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25-12-2011, 04:46 AM

'Tis Christmas Day

'Tis now Christmas morn. No, I'm not up early. I haven't yet gone to bed.

It is a mild night. No wind, the rain has now stopped, and no signs of frost, ice or snow, so tomorrow will be a good weather day.

I've been sitting here thinking about Christmas Eves of the past, and earlier I watched Scrooge with Alastair Sim; something I've watched every Christmas Eve for many years now and it always brings to me the warmth of how mankind should be with each other. To be kind, helpful, listen and just be good to each other, not just at Christimas time, but all the year through.

I've also been remembering our Christmases at home and it just isn't Christmas without the smell of boiling onions for the stuffing!

I hope you all enjoy your day.

Love to all
Mollie xx
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25-12-2011, 08:24 AM

Re: 'Tis Christmas Day

Good morning Mollie and everyone else, Merry Christmas

The winds and rain are here again along with some cold weather but it will not stop us having a great day. Mother Natures creatures have been doubley fed on our walk this morning and to cheer us up a Robin appeared and sang for us. The cows were sending out their greetings to one and all and we actually heard a Vixen crying as if to say Merry Christmas.

Plans for today, the Turkey is in the oven, the extras are waiting until after church before they get cooked then we will have a short walk down the lane before ralaxing after lunch and before a crowd of around thirty people try to fill our house with merriment and drink my cabinet dry.

UJ, have as good a day as you can in your Christmas Holiday home and return soon.

Have a great day everyone and in particular
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25-12-2011, 09:26 AM

Re: 'Tis Christmas Day

Good Morning Mollie, Bob and All Hope, Mollie, you are still sleeping catching up!! I wasn't that far in front of you going to bed either - I was playing FB games on here, much to the parrots' disgust! Loki was snoring away in the kitchenette!

Love those clips as always, Bob, and many thanks for sharing them.

Enjoy your Day today, whatever you do.

Take care.
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25-12-2011, 09:27 AM

Re: 'Tis Christmas Day

Good morning Mollie, AB and all! Merry Christmas!

I'm first up so far, so a brief message to wish you all a lovely day, before the computer gets relegated to a corner

Hope you all enjoy today and find what you wanted in your Christmas stockings.

Carmen xxx
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25-12-2011, 10:32 AM

Re: 'Tis Christmas Day

Merry Christmas virtual friends...

We are expecting a houseful of family at lunchtime so I'm off to peel some spuds..

Have a great day everyone, hope to catch up with you all later on..

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25-12-2011, 10:38 AM

Re: 'Tis Christmas Day

Good Morning everyone!

A very Merry Christmas to you all!

It's a very mild morning here, must be one of the mildest Christmas Days that we've had ...10ºC

We are off to our daughter's house for the day, I've been told there will be no working for me today, just playing games and having fun ..... that sounds lovely to me!

Spare a thought for all our troops abroad and all the poorly people.

Special thoughts to Uncle Joe in hospital, and people everywhere in hospital.

Have a wonderful day everyone!
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25-12-2011, 10:41 AM

Re: 'Tis Christmas Day

Good morning all. I couldnt sleep last night, no it wasnt excitement, just night shift insomnia. Didnt get to sleep til about 4 so was jolted out of my sleep at 7.30 this moning by lots of screaming and banging next door and for a minute I thought they were being murdered in their beds then I remembered it was Christmas day and they had small children.

Hope you all have a lovely day. I am sitting here alone at the moment so I think I am going to take the girls to the park for a walk as its nice and sunny outside then come back and get the dinner sorted out.
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25-12-2011, 10:50 AM

Re: 'Tis Christmas Day

Morning Mollie and all. I too watched Scrooge last night although to be honest I have it on DVD anyway Its the best version in my opinion and the News of the World gave away free copies a few years ago.

Just finished preping my dinner and taking the dogs out soon. Jess is in season at the moment so have to be careful but hopefully not too many dogs around today. I also have to keep wipeing her bum, the joys of female dogs

Happy Christmas everyone have a lovely day.

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25-12-2011, 11:26 AM

Re: 'Tis Christmas Day

A very happy Christmas to you Mollie and to everyone else here today. Hope you have a good time at your brother's, eat plenty so you can pile on those pounds you want. I cannot believe how blissfully quiet it is here this morning, will be mayhem later on when five kiddies, parents and Dizzy come round for dinner and presents. Will catch up later this evening, have a good time!
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25-12-2011, 11:34 AM

Re: 'Tis Christmas Day

Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas to all! It's 2:30 in the morning here and all is really quiet. As usual I woke in the middle of the night again. I know that in just a few minutes I'll be back in bed for another 3-4 hours but for now I'm up.

My friend, Warren, called last night to tell me how sick he's been this week. Sounds like some form of stomach flu. He's actually feeling better now so he hopes he won't be contagious when we get together later this morning for the trip to his parent's home.

I managed to pack up everything I'm bringing and will add food to a bag just before heading for Warren's condo. We plan to make breakfast there as most of the restaurants are closed, and rightfully so. I've got bacon, eggs, onion, cheese and yummy cherry, strawberry, rhubarb preserves to tote so we won't starve to death. His mom is cooking a great Christmas dinner, as usual, so we don't need a great deal of food. We just don't want to starve before arriving there.

Well, have a great day and at least think about not eating so much that you are immobilized. LOL Again, Merry Christmas!

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