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08-02-2021, 11:20 AM

Increase in Itching & Scratching?

I have noticed an increase in itching & scratching, recently, to the extent that fingernails can daw bloodon arms & legs.

At first, I thought it was just about old age!

But I scrubbed the bed, vaccumed the mattress, etc., just in case it was all down to pests.

Anyway, today there is an article in the DT which highlights that this is a nationwide growing problem, at the moment, and is likley to be down to the stress of coronavirus, etc & lack of sleep, Vitamin C, etc.

Here is a bit of that article:-

"Dr Alia Ahmed, consultant dermatologist at the Frimley Health Foundation Trust, says she has seen an uptick in patients presenting with stress-related skin problems such as eczema, psoriasis, acne, alopecia (hair loss) and urticaria (hives).

“I have also had to increase the potency of treatment for some patients to control their skin condition,” says Dr Ahmed, who also runs a private practice. “My patients – both men and women – are experiencing high levels of stress. The pandemic adds to existing problems like financial worries, poor sleep and diet and lack of motivation to exercise.”

Dr Mayoni Gooneratne, a former NHS surgeon and founder of The Clinic private health and skincare clinics in London, adds: “I have seen more acute conditions like eczema and other types of dermatitis than before. Ageing has become accelerated too.”

Dermatologist Dr Hiba Injibar, founder of the Dermasurge Clinic on Harley Street, says the number of people enquiring about adult acne at her practice has gone up by 30 per cent. She says that, despite coming into contact with fewer pore-blocking pollutants because we're at home, more people have fallen victim to adult acne this year due to falling out of their skincare routines and because stress is a major cause of cystic acne. “There is also the added issue of ‘maskne’ [acne caused by mask-wearing] and acne on the brow caused by visors,” she says.

It’s well known that stress has a major effect on skin, with “psychodermatology” – where psychological techniques are used to treat skin complaints – increasingly popular. Studies have shown that emotional stress slows wound healing and can increase acne severity – and some research suggests antidepressants have the side-effect of improved skin.

The brain’s stress response causes the release of various chemicals and hormones, including the “stress hormone” cortisol, that drive inflammation both in the body and the skin, Dr Ahmed explains.

Our skin becomes less able to defend itself, delaying the healing process and driving allergic responses.

Stress hormones can also alter the production and breakdown of collagen and elastin, causing premature ageing, lines, wrinkles, increased pigmentation and dull skin, and reduce production of hyaluronic acid which results in dehydrated skin.

The longer the pandemic lasts, the more likely that our skin will suffer, says Dr Ahmed. “Long-term or chronic stress results in the body entering a permanent ‘stress-response’ state, which can aggravate existing skin problems through a poor natural immune response, ongoing inflammation and loss of an effective skin barrier.”

Stress can also encourage unhealthy lifestyle habits and poor sleep – one in four of us are struggling to sleep well during the pandemic, according to researchers at Southampton University. It’s a vicious circle: stress hormones correlate with lack of sleep and sleep deprivation activates their release. ”This is one of the reasons why poor sleep is associated with signs of premature aging, lack of hydration, larger pores, textural changes, and changes in blood flow to the skin. In addition, lack of sleep can disrupt the process of skin repair overnight,” says Dr Ahmed.

For Nicola McCamley, 30, lockdown brought back the acne she thought she had beaten years ago. “I stopped running and going to the gym, which was how I managed stress, and was glued to the news on TV. Everything felt so uncertain and frightening. I wasn’t sure how the pandemic would affect my financial stability, and I was worried about my family.”

Soon, she saw changes in her skin. “It started with red and bumpy spots on the side of my face which then spread down my neck and even onto my chest. I was so upset.”

She saw a dermatologist, at the Woodford Medical chain of cosmetic clinics, who ruled out allergies as she was not using any new products and advised it was caused by stress.

How can you tell if your skin is stressed? In terms of acne, a telltale sign that emotions are the cause is when it shows up around the lower face and jaw, says Dr Gooneratne.

Dr Ahmed advises keeping a symptom diary to see if flare ups have correlated with a stressful time in your life.

Treatment requires a holistic approach, she adds. “I treat the mind and skin together, as stress can trigger skin disorders which in turn cause stress, creating a vicious circle.”

For eczema, Dr Ahmed recommends using gentle soap substitutes, emollients and treatment creams that may contain steroids. Acne treatment can include topical or oral antibiotics, topical retinoids, or oral isotretinoin and rosacea treatment that can include topical antibiotics, antiparasitic medications or azelaic acid, oral antibiotics or low dose oral isotretinoin.

“These chronic conditions benefit from treatment that manages the signs and symptoms as well as addressing the psychological impact with interventions such as stress management techniques, relaxation therapies and mindfulness,” she says.

For premature aging, useful skincare ingredients include retinoids, vitamin C and hydroxy acids, says Dr Mayoni. “Plus, when clinics are open, an injectable skin hydrating and plumping cosmetic treatment will help to give your skin a real zing.”

Dr Ahmed says simple lifestyle changes can help too, including drinking 2.5 litres of fluid a day – to keep skin hydrated and reduce anxiety – taking regular exercise, and getting plenty of sleep.

“Try meditation or mindfulness to help combat stress,” she adds. “I often recommend the Headspace App to my patients.

“Create positivity around you. Surround yourself with your favourite scents, music or colours at home to improve your mental health.

“Find an achievable act that makes you happy, incorporate it into your morning routine, and another into the evening. This way you start off the day with mood enhancement and you have the same to look forward to in the evening.”

