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02-08-2012, 12:35 AM

Having a kitten and a puppy at the same time

I am hoping to get some advice from you lovely people, because of work commitments we have put off having any pets, hubby and kids love cats and dogs, hubby had dogs as a child.

My family always had cats still do, so although i stress i like dogs, i do prefer cats.

So we have had a family conference and decided to have a kitten and a puppy once the summer holidays are over.

My worry is should we get both together or apart ? we want a small dog, none moulting,so we are looking at a pedigree puppy, not fussed about what type of kitten, my parents have pedigree cats but it really doesn't matter to us.
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02-08-2012, 12:45 AM

Re: Having a kitten and a puppy at the same time

I don't know anything about dogs lass, but I do know about cats.

Not a clue what others would advise, but I'd say get them both on the same day if possible so that they start to inter-act immediately with each other, rather than wait for one to demand supremacy over the other.

That way they'd learn to respect each other and will probably play together as if they're both from the same litter, like two adopted babies from different families. They'll take time to sniff each other out and perhaps be wary at the beginning, but they'll just be babies and I doubt that they'll be hostile to each other if introduced at the same time.

Be aware though that dogs have owners - cats have staff - so the cat will more than likely become boss-cocky around the house.
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02-08-2012, 12:54 AM

Re: Having a kitten and a puppy at the same time

Originally Posted by Mollie ->
I don't know anything about dogs lass, but I do know about cats.

Not a clue what others would advise, but I'd say get them both on the same day if possible so that they start to inter-act immediately with each other, rather than wait for one to demand supremacy over the other.

That way they'd learn to respect each other and will probably play together as if they're both from the same litter, like two adopted babies from different families. They'll take time to sniff each other out and perhaps be wary at the beginning, but they'll just be babies and I doubt that they'll be hostile to each other if introduced at the same time.

Be aware though that dogs have owners - cats have staff - so the cat will more than likely become boss-cocky around the house.
I was thinking on the same lines Mollie, to get both at the same time, but was hoping for some advice, your so right about cats, they do have staff, i told my hubby and kids the cat would rule in my opinion

Its going to be fun, and i am looking forward to our new pending furry family members once the summer holidays are over.
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02-08-2012, 01:00 AM

Re: Having a kitten and a puppy at the same time

It will be fun and, as the cat grows with confidence, the dog will most certainly know who's boss, and that won't be you!

The cat will definitely rule, most especially if it's female, as they reign supreme in the big cat world, and in the domestic cat world as well. Make no mistake about that missus.
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02-08-2012, 01:05 AM

Re: Having a kitten and a puppy at the same time

My cat was an adult when we brought a Sheltie puppy home and they got along just fine from day one. The cat raised her to respect a swipe of the paw when warranted of course. When our Sheltie passed away at age 14 the cat for some time would wander the house calling for her, and sniff at the dog bed and look at me as if to say "where's my dog?"

My parents adopted a kitten when their beagle/hound cross was full grown and that was a good friendship too.
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02-08-2012, 01:20 AM

Re: Having a kitten and a puppy at the same time

Cats and dogs will become friends, but of course it does depend on their nature.

Many, many years ago, we had a full grown cat and next door got a gorgeous young dog. It was like a Husky dog (Samoi?) called Snowy.

Our Sandy didn't like dogs and would chase them if they came near, but he took to Snowy and he would pop into our house when the door was open, and Sandy would nip next door into theirs. They would often be seen lying in the sunshine together fast asleep with paws around each other, and this was a beautiful friendship between cat and dog, and I suspect a little unusual.

There was a miniature Yorkshire terrier next door but one, but our Sandy hated it and was always chasing it off, but not with Snowy. They really did love each other, and they were both males.
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02-08-2012, 01:22 AM

Re: Having a kitten and a puppy at the same time

True, it depends on the individual animal. The cat we have now wouldn't tolerate another cat or dog in the house at all.
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02-08-2012, 09:54 AM

Re: Having a kitten and a puppy at the same time

I wouldn't get pedigree personally I would get from a rescue home as I would far rather support them than the greedy breeders. I have had cats and dogs but never together. Some dogs will always hate cats but maybe if they grow up together it will work OK. I guess you won't really know until you try.
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02-08-2012, 02:11 PM

Re: Having a kitten and a puppy at the same time

I think it will work fine Kitty. I would go ahead and enjoy them both. One thing though, you will need to treat them a bit differently. Dogs need training and I think they need more input than a cat. The other thing is, that barring a few breeds, e.g. poodles, pedigree dogs don't moult any less than non-pedigrees. Good luck and I hope you find yourself with enjoyable companions.
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02-08-2012, 02:46 PM

Re: Having a kitten and a puppy at the same time

I would go for both together as well, and I'm sure it will work out fine for you all, sounds like being great fun...
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