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13-01-2012, 11:45 PM

Some people should never have dogs

Bumped into a friend this morning and was asking after her neighbour’s dog as there’s been some problems with him recently due to his owners being clueless and not looking after him properly.

Just a bit of background information..... about 18 months ago the wife bought her husband a German Shepherd puppy because he’d always wanted one! So the puppy got put in the shed in the garden and was never walked or allowed in the house. Then a few months later the husband bought the wife a Yorkshire Terrier puppy because she’d always wanted one, so the little Yorkie was put in shed with the German Shepherd who by then had grown quite a bit. The GS barked constantly through bordom. The dogs owners have 4 children with another on the way so the dogs were becoming a nuisance to them. Anyhow I was very relieved to hear that they gave the little Yorkie away a few months ago.

The GS started escaping from the garden and killed a couple of my friend’s chickens and within the last couple of weeks he escaped into the field behind the garden and got 4 sheep down and thank goodness my friend saw this and she and her husband legged it into the field and grabbed hold of the dog only to be rewarded with a bite! The farmer got to hear of this and paid the dog’s owners a visit. Anyhow the GS got into the sheep field again a few days ago and my friend’s husband got him back.

My friend told me this morning that the dog had gone and I was so relieved thinking that finally he would have the home he deserved, but what she told me is that the dog went to the guy’s father who is a farmer and he took the dog for a long walk and then shot it through the head. I was quite upset to hear that as he deserved better than that as none of it was his fault all they needed to do was give him some attention and actually walk him. They should never ever have had those dogs, makes my blood boil.
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14-01-2012, 12:38 AM

Re: Some people should never have dogs

Even though I'm not a doggy person, I find that story extremely upsetting. Dogs, from what I understand, are very dependent on their owners to offer them love, understanding and attention.

I feel so sorry for the German Shepherd, for it was not his fault and did not deserve to be executed. Whoever shot him should be reported to the RSPCA and the owners prosecuted. I know a farmer has the right to own a shotgun and to take action on his own land, which is right and proper (unfortunately) but it would seem that this farmer led the dog to its own death, and that's not the same thing.
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14-01-2012, 01:00 AM

Re: Some people should never have dogs

Such a sad story. As you say, some people should not be aloud to have pets. They should have took the dog to the RSPCA, to be given the chance of a new home.
I would have thought the farmer, was in the wrong killing the dog, and could be prosecuted. As the dog did not kill his live stock.
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14-01-2012, 01:12 AM

Re: Some people should never have dogs

Yes a very sad story. I think probably because he'd been chasing sheep and catching them it was always going to be a problem living where they do. I guess it was only a matter of time before he did kill some sheep. If only they'd taken him to an animal refuge or found somebody willing to take him on as he was probably young enough to be trained.
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14-01-2012, 01:21 AM

Re: Some people should never have dogs

The poor dog hadn't been taught proper manners. If he'd been trained from an early age he wouldn't have done what he did.

A few years ago we had neighbours who kept a German Shepherd and me, being scared of dogs, was terrified when this dog was outside barking. He was HUGE and the wall separating the gardens was 5ft tall, but this dog must have been 6ft on his hind legs and he would jump up and I'd regularly see his head over the wall.

I was petrified and one night, goodness knows how, but he managed to jump over the wall into my garden. I was more scared for my cats than for me at that moment and the adrenalin kicked in so I went out with a brush (my trusty weapon) and tried to keep the dog at bay. It wasn't actually doing anything except barking, but my cats were terrified. Anyway, the neighhbour's little girl (yes little girl) came into my garden to get the dog out.

It was supposedly going for Police training but shortly after that they got rid of the dog. I think they gave it to another family member.
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14-01-2012, 01:36 AM

Re: Some people should never have dogs

Absolutely Mollie, it wasn't the dog's fault, they just didn't socialise him with other dogs, or train him, he was more or less wild.

I'm trying to visualise you trying to ward off the big GS with a hairbrush They are scary when they bark especially if you don't know them!
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14-01-2012, 08:39 AM

Re: Some people should never have dogs

The sooner humans are treated as they treat their animals the better this world will be for all of Gods creatures.
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14-01-2012, 10:14 AM

Re: Some people should never have dogs

Originally Posted by Antibrown ->
The sooner humans are treated as they treat their animals the better this world will be for all of Gods creatures.
Couldn't agree more!

Reading that, Marian, made me both sad and angry!
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14-01-2012, 10:21 AM

Re: Some people should never have dogs

Aw Marian that is just awful. At times I am ashamed of my species.
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14-01-2012, 12:18 PM

Re: Some people should never have dogs

Originally Posted by Meg ->
Aw Marian that is just awful. At times I am ashamed of my species.
Me too Meg, in fact it's getting to be a case of nearly all the time I am ashamed of my species
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