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Student In Need
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25-01-2012, 03:59 PM

Can you help me?

Hello all, my name is Jade and i am a student currently studying Advertising at university. I'm aware that i am intruding on your sight but i have noticed how you all seem to be very inquisitive and friendly when discussing various topics. I am currently working on a theoretical brief where i am trying to create an advertising campaign to launch a new television channel, aimed specifically at an older audience. The programming would consist of quality shows with a focus on quality drama, documentary and arts. Shows such as Dispatches and Grand Designs would be the sort of thing that would be shown on this channel. A fresh Innovative 'older' channel is what i am trying to portray. As you know the programming of a channel is the main reason why people choose to tune in, however my job is to come up with an identity for this channel.

What i would like to know is what adverts you have seen recently that you enjoyed, and why did you enjoy them?

What are you favourite TV channels or the ones you choose to watch the most, and why?

Any feedback would be much appreciated. Thank you
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25-01-2012, 04:20 PM

Re: Can you help me?

Hi Jade,

We tend to watch BBC1, BBC2, some Dave and some Yesterday. Very very occasionally do we watch ITV.

It is unfortunte that the adverts encroach too much on the commecial channels because we find the breaks in the programmes spoil the run of those programmes. However, it is the adverts that pay for the commercial channels.

The TV licence fee is very expensive but is a necessary evil if we, as a country, are to maintain a free, unbiased BBC.

To my mind there are too many programmes about the first and second world wars. We should choose to remember these events but not progamme them to death.

Documentaries like grand designs are good as are the amusing programmes like QI and Hane I got News for You. Comedy, without the use of swear words would be very pleasant indeed. Why so-called commedians have to swear to make a joke beats me!

I do not like sport!

Best of luck with your project. I hope more of our members will add their likes/dislikes.
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25-01-2012, 04:35 PM

Re: Can you help me?

Hi Jade, I have a feeling of déjà vu..
To save people repeating themselves you may want to see this thread...
Student In Need
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25-01-2012, 04:54 PM

Re: Can you help me?

Thank you very much for your reply, this is very helpful indeed.
As expected most people are not fond of advertising and it seems the older proportion of our society has become more desensitised to the constant bombardments, which is understandable with some much out there.
Also i have found that adverts that are aimed at a slightly older generation are generally patronising and uninspiring in the way that they communicate. This is why i am finding it difficult to interpret how to communicate effectively, as i have not yet found any good examples of advertising aimed at anyone over the age of 49.
From your reply i have gained some insight into possibly how i will approach my advertising for this brief tonally.
So thank you very much, it is much appreciated.
Student In Need
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25-01-2012, 04:57 PM

Re: Can you help me?

Thank you very much. It seems someone has had the same idea as me, i believe they may even be working on the same brief as it is a national competition for students.

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