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13-11-2016, 12:34 PM

Re: And Still They Try To Thwart Democracy!!

Originally Posted by Flicker ->
First many of those issues are not constitutional.
The UK does not have a written constitution but the fundamentals, the very back-bone of the "un-written" constitution have been the Common Law, Magna Carta, The Declaration of Right, and the Bill of Rights.

Many many . . . . many people have fought and died to uphold and preserve those freedoms and basic rights.

How then can it be possible for a government, for ANY government, to ever create and pass laws/bills that eradicate that most basic un-written constitution?

Those who have done so, without the will of the people, without offering them a single vote, a referendum, a choice,
have surely illegally steered Britain away from that constitution.

The issue we face is not how to exit the EU within the constitution.

The issue is that no parliament nor the monarchy ever had any right or power to override that constitution in the first place. That basic wrong MUST be made right. Our forced entry into the EU, the signing of the Lisbon Treaty, it's ratification by the Queen were all acts against the established British constitution. Should never have happened. So yes JBR is correct. There very much should be court cases held and those responsible for using governmental power to compromise Britain's constitution should be held to account.

My good fellow here Pumicestone said "what next, drawing and quartering?"

The point is moot, because Tony Blair and the Queen signed the Crime and Disorder Act, 1998, which secretly abolished much of the crime of treason and reduced the penalty to life imprisonment instead of hanging by the neck until dead.
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13-11-2016, 12:36 PM

Re: And Still They Try To Thwart Democracy!!

Originally Posted by Flowerpower ->
You ARE joking right? As soon as the referendum results were announced and we all saw the shock and horror on Dimblebys face when he was forced to announce that the majority had voted LEAVE the Remainers started behaving like spoilt brats.
Many, if not most, of the whingeing remainiacs seem to be young people, presumably with nothing better than to do but to organise marches and demonstrations.

I sometimes wonder what would happen if we all decided that they should have their way. By the time they're our age (or even sooner) they'd be regretting their decision. Too late then!

I wish I had seen Dimplebum's face. I'm afraid I missed that.
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13-11-2016, 12:43 PM

Re: And Still They Try To Thwart Democracy!!

There is a good article here which explains how Britain was illegally taken into the EU and how the British people were duped and lied to.

No parliament EVER, has had the right or power to change the British constitution WITHOUT the consent of the people, i.e. without a referendum. Yet Ted Heath did exactly this when he and parliament signed the European Communities Bill of 1972. This set the entire ball rolling for the entire illegal and fraudulent EU process from that point.

The article concludes:

" the errors made by Heath and Wilson mean that when we want to leave the EU it will be very easy.

Because, officially, we never joined.

An independent British Parliament would simply have to pass one short Act of Parliament and give notice to the EU and we would be out of this accursed club."
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13-11-2016, 12:45 PM

Re: And Still They Try To Thwart Democracy!!

Originally Posted by Twink55 ->
I can only assume they will make it difficult for us because they are afraid of the other countries leaving... when they realize that we made the right choice!
I think that might be crossing their minds already. After all, in spite of all the scare stories that were thrown around ad lib, Britain seems to be doing pretty well already. I expect that when we have finally left, things will be even better.
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13-11-2016, 12:51 PM

Re: And Still They Try To Thwart Democracy!!

Originally Posted by swimfeeders ->

I am now going to upset a few, but so be it.

I am completely against Farage's March and the vitriolic criticism of the Courts in the Media.

We have an independent legal system, it needs to remain so, it keeps the Government, whoever they may be, in check from time to time.
I'm sure I read somewhere that the infamous 'three judges' we heard so much about recently had some personal interests in remaining.

If many MPs are not above putting themselves first, why not judges?
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13-11-2016, 01:02 PM

Re: And Still They Try To Thwart Democracy!!

Originally Posted by JBR ->
I think that might be crossing their minds already. After all, in spite of all the scare stories that were thrown around ad lib, Britain seems to be doing pretty well already. I expect that when we have finally left, things will be even better.

I think that they will stick to no access unless freedom of movement.

That is their best bet.

We are doing well at the moment , we are still in the EU and the £ has slumped, so our exports are cheaper, however costs are going up because imports are dearer.

We will have to wait and see, what will be will be.
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13-11-2016, 01:03 PM

Re: And Still They Try To Thwart Democracy!!

Originally Posted by Realist ->
The UK does not have a written constitution but the fundamentals, the very back-bone of the "un-written" constitution have been the Common Law, Magna Carta, The Declaration of Right, and the Bill of Rights.

Many many . . . . many people have fought and died to uphold and preserve those freedoms and basic rights.

How then can it be possible for a government, for ANY government, to ever create and pass laws/bills that eradicate that most basic un-written constitution?

Those who have done so, without the will of the people, without offering them a single vote, a referendum, a choice,
have surely illegally steered Britain away from that constitution.

The issue we face is not how to exit the EU within the constitution.

The issue is that no parliament nor the monarchy ever had any right or power to override that constitution in the first place. That basic wrong MUST be made right. Our forced entry into the EU, the signing of the Lisbon Treaty, it's ratification by the Queen were all acts against the established British constitution. Should never have happened. So yes JBR is correct. There very much should be court cases held and those responsible for using governmental power to compromise Britain's constitution should be held to account.

My good fellow here Pumicestone said "what next, drawing and quartering?"

The point is moot, because Tony Blair and the Queen signed the Crime and Disorder Act, 1998, which secretly abolished much of the crime of treason and reduced the penalty to life imprisonment instead of hanging by the neck until dead.
Some very good points well made.

If 'democracy' means rule by the people, perhaps we should (like Switzerland) have a system in place of legally binding referenda to be held on all matters of importance.

Yes, we elect a government for five years but, as we all know, whatever they announce in their manifestos tends to be conveniently forgotten about as soon as they're in post.

Signing the various EU treaties since being a member have all been without any reference to the people of this country.
All should have been subject to the agreement of the people in a referendum.
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13-11-2016, 01:08 PM

Re: And Still They Try To Thwart Democracy!!

Originally Posted by swimfeeders ->
I think that they will stick to no access unless freedom of movement.
The rest of the world trades with the EU without being told to accept free access by anyone into their country.

We can do the same.

Why isn't the EU threatening the US, for example, in the same way?
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13-11-2016, 01:27 PM

Re: And Still They Try To Thwart Democracy!!

Originally Posted by JBR ->
The rest of the world trades with the EU without being told to accept free access by anyone into their country.

We can do the same.

Why isn't the EU threatening the US, for example, in the same way?


Yes we can trade without free movement, the difference being that there will be tariffs and tariff schedules.

The problem here bring that many International Companies have set up here in the UK because of lack of Tariffs, they will make a commercial decision as to whether to move production to the EU.

Our biggest exports to the EU are in services, services are not subject to WTO Rules.

The EU could simply refuse to accept access to their services markets and then they would move head offices to within the EU.

That is the thing that would really hurt us financially.
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13-11-2016, 01:48 PM

Re: And Still They Try To Thwart Democracy!!

Originally Posted by swimfeeders ->

Yes we can trade without free movement, the difference being that there will be tariffs and tariff schedules.

The problem here bring that many International Companies have set up here in the UK because of lack of Tariffs, they will make a commercial decision as to whether to move production to the EU.

Our biggest exports to the EU are in services, services are not subject to WTO Rules.

The EU could simply refuse to accept access to their services markets and then they would move head offices to within the EU.

That is the thing that would really hurt us financially.
And then when the EU collapses?

And whether or not, I'd still prefer our independence without EU rules of who we can and cannot admit to our own country, regardless of whether foreign countries want to move their head offices to Europe.
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