Anna was prescribed a mild steroid cream, but says things really improved when she completed her house sale. “I started doing yoga with an online teacher and used a meditation app which have both helped me feel less anxious. My skin is much better,” she says.

Nicola’s acne improved after treatment, too, but she also addressed her lifestyle. “My skin problems made me realise I had to tackle my stress, so I started running again, I exercise at home and limit the amount of news I watch - and my skin looks great.”

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08-02-2021, 11:37 AM

Re: Increase in Itching & Scratching?

Ted, Lately l have had exactly the same but l put it down to the Ariel washing powder l have been using which l have now changed to Fairy non bio powder.
I don’t feel stressed in any way but l wondered if because we’ve had to stay in so much that maybe the central heating is drying our skin?
Mine is like hives, mainly on my neck, back, in the crook of my arm, hands and lower legs. It comes and then disappears. It has been worse in bed when l am warm

I rang my doctor as it was starting to drive me mad and he prescribed Cetraben lotion and he told me to ‘slap it on’! I also have to take an antihistamine tablet.
It has relieved it
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08-02-2021, 11:44 AM

Re: Increase in Itching & Scratching?

I haven't had itching or scratching, but I do have an ongoing dryness of skin. I think its lack of enough water (for me, anyway) and being indoors a lot. Mr P had to have antihistamine tablets for a while due to a persistent dry cough (which everyone feared the worse during the first lockdown and avoided him like....well, the plague) and again that was down to being stuck inside with the heating on etc.
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08-02-2021, 11:46 AM

Re: Increase in Itching & Scratching?

Originally Posted by Artangel ->
Ted, Lately l have had exactly the same but l put it down to the Ariel washing powder l have been using which l have now changed to Fairy non bio powder.
I don’t feel stressed in any way but l wondered if because we’ve had to stay in so much that maybe the central heating is drying our skin?
Mine is like hives, mainly on my neck, back, in the crook of my arm, hands and lower legs. It comes and then disappears. It has been worse in bed when l am warm

I rang my doctor as it was starting to drive me mad and he prescribed Cetraben lotion and he told me to ‘slap it on’! I also have to take an antihistamine tablet.
It has relieved it

The same as me, Art!

Symptom wise, just the same!

I, also, tried Cetraban, which does stop the scratching, for a while, but it seems to have little effect on the actual nodules, so to speak.

Been taking Vitamin D tablets (about 4 quid fro Amazon) for a week , or so, and it seems to be improving.

I always have used Non Bio, as my wife used to find the Bio stuff a problem.
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08-02-2021, 11:52 AM

Re: Increase in Itching & Scratching?

Originally Posted by Pixie Knuckles ->
I haven't had itching or scratching, but I do have an ongoing dryness of skin. I think its lack of enough water (for me, anyway) and being indoors a lot. Mr P had to have antihistamine tablets for a while due to a persistent dry cough (which everyone feared the worse during the first lockdown and avoided him like....well, the plague) and again that was down to being stuck inside with the heating on etc.
Yes, PK, I have also noticed that my skin feels like sand paper, recently!

Overall, my symptoms are very much the same as those of Artangel.

Will be interesting to see how many others come in with something similar.
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08-02-2021, 12:15 PM

Re: Increase in Itching & Scratching?

Originally Posted by Tedc ->

The same as me, Art!

Symtom wise, just the same!

I, also, tried Cetraban, which does stop the scratching, for a while, but it seems to have little effect on the actual nodules, so to speak.

Been taking Vitamin D tablets (about 4 quid fro Amazon) for a week , or so, and it seems to be improving.

I always have used Non Bio, as my wife used to find the Bio stuff a problem.
Ted, l was actually going to start a thread on this but thought people might think l had something awful, like Scabies or something worse! So l didn’t!
I was then so pleased (not because you might be suffering!) to read that I was not the only one who is enduring this.

I have been taking Vitamin D tablets for about four years now after my levels went extremely low.
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08-02-2021, 12:18 PM

Re: Increase in Itching & Scratching?

I have suffered on & off from eczema for several years. Itchy skin & little pink spots appear once I've scratched the area. They continue to itch for a while then suddenly stop itching. It can happen all over my body & in some rather embarrassing places too.
I take Loratadine tablets, one 10 mg a day on prescription & they do help, but don't completely stop it. I also use Diprobase eczema cream on the itchy areas, but can't use it everywhere. I buy that & it's expensive, but one tub lasts a long time. The stuff the Doc prescribed was no good at all. I haven't been back to ask him to change it.
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08-02-2021, 12:18 PM

Re: Increase in Itching & Scratching?

I've definitely experienced an increase in itchiness - something I've suffered from for years anyway, but it's worse at the moment. And my psoriasis has got a lot worse too. I've been putting it down to spending so much more time indoors with the heating on and minimal ventilation on extra cold days.
I don't feel particularly stressed, but then stress can so often be internalised, and it's only the outward signs, like skin conditions, headaches and so on, that we may experience without necessarily recognising the cause.
Can't say I was jumping for joy at the sentence early on in the article which read "Ageing has become accelerated too"
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08-02-2021, 02:12 PM

Re: Increase in Itching & Scratching?

I didn't have any itching until I read this thread.

Funny how the mere mention of itching or watching nit/head louse-based TV programmes can start you automatically scratching.
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08-02-2021, 03:02 PM

Re: Increase in Itching & Scratching?

Originally Posted by Judd ->
I didn't have any itching until I read this thread.

Funny how the mere mention of itching or watching nit/head louse-based TV programmes can start you automatically scratching.

We all have to keep up to scratch Judd!


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