 AM

Re: Huge new challenge for me

Originally Posted by d00d ->
You could try bouncing the flash .... off the ceiling, off a brolley, anything reflective.
In the days of 35mm film this was a godsend. I used it a lot, exposure was easy too assuming a white(ish) ceiling. Just calculate the light path, distance from camera to subject via the ceiling and add one stop. Worked 99% of the time.

My compact camera has the flash fixed to the camera body so I sometimes just put a Kleenex tissue over it though it is not quite so effective. Camera's these days are so sensitive that flash is not needed as much anyway and you can take shot after shot.
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04-11-2020, 08:30 PM

Re: Huge new challenge for me

Originally Posted by Bruce ->
In the days of 35mm film this was a godsend. I used it a lot, exposure was easy too assuming a white(ish) ceiling. Just calculate the light path, distance from camera to subject via the ceiling and add one stop. Worked 99% of the time.

My compact camera has the flash fixed to the camera body so I sometimes just put a Kleenex tissue over it though it is not quite so effective. Camera's these days are so sensitive that flash is not needed as much anyway and you can take shot after shot.

That's true. There are so many adjustments to help get the perfect exposure, plus we now have in-camera HDR and Brackets we can merge manually to good effect.

I can't imagine why anyone would want to take shots of flowers after dark using harsh artificial light, but each to their own, camera play is addictive.
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04-11-2020, 10:13 PM

Re: Huge new challenge for me

Oh taking shot of flower after dark is a challange . Why just see them in daylight, see them once and you know how the look. Shine a light is different directions at night on them can produce a completely different picture

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