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16-02-2021, 04:20 PM

Covid vaccine impact revealed in over-80s blood tests

England's vaccination programme is starting to pay off, with the over-80s age group now the most likely to test positive for coronavirus antibodies, Office for National Statistics testing suggests.

Blood tests reveal more over-80s than any other age group in England are showing signs of some immunity against Covid infection. This comes as Covid deaths have fallen. But overall, deaths are still 40% above the five-year average.

People have antibodies to Covid if they've had an infection in the last few months or if they have been vaccinated.

Previously, younger age groups who were more likely to be exposed to the virus were the most likely to test positive for antibodies.

In England, 41% of over-80s tested positive for antibodies, which the ONS said was "most likely due to the high vaccination rate in this group". Two weeks ago that figure was 26%.

The next most likely to have antibodies against Covid in England were people aged 16-24 years - 26% of this age group had them, due to infection rather than vaccination. This percentage has only increased a small amount in the past fortnight.
Now that's what I call good news

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